Bayer is facing a cascade of new Roundup cases and a possible rash of shareholder lawsuits by its own investors alleging that Bayer failed to disclose its true liabilities
The failure of the mass effort to ban glyphosate from the market requires a rethink of campaigning against single chemical
5G leads to a massive increase of mandatory exposure to wireless radiation
What many people may not realize is that the current drive for vaccine mandates and removal of exemption rights is a global agenda. Coordinated by numerous international health agencies, it's happening all over the world.
Why are the opinions of billionaires with no medical experience or credentials being sought by the mainstream media?
NVIC's 2019 Annual Report on U.S. State Vaccine Legislation
Did you know that a healthy gut has been linked to a healthier life and you can choose natural foods or supplements to help you?
You may have a low level of magnesium in your diet that is preventing you from reaping important health benefits
Contrary to conventional wisdom, brain regeneration is possible. One promising therapy that promotes neurogenesis and is effective in pre-clinical studies of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s is near infrared light therapy, and it may improve other mental illnesses and neurodegenerative disorders including dementia, stroke, ALS, and traumatic brain injury as well
Elsevier's "withdrawal" of a small veterinary study breaks all the rules of scientific publishing. The biggest name in scientific literature has produced fake medical journals for Merck's advertisers before, so yanking a study that doesn't pass the vaccine industry's sniff test would be nothing. Celeste McGovern looks at a case study of how Pharma is killing science
Novel research reveals that blocking exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) produces significant symptom changes in 90% of patients with autoimmune disease. No longer can it be ignored that manmade electromagnetic radiation poses innumerable risks to human health
The ordeal and triumph of a family struck by GSK’s narcolepsy-inducing Pandemrix
Did you know that magnesium has the power to both relieve your pain and help you reduce inflammation throughout your body?
California SB276, a bill that seeks to limit religious vaccine exemptions, is being supported 3 to 5 'in concept' despite the very real concerns of over 1000 parents and medical professionals
Many times there are extremely positive preliminary results with a natural product improving very serious health condition and there are no follow up studies. In 2005, a clinical trial indicated that a common dietary supplement can produce meaningful improvements in multiple sclerosis. Since this initial study there has been considerable additional studies that also demonstrate dietary supplementation with this compound is capable of making a positive clinical impact
For American kids born in 1986, only 12.8% had chronic diseases. That number has grown to 54% among the vaccine generation (those born after 1986) in lockstep with the expanding schedule
A 2020 study points to apples' ability to mediate significant gut microbial metabolic activity. All it takes: two apples a day
In case you're looking for an excuse to satisfy your sweet tooth with strawberries, they're among the healthiest fruits for your heart, brain and body
Simple and enjoyable physical activities, like bicycling, dancing and tai chi, can lead to significant improvements in physical and mental symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
Wearing wireless earbuds may be convenient but it could be increasing your risk of neurological disorders as they send a magnetic field through your brain to communicate