With a sour, cranberry-like flavor and powerful bioactive compounds known to help people shed pounds and feel less hungry, hibiscus -- also known as Roselle -- is a natural anti-obesity compound that should be on everyone’s radar
Choosing foods that are good for you doesn’t have to be a chore. These five foods are as tasty as they are beneficial for improving your cardiometabolic health
Your bones support your entire body. Isn’t it time to find natural alternatives to strengthen them?
Who would guess a little black seed could fight metabolic disease risk factors and help you prevent heart disease?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) appears to show up most frequently in those at risk of developing metabolic syndrome and diabetes.
Juice fasts, formerly relegated to groups on the fringes of society, are now embraced by mainstream culture. Once only a ritual rite of passage for those embedded in natural medicine circles, juice fasts have now become ubiquitous, marketed by health gurus, infomercials, and integrative medical doctors alike.
Hibiscus, in the form of a delicious tea and as an ancient medicinal therapy extracted from various parts of the plant, is a powerful booster for your health
Find out the surprising variety of ways vitamin C is healthy for you
In a groundbreaking study that could reshape cardiovascular disease prevention, researchers have found that millions of Americans currently taking statins may not actually need them
Poor air quality from industrial activities and the recent wildfires is a looming health risk for us all. Here are evidence-based strategies for removing toxic compounds from your body and mitigating the health risks of air pollution.
What if the key to managing one of the most pervasive health challenges of our time was hiding in plain sight - right in your kitchen spice rack?
Did you know that apple peels contain ursolic acid -- a powerhouse in protecting your health?
Research highlights the potential weight loss benefit of green coffee, which describes coffee beans spared from the process of roasting that gives them their usual brown color. Besides being a cost-friendly, accessible tool for weight management, green coffee extract offers a host of benefits from maintaining your natural skin glow to controlling metabolic syndrome
Could a tart cherry juice from the produce aisle safely rival costly sleep aids that have the potential for life-threatening side effects? This new placebo-controlled trial suggests the affirmative.
Did you know that black pepper, with its potent compound called piperine, can positively affect your health?
Metabolic syndrome is on the rise due to fast-food diets and inactivity, but you can fight back by adding more celery to your diet
Consuming honey, nature’s sweet gift freely given through the work and movement of honeybees, gets sweeter in light of its wide-ranging health benefits
Having fueled distant stars before nurturing primordial life, molecular hydrogen turns over a new leaf as a leading-edge therapeutic modality
Cryotherapy has both physical and mental benefits, from relieving chemotherapy side effects, cancers, arthritis and pain to improving your metabolic markers, muscles, skin, mood and sleep
Looking for a coffee alternative that packs the same energetic punch? Try yerba mate tea for a healthy way to boost your day
Your body converts the amino acid citrulline to arginine, which plays a key role in nitric oxide (NO) synthesis. This compound, found in high concentrations in watermelon, is useful for blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, metabolic health and more
Prepare to have your understanding of biology turned upside down as we explore the mind-bending phenomena of biological transmutation and the untapped potential of mitochondria.
A centuries-old Chinese and Indian herbal medicine ingredient could beat Big Pharma at its own game when it comes to managing pre-diabetes