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Despite its name, the Cornell Alliance for Science is no alliance - it's a front to push the nefarious agenda of its founder and main funder, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Governments are deciding that small farms are not biosecure against infectious diseases. Despite plentiful evidence that small farms are in fact more safe and more biosecure they are enacting rules and regulations that are near impossible for smal farms with animals outdoors to meet, either cost-effectively or at all. The result is destroying rural and traditional ways of life
Grand claims are often made for GMO Bt cotton in India. Proponents point to increases in national cotton production, while Dr. Ramesh Chand of the Indian Government think tank Niti Aayog recently told BloombergQuint "there is no credible study to show any adverse impact of growing Bt cotton in the last 18 years in the country…"

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