Your body has a natural, powerful, built-in system for detoxification that doesn't require trendy juice cleanses or expensive protocols. All you have to do is sweat!
The hazy, smoggy skies over Beijing during these March days are emblematic of the Codex meetings that the National Health Federation (NHF) has been attending for many days here in China.
In today's world, aluminum is omnipresent, building up within our system from everyday products. Now, we are learning that aluminum toxicity can manifest itself in alarming ways.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is believed to be one of the most widespread and disabling neurological conditions in the world, with an estimated 2.3 million people suffering from the condition worldwide. The latest statistics estimate that there are currently 400,000 individuals suffering from MS in the US and a further 100,000 individuals in the UK
It is a primitive bacterial vaccine licensed in 1914. 1 It has not been given to babies in America for 20 years.
Depression is on the rise around the world and, according to one author, the World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that approximately 300 million people worldwide suffer from this debilitating disorder
From military experiments to global geoengineering, the line between natural weather and manufactured climate has never been blurrier.
Having a "hot body" has more benefits than ever before, thanks to new scientific findings on the role that elevated body temperature plays in helping fight infections and ward-off disease
AMERICANS are highly distracted. They won't recall the efficacy of the flu vaccine from year to year. That's why Sanjay Gupta can go on the news and remind us that his 30% estimate (likely an overestimate) of how well the flu vaccine works is not like past years, the good old days in which the vaccine was 60-70% effective, and not bat an eye
The FDA's approval of the new Gardasil vaccine, containing double the aluminum of the previous one, represents a heinous violation of the public interest.
Study finds 55 undeclared chemical elements in COVID-19 vaccine vials, including heavy metals and radioactive materials, raising critical questions about vaccine safety and manufacturer transparency.
Fluoride is not a nutrient of any kind - essential, non-essential or micronutrient. Consumption does not provide any dental benefit, and there is no such thing as a fluoride deficiency
While vaccinations supposedly prevent childhood infectious disease, they do a far better job of causing many health issues increasingly prevalent in our society like autoimmune disease, asthma, allergies and cancer
Big Pharma sells Gardasil based on fear of cervical cancer. But do the benefits outweigh the costs? Inform yourself, find your compass, so that you can be one less woman, wishing she had only known more.
Let’s get two things clear about the vitamin K shot. First, it is not a vaccine. Second, it is not a harmless vitamin.
Following vaccine injections, a new neurological and immune-mediated condition is being observed that appears to result from exposure to their ingredients, including aluminum.
Vaccines have been linked to hundreds of diseases including autism. Now, thanks to emerging science, we can add depression to the laundry list of issues vaccines can contribute to causing.
"From spices to ceramics, the hidden dangers lurking in your kitchen could be poisoning your children. A new study uncovers the shocking role of consumer goods in childhood lead exposure, challenging everything we thought we knew about this persistent health threat."
A new study sheds light on the powerful neuroprotective properties of curcumin, the active ingredient in everyone’s favorite yellow spice. A twice-daily dose of this natural supplement led to a nearly 30% improvement in memory and a boost in mood for adults suffering from mild memory loss
The third digital revolution to unleash the power of anti-censorship
Federal public health agencies continue to ignore scientific advances, made largely by prominent scientists working outside of the U.S., despite the scientists' appeals to agencies to investigate the link and stop telling parents aluminum in vaccines is safe.
Every two years, for the past twenty years, a group of approximately 70 scientists have met at different locations around the world to discuss the effects that aluminum has had on living things.
Could silicon-rich mineral water be the key to removing dangerous aluminum from the body?
Aluminum toxicity, a characteristically manmade problem, is now impossible to avoid, and has become a postmodern human rite of passage. Not only are we being exposed, daily, through environmental pollution in our water, soil and air, but many of our regulatory agencies consider it perfectly safe to intentionally consume or inject the stuff directly into our bodies