By designing and selling addictive, low quality and disease-promoting products, Big Food has achieved the unthinkable: to create a dedicated army of health-compromised, addicted fans, whose cognitive, biochemical and even genetic potential to break free of their addiction is hijacked before birth
From the paleolithic diet to the raw food diet, many health-conscious Americans want to eat the way our ancient ancestors ate because it's more "natural." But some of these back-to-our-roots dietary prescriptions make little sense for modern humans according to one expert.
Petroleum forms the basis of one of the most devastating adjuvants in existence. Historically, it was considered too dangerous for use in vaccines, but it's making a comeback in this new age of recombinant DNA vaccine development. Of course, the public relations mantra is that it's safe - so why is it kept quiet?
Doppler velocimetry is either useless or dangerous. If a woman is having growth retarded fetuses, eliminate smoking and recreational drugs and alcohol, eat a balanced, adequate diet before and during pregnancy, walk three miles per day, and eliminate extreme stress. That’s the only proven way to prevent unexplained stillbirth or prevent or treat IUGR. No one profits from it but the mother and the fetus.
Whether it's regular or decaf, drinking more coffee appears to lower a man's risk of developing a deadly form of prostate cancer according to Harvard researchers.
The CDC has produced junk science that demonstrates absolutely nothing, but claims it shows no connection between autism and the vaccine schedule. It’s now spinning it as if it proves that there’s no link between the modern day nightmare of autism and the vaccines that they push for Big Pharma. Here’s the evidence.
Junk Science
Are you really good at controlling your diet all day long but can't stop eating from dinner to bedtime? It may not be a question of willpower but poor planning. According to one study, eating a really high protein breakfast can head off those evenings munchies
While some of us jump for joy with the arrival of spring, others greet it with dread. The warmer weather brings torture for many allergy and asthma sufferers. But there's good news: simple diet changes can help relieve allergy and asthma symptoms.
Two studies published in the past six months reveal a disturbing finding: glyphosate-based herbicide formulations such as Roundup® suppress the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and lead to the overgrowth of harmful ones.
What is 'generic cancer'? Is there such a thing as generic cancer? How common is it? What causes it? What is the best treatment? Can it be cured?
Marketed by some as completely harmless relative to regular tobacco smoking, electronic cigarettes have taken on global popularity. But new research from PLoS One indicates these devices generate aerosols that contain higher levels of toxic metal nanoparticles than conventional tobacco smoke.
Trans fat isn't crooked—and that's the problem. Though it's chemically identical to natural fats, it doesn't bend. Here's a clear and simple explanation of why, what it means, and why trans fats are so dangerous
We are in a desperate time and many people are oblivious to it. Rats that eat GMO food have been shown to grow deadly tumors. Our water is often tainted with plastic leaching BPA, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and other toxins. Barium salts, and aluminum have been documented as aerosols sprayed into the atmosphere for mysterious reasons which range from communication enhancements, to weather control, and, what is termed 'culling conspiracies.'
Vaccinating pregnant women "halves the risk of pertussis in infants' first four months" ~ A critique by Dr Suzanne Humphries
In this first report from the Keele Conference on the biological effects of aluminum, we learn that the weakest among us, premature newborns and sickly elderly, are being poisoned with aluminum through their nutrition. The FDA’s aluminum limits are routinely ignored, while this problem, known for 30 years, continues unabated.
A review of hospital flu vaccine policies in late 2012 and legal exemption rights reveals some disturbing trends with implications for all employees in the U.S. Find out what's happened so far and what's coming!
Whether you suffer with a chronic illness, psychiatric disorder or psychological condition, the first thing to check is your belly. That's because “All diseases begin in the gut,” according to the GAPS Diet creator Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, M.D.
A new study indicates that wheat consumption may contribute to a rare but serious liver disease in children.
The benefits of grape seed extract in cancer are well documented, but modern medicine won't do anything with it until the mechanism of action has been found, so that it can be isolated, purified, made poisonous and owned by a single company for enormous profits
How many times have you heard a meal of red meat, butter, eggs or other saturated fat-laden foods called "artery clogging" or "a recipe for a heart attack?" What if we have it all wrong and those fatty meals are actually protecting our hearts in the event of an attack?
When you’re trying to eat a healthy diet, the simplest rule is to stick to whole, unprocessed foods. If it has a label, be cautious. If the label makes health claims, run the other way.
Most milk substitutes such as soy milk, almond milk, hemp milk, etc. are thought to be good alternatives to whole milk, especially for lactose intolerant people. These 'milks' come in different flavors, and their packaging gives us the distinct impression that drinking alternative milks promises to create lasting health. Milk alternatives even taste divine. However, some of them contain carrageenan, used as a US food additive since the late 1930's.
Never before in the history of tracking red tide in Florida have so many manatees died as a result of exposure. Despite this concerning fact, 'experts' are towing the party line that there are no human harms associated with long-term exposure. Are they serious?
This article describes formulations pertaining to 40 important medicinal herbs and tress applied by the indigenous Korku tribal herbal healers of Betul district in Central India (Madhya Pradesh) for addressing a wide range of human health ailments.
State legislators can pass any law they want to, whether it's Constitutional or not. In recent years, states have been passing laws that allow children to consent to vaccines, despite this being blatantly unconstitutional. We must take steps to reverse this severe erosion or our fundamental rights.
Consider the simple pimple, sunburn or mosquito bite. Minor events such as these produce inflammation. So do larger events like a sprained or broken ankle. Experts now believe chronic inflammation in the body may be linked to various forms of cancer as well as other major diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and heart conditions.
Government and industry health authorities often talk about this 'therapeutic' chemical as being more important than good nutrition in preventing cavities, but ingesting it can lead to serious health problems
Globally, great fear has been generated by the CDC Director's recent description of a "Nightmare Bacteria" resistant to all medications, capable of kill 1 in every 2 people whose blood becomes infected with it. But isn't the primary problem that the drugs aren't working, and that natural medical solutions are needed now more than ever?
As we reported on back in June of last year in an exposé titled, Consumer Alert: BPA-Free Goods Still Contain Toxin Bisphenol, the petrochemical bisphenol A (BPA), a ubiquitous ingredient in thousands of consumer products and which has been linked to a wide range of serious adverse health effects, has been removed by many ostensibly scrupulous manufacturers in favor of another equally toxic analog in the same chemical class, known as bisphenol S (BPS).
Will aspartame in our milk be the new attractive 'diet' drink? The latest debate with letting you know what is in the food consumed is designed to make milk the new attractive 'diet' drink, along with many milk products.
Perchlorate is an environmental pollutant primarily associated with releases by defense contractors, military operations and aerospace programs, as it is a key ingredient in rocket fuel. It is now found contaminating conventional and organically grown food, alike.
Most of you have probably heard about Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), however, did you know that it has been used for many hundreds, if not thousands of years. In fact, Hippocrates (the father of medicine) used AVC back in around 400 B.C. for its health giving qualities.
We keep hearing about different types of cholesterol. It's all nonsense. There’s only one cholesterol molecule, so there’s only one type of cholesterol. What started this nonsense of types of cholesterol?
Chicken pox vax gives little protection, kills & maims many, and treatment may kill children who’d have lived through the disease. So more children probably die now from vaccines & chicken pox than died of chicken pox before modern medicine. Worse, the vaccine may be triggering a new epidemic of shingles.
Whereas many within the mainstream medical community insist on promoting the belief that the link between certain types of food with an increased risk of cancer is "weak" or only "nominally significant," the scientific evidence continues to accumulate indicating sugar feeds cancer.
Since the early 1980’s the USDA Dietary Guidelines have urged Americans to eat a low-fat high-carbohydrate diet for their health and weight control. Since then, there has been an alarming increase in obesity, cancer and diabetes. Could the dietary guidelines be to blame?
The FDA has taken a freely-available herbal product, sap of the dragon’s blood tree, defined it as the drug Fulyzac, & handed it to Big Pharma. Nature’s gift is being polluted. What you get after Big Pharma and & the FDA get their hands on it has lost much of its value and often been rendered into a poison, the very nature of a drug.
There are several herbal and folk remedies available for curing acne or pimple. This article deals with 11 important herbs and formulations based on tribal's traditional herbal practices.
Young children are most susceptible to the toxins in pesticides which increase their risk of ADHD. Protect them by buying organic foods.
A new study clearly documents that the standard treatment for type 2 diabetes is a killer, resulting in more than double the deaths. The treatment justification has always been based on irrelevant criteria - just as it is with most pharmaceutical treatments.
In the Age of Toxicity one of the most common deficiencies and most life-threatening is magnesium. The good news is that it is easy to remedy...
When you know you're in for a stressful day, snacking on a few walnuts may be just the thing to help you handle the pressure
Several years ago I spoke with a food scientist at one of the major organic cereal companies. He told me what I already suspected - boxed breakfast cereals, even if "healthier" are just dead foods. He said that they are cooked, baked and fried - to death - until there is no nutritional value.
The fact is that refined white salt, such as commercial table salt is bad, very bad stuff. Unrefined natural salt on the other hand is good, very good stuff providing many health benefits.
The pro-vaccine mantra proclaims that we need a vaccine in order to protect our children from the scourge of the measles. Why is there so much fear?
Whole-body x-ray backscatter scanners – which flood the body with x-rays in an effort to detect explosives and other weapons – have been deployed at U.S. airports since 2007. Although originally announced as a screening tool for a limited number of passengers, the government's goal now is to use them for all U.S. airline passengers. Many passengers do not realize that they may “opt out” of the scans and "participate" in a full-body pat-down instead.
Valentine's Day, the holiday traditionally associated with love, is most notably celebrated with chocolate. For the true chocoholic, just thinking about chocolate can evoke pleasure, though the body's physical response is likely due to one or more of the cacao bean's more than 380 known chemicals
Using Merck's Gardasil vaccine as a case in point, an investigation documents Big Pharma's near-total control of governmental health agency decisions and the utter lack of concern by the decision makers. However, some scientists are speaking out, and here’s what they have to say.
Whether you're an elite athlete or struggling with a flight of stairs, beet juice can make a difference
The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), based in Rome, Italy, is an international organization jointly created by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations.
A new study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute has found that more frequent mammography results in dramatically increased rates of false positives and unnecessary biopsies.
A completely useless, frankly stupid, study shows that Vitamin D 'fails' to lower cholesterol – but the idea that it would lower cholesterol never made sense in the first place, which the researchers should have known.
Fukushima is a worldwide disaster, one that will affect the health of people for decades and likely for generations to come. A fish with massive radiation was found near the plant. What were we told? We were assured that it showed no signs of deformity, but it’s health was clearly devastated.
Mass hysteria has broken out among the provaccine with ideations of banning a new children's book that teaches children that they don’t have to fear childhood illnesses.