Keeping your receipts may make good financial sense, but it can seriously harm your health.
As we reported on back in June of last year in an exposé titled, Consumer Alert: BPA-Free Goods Still Contain Toxin Bisphenol, the petrochemical bisphenol A (BPA), a ubiquitous ingredient in thousands of consumer products and which has been linked to a wide range of serious adverse health effects, has been removed by many ostensibly scrupulous manufacturers in favor of another equally toxic analog in the same chemical class, known as bisphenol S (BPS).
Despite known negative effects of BPA and BPS in plastic, these toxic chemicals are still prevalent in many home products and food items. BPA and BPS exposure is linked with reproductive disorders, lowered cognitive function, behavioral problems in children and increased oxidative stress, among other health disorders. Reducing your exposure to these harmful chemicals is vital to lowering your risk of serious diseases and improving the health of your family
A new study reveals just how profoundly misled we are about Bisphenol A and its analogs: they are at least 100x more toxic than we previously imagined.
Breaking new research indicates that manufacturers throughout the world who were using the toxic hormone-disrupting chemical bisphenol A (BPA), may have simply switched to an equally toxic analogue in the same bisphenol chemical class known as bisphenol S (BPS), to evade regulatory oversight and trick consumers with their misleading "BPA-FREE!" labels....
You know about the dangers of Bisphenol A (BPA), and hopefully Bisphenol S (BPS), but did you know that there are at least 8 toxic bisphenols in our food supply, with 75% of food samples from the US tested showing significant levels of these ubiquitous poisons?
New concern has been raised over the toxicity of dental composites, which have long been promoted as overall safer than mercury-based amalgams, to children’s psychosocial functioning. In fact, new research indicates that bisphenol-A based dental restorations may be more neurotoxic than the mercury ones they were designed to replace, resulting in even greater learning impairment and behavioral issues.
We all want to buy non-toxic consumer products that won’t potentially harm our health and the health of our families. Supply meets demand and now a lot of companies offer non-toxic, green, safe products. As the market for safer, non-toxic products has increased, so as the number of companies making "green" or "safe" claims in an attempt to jump on the bandwagon
Packaged food eaters beware: here's a hint of just a scant few of the items that lurk beneath the label in your packaged food products. And for those who are trying to get your friends and family off of packaged foods and on to a whole foods lifestyle, here's some more ammunition!
Just when you thought it was safe to buy "BPA-free" products, manufacturers flood the marketplace with an alphabet soup of toxic bisphenols.
The Environmental Protection Agency recently removed Bisphenol A from a list of "chemicals of concern" for proposed regulations, once again siding with an increasingly deregulated chemical industry .