Results for zinc

20 Remedies to Kick PMS Naturally

20 Remedies to Kick PMS Naturally

4 Essential Pearls for Drug Free Child Wellness

Non-Intervention Child Wellness

This article was originally published here.

A mother's hand is the finest-gauged instrument available when it comes to assessing the presence of a fever in her child. When I felt my daughter's head this morning, I knew her body was in a state of inner turmoil, and my mind leapt to my pantry of herbs, homeopathy, and nutrients.

Are Natural Treatments for Common Warts Better Than Conventional Treatments?

Are Natural Treatments for Common Warts Better Than Conventional Treatments?

Warts are benign growths caused by a virus called the human papilloma virus (HPF). Children and teenagers are more susceptible than adults to being infected with the virus that causes common warts.

Conventional treatments include topical treatments of salicylic acid and painful procedures such as freezing with liquid nitrogen, electrocautery, surgical removal, laser therapy and duct tape occlusion. Often these treatments are ineffective and can cause scarring because these treatments are designed to damage the lesion and not to kill the virus.

Can Wild Oregano Oil Provide Relief From Engineered Diseases?

Can Wild Oregano Oil Provide Relief From Engineered Diseases?

Today we are faced with a plethora of "unusual" emerging illnesses sometimes causing practitioners to scratch their heads, bewildered. For example, the illness now termed "winter vomiting disease," has been seen globally. How about digestive disorders on the rise? Are bacteria or yeasts proliferating unchecked, creating havoc with our inner worlds? Its very possible, though the precise cause not clear yet.

Clone of Measles and Measles Vaccines: 14 Things To Consider

There are facts regarding the history of measles that almost never reach the light of day. Here are 14 things you may not have been told by public health officials, your doctor, or the media.

Article Originally Published Here

Getting to the Root of Hair Loss

Getting to the Root of Hair Loss

Is there anything you can do to stop hair loss? Several simple hair-sparing strategies have proven effective, including correcting common vitamin deficiencies and avoiding toxic insults that can spoil your luxurious locks

If You Do Nothing Else to Get Healthy, Do These Three Things

If You Do Nothing Else to Get Healthy, Do These Three Things

Everyone needs a foundation, no matter what they are struggling with, and there are three steps to creating a healthier life recommended for everyone.

I often get asked this question: If I had to give a few pieces of advice to people to live a more healthy life, what would they be?

This is actually a hard question, because as a functional medicine doctor I believe in personalized medicine. What you need depends on where you are starting out, and there are no cookie-cutter solutions.

Measles and Measles Vaccines: 14 Things To Consider

Measles and Measles Vaccines: 14 Things To Consider
Originally published on

There are facts regarding the history of measles that almost never reach the light of day. Here are 14 things you may not have been told by public health officials, your doctor, or the media

Science Shows Herbs Can Significantly Enhance Bioavailability of Nutrients

Science Shows Herbs Can Significantly Enhance Bioavailability of Nutrients

Just because you consume a particular food or drink, doesn't mean all the nutrients make their way into the body, to the locations where they end up being used or stored. Sometimes they just pass right out of your gastrointestinal tract without being absorbed and other times they are broken-down immediately by the liver and excreted by the kidneys.

Nutrients have to make it through a variety of obstacles, starting from the moment they enter your mouth to the moment they are used or stored. The bioavailability of a particular nutrient refers to the ability of the nutrient to pass through some or all of these obstacles, so that they are absorbed into your body and become available for use or storage [1].

Sesame Oil May Heal Liver Damage

Sesame Oil May Heal Liver Damage

Sesame seeds are one of the most powerful healing foods on the planet.  For thousands of years they have been used by traditional peoples for food and medicine. Chinese medicine suggests this ancient food may help relieve the epidemic of liver damage from modern drugs. 

Hepatotoxicity is liver damage caused by chemicals.  It's a significant problem related to pharmaceutical use since the liver's job is to clear chemicals from the body.  That makes the liver particularly susceptible to injury from drug use. 

Soy Supplements Don’t Help With Hot Flashes or Bone Loss

Soy Supplements Don’t Help With Hot Flashes or Bone Loss

Is soy a menopausal superfood?  Some call it a lifesaver, claiming it protects against bone loss, and reduces hot flashes.

But when it comes to supplements, research finds that soy isoflavone tablets do not appear to be associated with a reduction in bone loss or menopausal symptoms in women within the first five years of menopause.

According to a Florida study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, the beginning stages of menopause are often accompanied by rapid bone loss, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and sleep disturbances, among other symptoms.

The Natural Benefits of Ginger

The Natural Benefits of Ginger


It is that time of year where having ginger around is extremely helpful! It warms the body, flushes toxins out of our system, boosts our immune system, instantly energizes us and can ease our nerves. We all appreciate it – and earth naturally provides it!

The Proof is in the Panic: We Need a New Strategy against Viral Infections

The Proof is in the Panic: We Need a New Strategy against Viral Infections

The Ultimate Paleo Diet Plan to Transform Your Health

The Ultimate Paleo Diet Plan to Transform Your Health

Article Originally Published Here

You've probably heard about the paleo diet, the lifestyle switch that's taken America by storm. Paleo has fast begun the most popular diet to have ever held sway over our love handles. People all over the world are having massive success following a fairly simple switch in diet and many consider paleo to be more than just a diet, it's become a lifestyle choice.

The paleo lifestyle is aligned with how our hunter-gatherer ancestors ate and lived for thousands of years. It is the only nutritional system which works with our genetics to enable us to stay lean and energized.

Victory In Bali: Codex Agrees to Raise the Daily Value for Vitamin C

Victory In Bali: Codex Agrees to Raise the Daily Value for Vitamin C

Published On

Angelika Tritscher, the World Health Organization representative to Codex Alimentarius meetings, aptly posed a question to the Codex delegates assembled at a Food Contaminants meeting in Moscow in 2013, "How can we keep Codex relevant?" In posing this question, Dr. Tritscher quickly cut to the heart of the potential downfall of Codex. My response to Dr. Tritscher's question was, "If Codex wants to remain relevant to consumers, then it must create food standards that are truly healthy and make sense."

This website is for information purposes only. By providing the information contained herein we are not diagnosing, treating, curing, mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition. Before beginning any type of natural, integrative or conventional treatment regimen, it is advisable to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.

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