Results for Stress

"Green Exercise" Boosts Workout Results

"Green Exercise" Boosts Workout Results

Exercising in the great outdoors causes an increase in self-esteem, a better mood, and reduction of blood pressure and anxiety. However, you can still get the benefits of an open air workout when you're stuck inside

You already know that getting to the gym or doing some physical activity can bring a long list of health benefits. It's linked to better moods, less stress and anxiety, improved self-esteem, better sleep, and just feeling better overall. 

13 Healthy Reasons to Eat More Walnuts

13 Healthy Reasons to Eat More Walnuts

Walnuts benefit your heart, brain, bones and more. Here's why you need to eat more of them

Researchers from the University of California Davis say the U.S. government is wrong when it comes to demonizing high fat foods. In fact, one study shows eating high fat whole walnuts or walnut oil can slow prostate cancer growth.

The researchers wanted to know what it is about walnuts that give them the prostate cancer powers observed in earlier studies

4 Steps to Heal Leaky Gut and Autoimmune Disease

4 Steps to Heal Leaky Gut and Autoimmune Disease

Originally published on

Leaky gut syndrome is a rapidly growing condition that millions of people are struggling with and don't even know it.  From the sound of it, you might think leaky gut only affects the digestive system, but in reality it can lead to many other health conditions.

A Dozen Uses of Probiotics That Will Surprise You

A Dozen Uses Of Probiotics That Will Surprise You

Everybody now knows that probiotics are good for you. But here are twelve recently discovered benefits of probiotics that might really surprise you!

1. Happiness

Ashwagandha: Stress, Strength, Smarts and Sex

Ashwagandha: Stress, Strength, Smarts and Sex

This adaptogenic, Ayurvedic herb has been used for thousands of years to rejuvenate and strengthen the body

Breast Cancer and Leptin – How to Become More Proactive in Prevention

Breast Cancer and Leptin – How to Become More Proactive in Prevention

Are you simply lucky if you don't get breast cancer? After all, 1 in 8 women will get it. While there is a lot we do not know about breast cancer, there is a lot we DO know about it. Irradiating our breasts with x-ray mammography each and every year is a failed screening method. This does nothing to prevent breast cancer.  In fact, it adds to the harmful exposure of sensitive breast tissue to ionizing radiation.

EFT: Western Psychology Taps Eastern Healing

EFT: Western Psychology Taps Eastern Healing

EFT: Western Psychology Taps Eastern Healing

The power of EFT as a healing tool comes from its rich blend of modern psychological principles and ancient Chinese wisdom. EFT takes modern psychological principles and lights them on fire with the mind-body connection. When your body's energy meridians are harnessed for emotional healing, you have a powerful tool that's hard to beat!

How Stress, Magnesium and Disease Are Linked

Stress, Magnesium and Disease

In the Age of Toxicity one of the most common deficiencies and most life-threatening is magnesium. The good news is that it is easy to remedy...

 Stress, Magnesium & Disease

If You Do Nothing Else to Get Healthy, Do These Three Things

If You Do Nothing Else to Get Healthy, Do These Three Things

Everyone needs a foundation, no matter what they are struggling with, and there are three steps to creating a healthier life recommended for everyone.

I often get asked this question: If I had to give a few pieces of advice to people to live a more healthy life, what would they be?

This is actually a hard question, because as a functional medicine doctor I believe in personalized medicine. What you need depends on where you are starting out, and there are no cookie-cutter solutions.

Medical Marijuana


Medical Marijuana


No one from the federal government of the United States should read this book for it exposes this government as a terrible terrorist organization that ensures the unnecessary suffering of its own people because of its obscene marijuana laws. It is one of many huge wrongs in contemporary civilization. Millions of lives have been destroyed and uncountable millions suffer and even die because of the dangerous pharmaceuticals that are thrust upon the public in place of cannabis. This is a great wrong that needs to be made right and it can only be accomplished through full legalization.

Reduce Breast Cancer Stress through EFT

Reduce Breast Cancer Stress through EFT

The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or "Tapping" is an excellent way to combat stress and help heal breast cancer naturally.         

Skip the Rx, Just Breathe: How Meditation Beats Medication

Meditate Before You Have To Medicate

With side effect warnings so long they require magnifying glasses to read, could drugs be replaced by something much simpler and safer? Science shows just minutes of meditation may be all you need to skip the pharmacy and feel better fast.

Seldom will you find a pharmacy dispensing recommendations on meditation, although it is regular part of my counseling practice. I firmly believe that if we as a society become more mindful, we will not only reduce stress and chaos in our lives, we will make a tremendous impact on our health, reducing the need for medications.

Stress is a Killer, But Here is What You can do...

Can Stress Literally Kill You?

Stress can cause a heart attack among other diseases and ailments. Find out practical, drug-free ways to manage and eliminate stress

For years, I have educated my patients on the two things that cause all disease: poor nutrition and chemicals. Your typical M.D. does not comprehend this fact. But over time I came to realize physical inactivity, sleep quality, and mental disorders may be equally as important.

Stress, Cancer and Sexuality

Stress, Cancer and Sexuality

Anything that compromises your immune system
dramatically reduces your chances for long term survival

Test Rethinking Health Matters

Test Rethinking Health Matters

Life Laser Therapy for Smoking Cessation and Weight Loss

In 2005, the future began tapping Cathy Horgan on the shoulder and nudging her in the direction of a career change. Fortunately, the co-owner of Life Laser Therapy in Fort Myers didn't have to totally reinvent herself for a new vocation. Her previous employment with a local ophthalmologist had gifted her with the opportunity to learn about an Argone ion laser and a Nd:Yag laser, sometimes used in cataract surgery. She and her husband now had only to rise to the challenge of becoming entrepreneurial business owners after purchasing a laser therapy franchise for smoking cessation, weight loss and stress management.

The Other Problem with Vaccines; Mass Distraction!

The Other Problem with Vaccines; Mass Distraction!

The Other Problem with Vaccines

Every fall we are urged to get flu shots and wash our hands, that's it. One would think we would receive more comprehensive information than these constant reminders?  Aside from questions over flu shot effectiveness, the glaring omission of proven preventive measures is a black mark on our health department, healthcare system and medical reportage.

Top 6 Ways to Heal Thyroid Disease

Discover protocols that could lead you into thyroid disease remission

Virgin Coconut Oil More Effective than Drugs in Combating Stress and Depression

Virgin Coconut Oil More Effective than Drugs in Combating Stress and Depression

Article Originally Published Here

Is it time for a new paradigm in mental health?  Are non-drugs, like virgin coconut oil, a safter and more effective alternative to stress and depression?

A new study conducted in Malaysia looked at the effects of consuming high-antioxidant virgin coconut oil on mental health.

World of Stress

This website is for information purposes only. By providing the information contained herein we are not diagnosing, treating, curing, mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition. Before beginning any type of natural, integrative or conventional treatment regimen, it is advisable to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.

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