Health Guide: Probiotics

Health Guides: Probiotic

This section collates research and articles relevant to probiotics and fermented foods. Below you find hundreds of studies, many of which are strain specific, on the potential value of probiotics and cultured foods in the prevention and treatment of a wide range of health conditions (close to 200 diseases and/or disease symptoms).

Key: CK(#) = Cumulative Knowledge, a measure of evidence quality or strength  AC(#) = Article Count, the number of articles that have accumulated on the topic thus far.

Latest Relevant Article

Article Publish Status : This is a free article. Click here to read the complete article.
Pubmed Data : J Exerc Sci Fit. 2024 Oct ;22(4):297-304. Epub 2024 Apr 24. PMID: 38706951
Study Type : Human Study

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