Results for oxidative stress

Cleanse, Flush, Sweat, Mobilize, Chelate, Detox...and Heal

Cleanse, Flush, Sweat, Mobilize, Chelate, Detox...and Heal

Coffee, Tea, Turmeric and Beyond: Zero-In on Essential Polyphenols

Coffee, Tea, Turmeric and Beyond: Zero-In on Essential Polyphenols by Capt. Randall

Articles appear daily touting the benefits of blueberries, chocolate, red wine, olives, grape seeds/skin and thousands of other herbs, oils, extracts, spices and ferments. These are usually accompanied by strange words like quercetin, anthocyanins, flavonoids and tongue twisters like epigallocatechin that fly over the head of average people just trying to improve their health. Few look any further, much less review the actual chemistry involved.

Drinking American Ginseng Tea May Rapidly Protect Your DNA, Study Finds

A single cup of American ginseng tea may be enough to shield your DNA from oxidative damage in as little as two hours, according to a new pilot study.1 This intriguing finding highlights the powerful genoprotective potential of this time-honored herbal beverage.

Forbidden Healing: That Thing About Oxygen...

Forbidden Healing: That Thing About Oxygen...

Gestational Diabetes: Please Don’t Drink the “Glucola” Without Reading the Label

Gestational Diabetes: Please Don't Drink the

Is Gestational Diabetes Really an Issue?

In the past decade, obesity has become rampant in our country. With it the rates of diabetes in the general population, and gestational diabetes (GDM) – which is an excessive increase in glucose intolerance in pregnancy (some increase in glucose intolerance is actually normal and allows more sugar to get to the baby for growth) – have risen dramatically. Current estimates are that 5%-7% of pregnant women in the U.S. develop GDM.

Grey Hair Can Regain Its Color - if You Relieve Stress

There's now definitive proof that hair greying is reversible, albeit rare, in humans. What's more, stressful life events play a primary role in triggering your hair to turn grey, while relaxation -- like a two-week vacation -- may help give your roots back their original color

Grey hair is one of the earliest and most obvious signs of aging. By the time most people reach their 30s, hair begins to go grey, becoming progressively greyer with time. It's generally assumed that once a hair goes grey, there's no going back, but a team from Columbia University in New York and colleagues suggests this may not be the case.

Groundbreaking Study Shows Shielding EMF Improves Autoimmune Disease

Novel research reveals that blocking exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) produces significant symptom changes in 90% of patients with autoimmune disease. No longer can it be ignored that manmade electromagnetic radiation poses innumerable risks to human health

The Ubiquity of Electrosmog

Your Ocean Within... Riding The Tide

Your Ocean Within... Riding The Tide

Ever thought about water?   Water is the matrix of all life.  It carries oxygen, nutrients and wastes.  Remember that every living cell is surrounded by water, contains water and IS water! But who understands common simple H2O?

Water is the commonly ignored context of biology.  If you can make water happy you can rock biochemistry at its charge driven foundations.  It is the place no one looked, the plain-sight secret never suspected of being "The" secret.   Science has detailed every intricate bio-molecular relationship without ever realizing that water is involved at their core.  Subtle ambient radiant energies are captured by water and power the chemistry of life itself.
 Dr. Gerald Pollack of The University of Washington dared to part the sea of H2O science  in "The Fourth Phase of Water".   Now we know the laboratory-proven workings of aqueous media.

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