Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cabbages contain many valuable phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals. In fact, in the late 90’s, published studies indicated that there was a link between protection against Breast Cancer and the consumption of cruciferous vegetables
Over a quarter of a century ago a study was performed on the seeds of the Soursop fruit, also known as graviola, which at that time demonstrated such amazing cancer-fighting potential, that those exposed to it within the conventional medical community looked upon it with complete incredulity.
Following closely on the heels of the year's most intensive annual cause-marketing campaign, October's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, two chilling events of grave concern to women and their health were widely reported on in the mainstream media.
Many of the drugs used to treat breast cancer today are probable or known cancer-causing agents. Tamoxifen, for instance, is classified by the World Health Organization as a "human carcinogen," but recent news headlines praised extended use of this drug for "saving lives." It is obvious that the mainstream media has swallowed the tamoxifen-flavored Kool-Aid ... will you?
Investigators at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, studying the link between disease and nutrition, believe that eating just one cup of blueberries every day prevents cell damage linked to cancer
Sayer Ji, founder of and co-author of Cancer Killers, alongside co-author Dr. Charles Majors, who overcame stage 4 blood, brain and bone cancer, hosted a live webinar on Oct. 30 titled "The Problem with Pink," which is now available to view in its entirety.
A groundbreaking NEJM study reveals that you have up to a 26.9 fold increased risk of heart-related death within one week following a cancer diagnosis (regardless of it's accuracy), indicating the power of one's beliefs is immense.
A groundbreaking study published in The Lancet Oncology shows for the first time that many screen-detected invasive breast tumors spontaneously regress when undiagnosed and untreated
A quarter century old practice: X-ray based breast screening, has now been confirmed (twice in 3 years) to cause more harm than good, and by what is perhaps the most respected research institution within "evidence-based medicine": The Cochrane Collaboration
Your Estrogen Quotient or EQ is a great place to start if you are searching for an evidence based way to balance your hormones. Your EQ helps you to understand the dynamics of the 3 major estrogens in your body. Since prolonged exposure to the stronger estrogens may increase the odds of developing Breast Cancer, understanding your EQ is definitely a proactive step