Billions are spent annually and still there is no conventional cure for diabetes. Or is there a cheap, safe and freely available solution already growing beneath our feet?
9.3% of Americans and 6.5% of Canadians suffer from type 2 diabetes. There is a lot of agreement about the medical treatment. But does the treatment work? At least 5 crucial studies have found that it doesn’t
Could long sought-after support for type 1 diabetes be as close as your kitchen cupboard? An accumulating body of scientific research appears to point in exactly that direction
Attention chocolate lovers. Here’s another good reason to indulge your chocolate addiction every day WITHOUT the guilt.
While pomegranate enjoys high standing as far as its culinary status, too few folks realize how many evidence-based health benefits of this 'super food' have already been identified.
Bees don't need us like we need them. If they disappear, our entire modern agricultural system would cease to produce the food we need to survive. But beyond their role in pollination and producing honey, they produce other remarkable gifts as well...
Argan Oil, is a mosturizer so pure you can drink it. And there is a considerable body of research indicating at least 10 reasons why it should be considered a medicinal food.
A growing body of concerning research indicates that conventional medicine's standard of care for type 2 diabetes, including synthetic insulin and oral anti-diabetic drugs, may actually increase morbidity and mortality. On the other hand, recently validated traditional approaches relying on plant-based medicines may greatly mitigate the global diabetes epidemic.
Many diabetics already know about the benefits of a low-glycemic diet and the need for regular exercise, but too few have heard about turmeric, one of the world's most extensively researched anti-diabetic plants.
A promising study published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition reveals that the popular kitchen spice ginger may be an effective treatment for the prevention of diabetes and its complications
Is "healthy trans fat" an oxymoron? Maybe not. There may be an exception to the no trans fats rule
A groundbreaking new study finds synthetic (GMO) insulin is capable of rapidly producing type 1 diabetes in type 2 diabetics.
Of all the illnesses in industrial society, diabetes takes the greatest toll. Over 100,000 people die from complications of diabetes each year. Another million lose quality of life due to metabolic syndrome. Diabetes adds $135 billion to the annual cost of healthcare in the U.S.1 Yet diabetes remains avoidable, treatable, and reversible.
This enchanting spice, found in Egyptian tombs and on Greek tables, alike, has been the subject of renewed scientific interest in the past few decades. It was recently tested to be superior to a popular antidiabetic drug in an experimental model of diabetes.
A groundbreaking new study reveals that non-caloric artificial sweeteners (NAS) drive obesity- and diabetes-related changes in both mice and humans.
What if the long sought after "cure" for diabetes was as safe, affordable, and accessible as a spice sitting in your kitchen cupboard?
A new study links wheat and gluten consumption to weight gain and type 1 diabetes, confirming an already extensive body of research already establishing this connection.
The excessive consumption of white rice can contribute to overweight, obesity and blood sugar disorders. Exciting research indicates adding coconut oil while cooking it can dramatically and positively alter its nutritional structure and function.
With the prevalence of type 2 diabetes expanding rapidly on a global scale, safe, natural, affordable and effective solutions are needed more than ever
All berries are good sources of antioxidants but black raspberries take top prize. Don't get them confused with plain old blackberries
The treatment and in some cases complete reversal of diabetes can be accomplished entirely without drugs.
Ginger has been studied to have value in over 150 health conditions with type 2 diabetes top of the list. With anti-diabetic drugs linked to increased cardiovascular mortality, natural alternatives are needed now more than ever
An amazing new study finds this ancient healing spice might have life-saving properties in diabetes.