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All articles by Orthomolecular News Service

The perception of plant-based foods as superior is largely shaped by corporate marketing rather than balanced evidence.
The integration of IV nutritional strategies into cancer management aims to mitigate the side effects of conventional treatments, enhance immune function, and potentially direct anti-cancer effects
The pharmaceutical industry, and many doctors, appear to be making great efforts to get as many people as possible vaccinated against shingles, but a safe and natural alternative exists
"Vaccines are driving many diseases of Westerners from autoimmunity and autism to allergy and arthritis. Why so? What is the history of this volte face?"
All life on Earth owes its existence to energy from the Sun
From colds to Covid, ascorbate has long been marginalized
Niacin is not going anywhere. It is required for life itself and higher doses are clearly safe and long-since proven to prevent cardiovascular disease just for starters
The AHA recently released a news report highlighting a poster presentation that suggested an association between an 8-hour time-restricted eating schedule and heart disease
Conventional medicine offered no solutions for his debilitating Raynaud's syndrome, high blood pressure, and cardiac arrhythmia. But when he embarked on a micronutrient-based journey to heal his heart, he uncovered a fountain of unexpected health benefits.
Toxins Cause Cardiomyopathy
Calcium, iron, copper, and are essential for health, especially inside the cells. Nevertheless, once a relatively low daily intake of these nutrients is exceeded only minimally
BPH appears to be an inevitable consequence of ageing, affecting half of men by age 50 and up to 80% of men by age 80, but saw palmetto may help
There is a widely held belief amongst patients that doctors should be solely working for the patient's personal good health. This is a myth.
The remarkable clinical versatility of Nigella sativa
More than 460 million people, almost 6% of the world's population, are suffering from type 2 diabetes. Vitamin D may be able to help
The high-dose protocol of Robert F. Cathcart III, MD
There exists a heated controversy as to whether COVID-19 vaccines and associated boosters are truly "safe and effective"
So why are hospitals being prohibited from using it?
Osteoporosis, like most other disease, is caused by many factors including deficiencies of essential nutrients such as vitamin D. But are prescription drugs really the answer?
The National Post stated that there was no cure for polio. They stated this as a fact again the next day. A study of history would dispel this myth
The scientific literature indicates that myocarditis is occurring quite frequently in patients harboring the chronic presence of the COVID-related spike protein
And a brief review of the growing body of knowledge of vitamin D
The 38th annual report from the American Association of Poison Control Centers shows zero deaths from vitamins
Just outside the local primary school here in north London, somebody has sprayed these words on a phone or cable junction box, highly visible to the mums and tots: COVID 1984
Over 80 years of lab research and clinical studies have shown beyond doubt that vitamin C is effective in the treatment of many viral infections
High doses of vitamin C are well-documented as being effective against viral infections, so why don't you hear about it more often?
The government of Shanghai, China has announced its official recommendation that COVID-19 should be treated with high amounts of intravenous vitamin C
We can all agree that 50 tons of vitamin C pretty much qualifies as a megadose. We can also likely agree that trucking 50 tons of vitamin C, straight into Wuhan, should be big news. So why isn't it?
There is only one existing treatment for the new coronavirus: vitamin C
First of all, the naysayers are too late. Vitamin C is already being used to prevent and treat COVID-19 in China and in Korea. And it is working
Anyone saying that vitamin therapy can stop coronavirus is already being labeled as "promoting false information" and promulgating "fake news" even when suggests otherwise
Physicians have demonstrated the powerful antiviral action of vitamin C for decades and now it shows promise in fighting Coronoavirus
Over 50 scientific references say this important issue shall not be censored any longer
Nutritional Supplement Safety Again Confirmed by America's Largest Database
Study finds that hamsters who ate primarily corn-based diets exhibited siblicide and maternal infanticide.
Both the scientific evidence for and the awareness of vitamin D's importance for optimal health are mounting. Originally, researchers considered vitamin D important only for preventing rickets and other bone diseases. Now, however, they recognize that vitamin D affects more than just the skeleton
Keep your children free of pharmaceuticals with a high-dose nutrient and vitamin protocol.
Ever venture into natural healing or alternative medicine on Wikipedia and find the answers become totally skewed in favor of corporate medicine?
Is the healing power of Vitamin C too good to be true? Can this inexpensive and convenient vitamin improve and heal the toughest of ailments?
There are few subjects on which opinions are as divided as nutrition. Nearly everyone agrees: an excellent diet with lots of fruits and vegetables is healthy and will prevent many diseases. Such a diet is chock full of essential nutrients and antioxidants. Then, how come condemnation of supplemental antioxidants gets so much press coverage worldwide?
Irving Stone was an early thinker and writer about vitamin C (its scientific name is ascorbic acid). He knew it would be an uphill battle to change the way the medical profession viewed vitamin C. While most doctors accept that scurvy is a vitamin C deficiency illness, few have made the rather humongous jump to seeing high dose intravenous vitamin C as a major player in the management of cancer
The new annual report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers shows zero deaths from multiple vitamins; zero deaths from vitamin A, niacin, vitamin B-6, vitamin D, or vitamin E.
There is an invisible war being waged, right under your nose, on your plate and at the end of your fork. Genetic modification has dramatically transformed not only our food, our biosphere, but also our bodies.
There is a global tendency to popularize pharmaceutical industry pseudoscience that harms patients and prevents health. Far from being critical, the media are easily taken in by corporate medicine. Two recent examples give food for thought.
The biggest vitamin D story in 2011 was the report on dietary reference intakes for calcium and vitamin D from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) [1]. This report was prepared during a two-year process by 14 nutrition experts, with funding from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the National Institutes of Health and Health Canada. The committee reviewed the evidence for beneficial and harmful effects of vitamin D, relying solely on randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of its liking for benefi
Evidence-based medicine requires evidence before medicating. Fluoridation of water is not evidence-based. It has not been tested in well-controlled studies. Fluoridation of public water is a default medication, since you have to deliberately avoid it if you do not want to take it.
The National Library of Medicine publishes plenty of research on the value of pizza in human health, but will not let this serious, nutritionally-based journal to be indexed...
About 170 years ago our ancestors forced the repeal of licensing laws which had created a monopoly over the practice of medicine for orthodox physicians. Ordinary people, farmers, artisans, tradesmen and others got together and forced politicians to act on their behalf. They were tired of bloodletting, and harsh medications like mercury compounds that ruined their teeth and weakened their bodies.
The German word for "quicksilver" was "quecksilber". American dentists shortened it to "quack" to describe the amalgam-hucksters. Quick-silver Associates write "It is sobering to realize that the original "quacks" were dentists who advocated the use of mercury amalgam."

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