Some legal analysts and health writers initially wondered if the FDA's proposed guidelines would mean that homeopathic medicines may become "illegal"
For those interested in health, "Plague" is a book about a bold and courageous scientist search for the truth about human retroviruses, ME/CFS, autism and other diseases.
Many Gulf War veterans have suffered from multiple symptoms and illnesses for the past 30 years. Isn’t it time to really look at what natural medicine can do to help?
Ouch, that workout makes you wonder if you'll be going back to the gym any time soon. Relieve those sore muscles, pain, stiffness and reduce your inflammation with these easy and safe treatments
For thousands of years, people all over the world have believed in the healing powers of mud and natural hot springs
Cryotherapy has both physical and mental benefits, from relieving chemotherapy side effects, cancers, arthritis and pain to improving your metabolic markers, muscles, skin, mood and sleep
In a world grappling with an opioid crisis, why is a major news outlet dismissing a safe, effective pain management technique used for millennia?
In a world burdened by stress, anxiety, and chronic disease, what if the key to unlocking better health and happiness was as simple as a hearty laugh? As it turns out, the old adage "laughter is the best medicine" may hold more truth than we ever imagined. Prepare to have your funny bone tickled and your mind blown as we embark on a journey through the fascinating world of gelotology - the study of laughter - and uncover 30 research-backed reasons why laughter truly is medicine for...
Nature has safe nontoxic answers to the crisis of over-reliance and addiction to pain medications with their known harmful effects
It appears that food, air, water, power, pets, your physiology and physical whereabouts, are targets for control. Think about it. We have already unknowingly eaten GM food, been victims of toxic environmental disasters, unleashed depleted uranium upon the earth, yet we sit on the sidelines watching total control unfold.
John Stuart Reid and Annaliese Reid illustrate how sound is fast regaining its place as a powerful healing modality. Having first been used by the ancients, sound therapy has undergone a period of re-discovery and is now poised to reveal the intricacies of healing both at the cellular and psychological levels
Massage is one of the best ways to pamper yourself, but did you know that a massage can be extremely toxic? Unless you know what questions to ask, your massage could include a significant dose of crude oil distillates and hormone-mimicking chemicals that are on the world watch-list of carcinogens, but are somehow still allowed into your personal care products
Has Australia's Medical Research Council been caught producing highly problematic research to discredit homeopathy?
While millions practice yoga daily because they claim to experience tangible health benefits from it, skeptic holdouts claim only scientific evidence can separate out the placebo effect from reality. So, what does the Science say?
Fibromyalgia, a condition characterized by chronic, body-wide pain, can be remedied with very simple dietary changes, and natural supportive remedies that have been clinically proven to have value.
All life on Earth owes its existence to energy from the Sun
In a world where popping pills and going under the knife have become the default solutions for health woes, a quiet revolution has been taking place in the offices of chiropractors nationwide. Armed with a holistic philosophy and an arsenal of over 100 clinically validated reasons to embrace chiropractic care, these spinal health warriors are changing the way we think about wellness, one adjustment at a time. Join us as we explore the fascinating history, surprising benefits, and research-backed
Along with the incredibly fast increase in our use of wireless technologies, the number of people who claim getting health symptoms from exposure to wifi, cell phones or other sources of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) is on the rise
Your body converts 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) into the neurotransmitter serotonin, known for its mood support. But 5-HTP, which is produced from tryptophan, may benefit not only your mood but also your sleep, appetite and more
Do you melt when you look into your dog’s eyes? Does your cat have you wrapped around her little fuzzy paws? You’re not alone! New science unlocks the mysteries of human-animal bonding and how our animal companions manipulate us into loving them—for our good and theirs.