For millions of men, the promise of regaining a full head of hair with finasteride seemed like a dream come true. But a growing body of research suggests this supposed miracle cure may be more of a nightmare, with devastating sexual side effects that can persist long after stopping the drug. Disturbingly, many men report they were never warned about the true risks. Now, as more speak out about their life-altering symptoms, troubling questions arise about the safety of this widely prescribed medi
As concerns about accelerated skin aging continue to rise, groundbreaking research has unveiled the power of natural compounds to slow down and even reverse the visible signs of aging.
Research shows 20 natural substances like curcumin and therapies like music improve stroke outcomes by reducing risk factors, protecting brain cells, and aiding regeneration, without the concerning side effects of pharmaceuticals.
Herbs are normally thought of as a culinary addition to transform a boring dish into an amazing meal, but many of them are easy to grow, easy to maintain and bestow a number of health benefits
Now more than ever folks are looking for natural pest control to keep their home gardens fruitful, as well as to eliminate unnecessary chemical exposures. Essential oils may provide a practical, effective and inexpensive solution to the problem
There are a broad range of evidence-based natural alternatives for depression. sources its research from the public domain, namely, the National Library of Medicine's bibliographic database known as Medline
Nature’s bounty has played an integral role in modern drug development so is it any wonder some common kitchen herbs and spices have the potential to play a role in weight loss and the fight against obesity?
Mental health disorders are often treated with harmful drugs with a myriad of dangerous side effects. Studies show that you can look to your kitchen instead of the pharmacy to ease symptoms of depression and anxiety safely and effectively
Metabolic syndrome is on the rise due to fast-food diets and inactivity, but you can fight back by adding more celery to your diet
The ancients knew rosemary as a memory booster among other things, but only now is science catching up with, remembering and confirming their ancient healing wisdom.
Modern cooks know rosemary as the perfect herb to pair with a good roast chicken or lamb. But it also has powerful and ancient medicinal properties. Now we know a compound in rosemary promotes eye health and may even protect against age-related macular degeneration.
You may not realize it, but you probably have one of nature's most powerful substances in your kitchen right now. Say hello to your new best friend, rosemary
Herbs and spices may be Mother Nature’s way of saving us from ourselves
When mental fatigue hits you, choose from the most effective natural remedies.
As the baby-boomers age, blindness from age-related macular degeneration is on the rise. More than 3 million more people will become victims in the next five years. Eating right can lower your risk
Plant products have historically been consumed and utilized for their anti-microbial and health boosting benefits. Many plant materials are being researched for their therapeutic value for our immune health. Here are 36 natural substances which have been studied to support our body's immune system to heal itself!
As our bodies age, our memory and cognitive powers often decline and grow weaker too, but several natural herbs and nutrients have shown great promise for aging memories and Alzheimer's