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All articles by Heidi Stevenson

Written by Heidi Stevenson
In a new push forward to the dark ages, modern medicine is again claiming to fix mental problems with surgery. There’s little difference between newer surgeries and lobotomies. Both destroy brain tissue. It is, in fact, the goal. Who but a doctor would use the term therapy for brain destruction?
Written by Heidi Stevenson
The management of Monsanto's Roundup demonstrates that there is truly no limit to the depths that our own governments will go when they're in bed with international corporations.
Written by Heidi Stevenson
There is no evidence that Gardasil or Cervarix can prevent cancer better than a decent screening program. There is strong evidence that they can produce severe and life-threatening harm. This report by 4 scientists documents how science has been corrupted & misused to promote these life-devastating vaccines.
Written by Heidi Stevenson
Agribusiness is polluting and destroying the food on which we depend . Irradiation destroys nutrients and creates poisons. Despite claims, it’s largely hidden from us. It exists for the benefit of Agribiz, not for our health.
Written by Heidi Stevenson
If you can push the most dangerous vaccines in use today on teen and pre-teen girls, and later on boys of the same age, without any proof that they work, then why not give them to newborn infants—plus another 'booster' later on?
Written by Heidi Stevenson
Recent decades have brought enormous increases in breast cancer. Could aluminum, a known human toxin that's the basis for antiperspirants, be the culprit?
Written by Heidi Stevenson
Alzheimer’s is largely a disease of the modern world & a big part of the problem is the atrocious advice given by doctors. Their decades-long battle to keep us out of the sun is one of the epidemic’s causes.
Written by Heidi Stevenson
Agribusiness is in a mad rush to take over the earth, and seems willing to stop at nothing. Coming soon is cabbage with scorpion poison engineered in every cell. Of course, they claim it’s safe and will result in less pesticide use, but history and logic say otherwise. Who will wake from the insane mating between Agribiz and GMOs?
Written by Heidi Stevenson
Yet another study, this one consisting of every birth in The Netherlands over two years, demonstrates that home births are safer than hospital births. Women are more than twice as likely to end up in intensive care if they give birth in a hospital! Nonetheless, birth has been medicalized, resulting in enormous harm to both mothers and babies.
Written by Heidi Stevenson
We keep hearing that modern medicine is evidence based. So why did the AMA create the new disease of obesity by popular vote? The evidence does not show that being overweight is harmful. It does, in fact, show the opposite, that being overweight raises the age of death. But that didn't stop the AMA.
Written by Heidi Stevenson
Certainly, it's best to get your Vitamin D from the sun. It’s the most natural approach. However, there are other ways if needed. Here's a guide to those sources, and how to convert IUs to milligrams
Written by Heidi Stevenson
Aside from demonstrating that statins provide no benefit to most people, this study also demonstrates that the so-called gold standard, randomized double blinded placebo controlled, study is a farce. Add to that, though, the fact that statins have severe and deadly adverse effects, it's apparent that these drugs are doing great harm while providing no benefit.
Written by Heidi Stevenson
A new NIH study proclaiming that Ginkgo biloba causes cancer is so absurd you must wonder if they produced it with a straight face. More important, though, is why—and the reason is truly frightening. It’s part of a system determined to steal all natural health methods and hand them to Big Pharma & Big Medicine for profits.
Written by Heidi Stevenson
The misuse of antibiotics is not only causing new, never-before known diseases like E. coli and MRSA, the flesh-eating bacteria, it's also destroying the gut biome with devastating effects on our ability to deal with infections and destroying our ability to absorb nutrients from food.
Written by Heidi Stevenson
Since good soil takes effort and money to maintain, Agribusiness hasn't bothered. As a result, basics required for all life, including phosphorus, are now supplied by mining instead of soil. It's resulted in inferior food, but the situation is even worse. Phosphorus reserves are running low, leaving us to face starvation.
Written by Heidi Stevenson
A study claiming that fish oil provides no benefit in heart disease is being hyped as the final word on the issue. But is it? No, it is not. In fact, the study is absurdly blatant pseudo science, with two errors so glaring it's hard to believe they were made. Why do the researchers do it? Why do they care so little about the truth and your health?
Written by Heidi Stevenson
The evidence continues to mount. That vaccines are doing a great deal of harm is well beyond denying. Worse, though, the evidence that vaccines have had little or no effect on infectious diseases is clear, as documented in graphs. The precautionary principle, which is enshrined in a UN directive, should have been implemented before vaccines were ever routinely injected
Written by Heidi Stevenson
Years ago, Gaia Health informed that bee dieoffs are a direct result of pesticide nerve agents called neonicotinoids. The term, Colony Collapse Disorder, is fraudulent, designed to direct attention from the known cause. Agribusiness, the poison manufacturers making death-producing pesticides, is the other face of Big Pharma.
Written by Heidi Stevenson
When food and gardening are treated as if they're nothing more than commodities, especially when control is placed in the hands of those whose sole interest is profits, then the people under such rule are living in total tyranny. That's exactly what the EU is in the process of doing: handing the most basic of food rights, access to seeds, over to Agribusiness.
Written by Heidi Stevenson
Glyphosate has likely caused more damage to human health than any other chemical ever produced. Indeed, it is probably a cause of the explosion in chronic diseases. Surely civilization cannot be maintained when the average person is irrevocably ill. This trajectory of human misery must come to an end.
Written by Heidi Stevenson
Organic food isn’t cheap, and the real thing never will be. The concept of mass-produced organics is fraudulent. It runs counter to both the ethos & reality. They cannot be produced by Agribusiness-style farmers who keep producing the same crop year-on-year. As long as food is treated as a commodity, then we have degraded the basic substance of our bodies and minds
Written by Heidi Stevenson
Petroleum forms the basis of one of the most devastating adjuvants in existence. Historically, it was considered too dangerous for use in vaccines, but it's making a comeback in this new age of recombinant DNA vaccine development. Of course, the public relations mantra is that it's safe - so why is it kept quiet?
Written by Heidi Stevenson
The CDC has produced junk science that demonstrates absolutely nothing, but claims it shows no connection between autism and the vaccine schedule. It’s now spinning it as if it proves that there’s no link between the modern day nightmare of autism and the vaccines that they push for Big Pharma. Here’s the evidence. Junk Science
Written by Heidi Stevenson
Trans fat isn't crooked—and that's the problem. Though it's chemically identical to natural fats, it doesn't bend. Here's a clear and simple explanation of why, what it means, and why trans fats are so dangerous
Written by Heidi Stevenson
In this first report from the Keele Conference on the biological effects of aluminum, we learn that the weakest among us, premature newborns and sickly elderly, are being poisoned with aluminum through their nutrition. The FDA’s aluminum limits are routinely ignored, while this problem, known for 30 years, continues unabated.
Written by Heidi Stevenson
The benefits of grape seed extract in cancer are well documented, but modern medicine won't do anything with it until the mechanism of action has been found, so that it can be isolated, purified, made poisonous and owned by a single company for enormous profits
Written by Heidi Stevenson
We keep hearing about different types of cholesterol. It's all nonsense. There’s only one cholesterol molecule, so there’s only one type of cholesterol. What started this nonsense of types of cholesterol?
Written by Heidi Stevenson
Chicken pox vax gives little protection, kills & maims many, and treatment may kill children who’d have lived through the disease. So more children probably die now from vaccines & chicken pox than died of chicken pox before modern medicine. Worse, the vaccine may be triggering a new epidemic of shingles.
Written by Heidi Stevenson
The FDA has taken a freely-available herbal product, sap of the dragon’s blood tree, defined it as the drug Fulyzac, & handed it to Big Pharma. Nature’s gift is being polluted. What you get after Big Pharma and & the FDA get their hands on it has lost much of its value and often been rendered into a poison, the very nature of a drug.
Written by Heidi Stevenson
A new study clearly documents that the standard treatment for type 2 diabetes is a killer, resulting in more than double the deaths. The treatment justification has always been based on irrelevant criteria - just as it is with most pharmaceutical treatments.
Written by Heidi Stevenson
Using Merck's Gardasil vaccine as a case in point, an investigation documents Big Pharma's near-total control of governmental health agency decisions and the utter lack of concern by the decision makers. However, some scientists are speaking out, and here’s what they have to say.
Written by Heidi Stevenson
A completely useless, frankly stupid, study shows that Vitamin D 'fails' to lower cholesterol – but the idea that it would lower cholesterol never made sense in the first place, which the researchers should have known.
Written by Heidi Stevenson
Fukushima is a worldwide disaster, one that will affect the health of people for decades and likely for generations to come. A fish with massive radiation was found near the plant. What were we told? We were assured that it showed no signs of deformity, but it’s health was clearly devastated.
Written by Heidi Stevenson
Lavender has long been a favorite plant for use in essential oils and for its lovely scent in sachets. Those are useful and pleasant effects, but hidden inside this unassuming and easy-to-grow plant are abilities that modern medicine can't provide. Among other benefits, lavender can counteract drug resistant staph infections (MRSA) and fungal infections.
Written by Heidi Stevenson
Not only is ginger a culinary marvel, its health benefits are stunning. It has been shown to be more effective against staph infections than antibiotics - and without the adverse effects
Written by Heidi Stevenson
The Australian government, in the form of its science research arm, is joining Agribusiness profiteering by designing a GM wheat that could kill people who eat it & be inherited by their children.
Written by Heidi Stevenson
The GMO mass experiment on the public is producing results—terrifying ones. GM toxic elements can be found in nearly all pregnant women and children. (Update of the article featured in Genetic Roulette movie
Written by Heidi Stevenson
In the march to vaccinate everyone everywhere for everything, reason and logic are thrown out and insanity prevails. The polio vaccine causes mutant polio, so authorities place the blame in the unvaccinated.
Written by Heidi Stevenson
A shocking report shows that one in ten American teens are now suffering from liver disease—a direct result of the distortion and pollution of our food system that allows fructose to be treated as if it’s perfectly safe.
Written by Heidi Stevenson
The science is definitive: The Hepatitis B vaccine is not only associated with liver disease, it causes it. The specific harm done is known, clearly documented. Low doses of the hepatitis B vaccine with aluminum adjuvant results in loss of mitochondrial integrity, cell death, and apoptosis, particularly in liver cells.

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