Results for Vitamin B12

'Low Dose' Vitamin B12 Supplementation Improves Muscle Function in Elderly, Study Finds

A recent study published in Aging Medicine has provided valuable insights into the role of vitamin B12 in maintaining muscle function among the elderly, with a particular focus on effective dosage.1 This research, conducted by Sowmya Sharma and colleagues, combines an extensive literature review with a pilot intervention study, offering practical guidance for vitamin B12 supplementation in older adults.

5 Rules for Eating Away Your Depression

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The path to wellness is through food

If you are one of the estimated 15 million Americans suffering from depression, you may be surprised to learn that the path to wellness and vitality is through food.

7 Natural Ways to Ease Canker Sores

7 Natural Ways to Cure Canker Sores

Evidence-based natural alternatives to drugs for canker sores abound! 

Canker sores (aphthous mouth ulcers) afflict approximately 20% of the population and are cause for great annoyance. Always painful and sometimes an eye sore, they are the most common type of mouth ulcer, with women being more affected than men for unknown reasons.

8 Natural Remedies for Eczema

As the negative impacts and harmful side effects of conventional treatments of eczema with steroids and calcineurin inhibitors are realized, why not turn to the many natural options for highly effective and safe support for eczema?

A Natural Approach to Overcoming Depression

A Natural Approach to Overcoming Depression

The last two decades have witnessed a huge increase in depression diagnoses. At present, one in ten Americans takes antidepressant medication and many of these individuals are taking multiple pills to treat more than one psychiatric illness. Few people will even raise an eyebrow anymore upon hearing about a friend or family member being diagnosed with depression.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM): Wikipedia vs the Science

In Wikipedia, Complementary and Alternative Medicine does not have a page. Instead, readers are directed to the entry for Alternative Medicine, which consists largely of negative propaganda. Wikipedia claims, "Complementary medicine (CM), complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), integrated medicine or integrative medicine (IM), and holistic medicine are among many rebrandings of the same phenomenon. Alternative therapies share in common that they reside outside medical science, and rely on pseudoscience. … Frequently used derogatory terms for the alternative are new-age or pseudo, with little distinction from quackery." According to Wikipedia, CAM is not a practice, not a science, simply part of a "phenomenon". Science? Or Bullspit?

How To Go Beyond Heartburn Medication

How To Go Beyond Heartburn Medication

Americans are using more and more medications. As a physician who prescribes these medications, I am greatly relieved to finally have alternatives to offer my patients.

This past week (May 2014), the Centers for Disease Control published the results of a study showing that the proportion of Americans on at least one prescription medication has increased from 39% to 48% in the last 15 years. A quarter of all children are also using prescription medication. And each patient is on an increasing number of medications. The total number of prescriptions in the United States increased by 39% between 1990 and 2009, while the population only grew by 9%.

New Research Offers “Glimmer of Hope” for Slowing ALS Through Vitamin Shots

Could a simple, safe vitamin supplement be the long sought after ALS mitigating treatment the drug companies have long dreamed of but have failed to deliver? 

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a devastating neurodegenerative disorder targeting motor neurons, leading to rapid loss of muscle control and function. Few pharmaceutical treatments for ALS have proven effective so far.1

Pressure Applied on the US Codex Office Regarding GMO-Contaminated Infant Formula

Science Shows Herbs Can Significantly Enhance Bioavailability of Nutrients

Science Shows Herbs Can Significantly Enhance Bioavailability of Nutrients

Just because you consume a particular food or drink, doesn't mean all the nutrients make their way into the body, to the locations where they end up being used or stored. Sometimes they just pass right out of your gastrointestinal tract without being absorbed and other times they are broken-down immediately by the liver and excreted by the kidneys.

Nutrients have to make it through a variety of obstacles, starting from the moment they enter your mouth to the moment they are used or stored. The bioavailability of a particular nutrient refers to the ability of the nutrient to pass through some or all of these obstacles, so that they are absorbed into your body and become available for use or storage [1].

The Three Pillars of Radiant Health

The Three Pillars of Radiant Health

Originally published on Fearless Parent, like us on Facebook

Toxic Chemicals Disguised as "Nutrients": The Dirty Secrets of the Multivitamin Industry

Many people take a daily multivitamin believing it will improve their health, but few realize some common brands contain potentially toxic ingredients that are actually industrial waste products in disguise. Are these supplements filling a nutritional gap or increasing your toxic burden?

Vaccines Cause Chronic Immune System Dysregulation

While vaccinations supposedly prevent childhood infectious disease, they do a far better job of causing many health issues increasingly prevalent in our society like autoimmune disease, asthma, allergies and cancer.

Vitamin B12 is Key for Optimal Tissue Regeneration

Originally published on


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