The health freedom community mourns the loss of Dr. Sheila Lewis Ealey, a tireless champion for children's health and medical freedom whose passion and dedication touched countless lives.
The CDC says there is no treatment for autism, but a 2014 study found that this vegetable extract significantly improved the condition.
As of 2013, Big Pharma has had plans for the development of 271 new vaccines covering an array of diseases. Into Whose Bodies Will They be Injected?
Autism awareness month is almost here, and so many of us in the autism community are tired of stories about lighting the world up in blue and celebrating autism as if parents should be happy about a diagnosis. Why won't the media report the truth?
People often balk at the concept that a gluten-free diet may improve the condition of autistic children. For so many who have tried it, the proof is not in academic publications but in the (gluten free) pudding. Nothing is more compelling than seeing improvement with your own eyes, not even a randomized, double-blinded clinical trial.
The pharmaceutical industry is now the most distrusted and poorly regarded industry in the U.S. A mere 27% have a “totally positive” view of the drug industry, while 58% have a “totally negative” view
Vaccines currently recommended during pregnancy include the flu shot and the pertussis vaccine (Tdap). What is the link between prenatal vaccines and autism? This is the question that we will explore.
Massage feels great and now research shows it can impact your health in many ways. From depression and insomnia to preterm birth and autism, massage offers important health gains that can benefit people from young to old
A 15-year-old autistic boy had one tissue sample with levels of aluminum 22 times higher than those found in healthy individuals. Researchers suggest that childhood vaccines are a potential source of the toxic metal
Tylenol, a trademarked form of the chemical known as acetaminophen or paracetamol, is one of the most commonly used painkillers in the United States today, yet is also one of the most dangerous. For instance, nearly 500 die and 30,000 are hospitalized each year in the US as a result of its well established, yet seldomly discussed side effects.
By the time the measles vaccine was patented in 1963 in the US, the mortality rate from measles was about 1 in 500,000. This is less than your risk of death from falling off furniture
As schools weigh COVID vaccine mandates for children as young as 5 years old, former Pfizer exec warns injections "are toxic by design" and it seems obvious "criminal acts are being committed."
AMERICANS are highly distracted. They won't recall the efficacy of the flu vaccine from year to year. That's why Sanjay Gupta can go on the news and remind us that his 30% estimate (likely an overestimate) of how well the flu vaccine works is not like past years, the good old days in which the vaccine was 60-70% effective, and not bat an eye
The sun has been a resource for Planet Earth since the beginning of time, and biological organisms evolved with a constant supply of energy they could count on every day with the rising sun
Depression is on the rise around the world and, according to one author, the World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that approximately 300 million people worldwide suffer from this debilitating disorder
Two new studies by international teams, including Egyptian scientists, have validated the link between autism and mercury.
For many years, parents have believed that multiple vaccinations have caused their children to become autistic. Governments from around the world, however, have categorically denied this possibility. They continue to bury their heads in the sand and ignore what is happening. They refuse to carry out relevant studies and will not answer any questions that may uncover the truth about vaccines.
For half a century, the medical establishment, including the pharmaceutical industry, has had near zero tolerance towards criticism against its unequivocal failures and medical catastrophes
The evidence against vaccine safety and effectiveness is massive. Here is a 300+ page research download of National Library of Medicine abstracts showing there are over 200 adverse effects of the vaccines in the CDC schedule, including death.
The Japanese are regarded as some of the healthiest, longest living people on Earth. Is it a coincidence they also happen to be cautious regarding vaccines?
GreenMed Info exclusive excerpt from the upcoming book, How to End the Autism Epidemic.
The CDC, the mainstream media and scientific journals are participating in what may be the most heinous and far-reaching medical cover up of our time.
By now, we are well aware of the gut-brain connection. Can supplementing with probiotics reduce the risk for brain disorders in children, including ADHD and autism spectrum disorders?
Wearing wireless earbuds may be convenient but it could be increasing your risk of neurological disorders as they send a magnetic field through your brain to communicate