Results for Antioxidant

2 Skin Aging Reversal Remedies Proven Clinically

Too many of us believe that our rate of aging is predetermined and inevitable. Yet, the truth is that our exact biological age is determined not by our genes, but more by what we eat, our level of stress, the degree to which we exercise, and many other lifestyle modifiable factors completely under our control. Why else, for instance, would smokers observe their biological age visibly reverse 13 years after only 9 months of smoking cessation?

6 Proven Reasons to Eat the OTHER Black Berry

6 Proven Reasons To Eat The OTHER Black Berry

Chances are you can find fresh blackberries pretty easily in your local market. But black raspberries (Rubus occidentalis) are a different story. And they are worth seeking out

All berries are good sources of antioxidants but black raspberries take top prize. According to Oregan State University Department of Food Science and Technology they contain almost three times the antioxidants of blackberries and more than six times the antioxidants of red raspberries.

They are also extremely high in anthocyanins, the antioxidant compounds that give purple foods their rich, unique color. And they are rich in ellagic acid, a powerful anti-cancer, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial compound.

The Buzz of Bee Pollen

The Buzz of Bee Pollen
Originally published on

When you visit a smoothie shop, juice bar, or similar healthy venues, you typically have a range of options to add to your drink to enhance the health benefits. A common one with centuries of traditional use as a health-boosting product is bee pollen

Is there evidence to back up this use? The short answer is yes; however, there are some specifics one should know first.

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