Results for omega-3 fatty acids

A Natural Approach to Overcoming Depression

A Natural Approach to Overcoming Depression

The last two decades have witnessed a huge increase in depression diagnoses. At present, one in ten Americans takes antidepressant medication and many of these individuals are taking multiple pills to treat more than one psychiatric illness. Few people will even raise an eyebrow anymore upon hearing about a friend or family member being diagnosed with depression.

Clone of Measles and Measles Vaccines: 14 Things To Consider

There are facts regarding the history of measles that almost never reach the light of day. Here are 14 things you may not have been told by public health officials, your doctor, or the media.

Article Originally Published Here

Cod Liver Oil: A Natural NSAID-Sparing Agent for Rheumatoid Arthritis

For the millions suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, new hope emerges from an age-old source - the humble cod. Groundbreaking research reveals that cod liver oil may be the key to reducing harmful NSAID use in RA patients

In a groundbreaking study, cod liver oil containing omega-3 fatty acids allowed 39% of rheumatoid arthritis patients to reduce their NSAID use by over 30% without disease worsening. This natural, food-based complementary approach may help RA patients decrease reliance on NSAIDs, which can have serious side effects.

Four Surprising Reasons to Love Fish Oil

You know that fish oil is a powerful supplement for heart health, but we've found four surprising reasons to love fish oil that may shock -- and delight -- you

You've probably heard about the health benefits of fish oil, a leading source of omega-3 essential fatty acids. Omega-3 fats are an integral part of cellular health, comprising cell membranes and affecting processes like blood clotting, contraction and relaxation of arterial walls, and hormonal and genetic functions.[i]

Getting to the Root of Hair Loss

Getting to the Root of Hair Loss

Is there anything you can do to stop hair loss? Several simple hair-sparing strategies have proven effective, including correcting common vitamin deficiencies and avoiding toxic insults that can spoil your luxurious locks

Impending Doom: Could Omega-3s be Virtually Wiped Out by 2100?

The year 2100 might still be a few decades from now, but along with it comes the likely disappearance of a naturally occurring essential omega-3 fatty acid if climate change continues unabated

In Defense of Coconut Oil: Rebuttal to USA Today

In Defense of Coconut Oil: Rebuttal to USA Today

By now, I'm sure you've seen the USA Today article entitled, "Coconut oil isn't healthy. It's never been healthy". Fear-mongering, attention-grabbing headlines certainly sell copy, but do not make for evidence-informed, high quality science reporting.

As I expressed in my recent post on social media,

Measles and Measles Vaccines: 14 Things To Consider

Measles and Measles Vaccines: 14 Things To Consider
Originally published on

There are facts regarding the history of measles that almost never reach the light of day. Here are 14 things you may not have been told by public health officials, your doctor, or the media

Pumpkin Seeds vs. Pumpkin Seed Oil

If you’re a regular reader here, you probably already know how terrific pumpkin seeds — especially Styrian pumpkin seeds — are for your health, but did you know that consuming the seeds themselves and the pressed oil from the seeds each has its own set of benefits?

You may be wondering though, which is better for you: the seeds or the pressed oils?

We’ve broken down the benefits of both pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed oils so you can decide which is best for you based on what your personal health goals are.

Sesame Oil May Heal Liver Damage

Sesame Oil May Heal Liver Damage

Sesame seeds are one of the most powerful healing foods on the planet.  For thousands of years they have been used by traditional peoples for food and medicine. Chinese medicine suggests this ancient food may help relieve the epidemic of liver damage from modern drugs. 

Hepatotoxicity is liver damage caused by chemicals.  It's a significant problem related to pharmaceutical use since the liver's job is to clear chemicals from the body.  That makes the liver particularly susceptible to injury from drug use. 

The Fat Wars

The Fat Wars

Perhaps nowhere in health has there been more confusion than the confusion caused by fat. The question of which fats are healthy and which fats are unhealthy has led to some pretty unhealthy diets, including extreme no fat diets that attempt to eliminate fat as much as possible with no attention to the differences between different fats

Recently, the confusion was placed in clear relief with the publication of dueling studies. The first exonerated saturated fat and vilified polyunsaturated fats; its opponent vilified saturated fats and championed unsaturated fats.

Vitamin D and Fish Oil May Help Prevent Cancer Death, Heart Attacks

Sought-after nutritional therapies vitamin D and omega-3s found in fish oil have gone through intense scrutiny with the largest study to date, called VITAL. Results of the study on whether they can effectively prevent cancer or cardiovascular disease have shown that these therapies are popular for a reason, and the benefits simply cannot be ignored

Why Eating Healthy Fat Optimizes Fat Loss & Overall Health

Why Eating Healthy Fat Optimizes Fat Loss & Overall Health

Doctors, patients, and readers are often completely confused about fat, clinging to misguided misinformation that prevents them from understanding the latest science to lose weight and achieve optimal health

Why You Need To Supplement Essential Fatty Acids

Why You Need To Supplement Essential Fatty Acids

Today, healthy fatty acid deficiency is epidemic. This deficiency leads to cardiovascular and immune issues and other disorders. What do you do if you're HFA deficient? 

[Note: Melanie Christner is leading an upcoming 12-week GAPS™ Protocol course which is still open for enrollment. Learn more here.]

Will Red Meat Really Kill You?

Will Red Meat Really Kill You?

When Harvard School of Public Health declared eating red meat is associated with higher death rates, a chill went through the Paleo community.

Their study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, was reported with headlines like "Scientists Warn Red Meat Can Be Lethal."

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