Results for obesity

Avoid This Common Retirement Health Risk

New research shows that the transition to retirement is marked by a sharp rise in sedentary time, which is likely to be sustained for at least two years and bring about a range of health risks and disorders

As sedentary lifestyles become more prevalent in the Western world, many are quick to proclaim that sitting is the new smoking.

A study from November 2020 warns against the same health risk, noting that the sharp rise of over 20 minutes a day in the average sedentary time among new retirees appears to be maintained two or more years later. The risk is more gradual for men but the long-term pattern for both sexes is similar, earning them the same harmful impact.

Gestational Diabetes: Please Don’t Drink the “Glucola” Without Reading the Label

Gestational Diabetes: Please Don't Drink the

Is Gestational Diabetes Really an Issue?

In the past decade, obesity has become rampant in our country. With it the rates of diabetes in the general population, and gestational diabetes (GDM) – which is an excessive increase in glucose intolerance in pregnancy (some increase in glucose intolerance is actually normal and allows more sugar to get to the baby for growth) – have risen dramatically. Current estimates are that 5%-7% of pregnant women in the U.S. develop GDM.

How to Cook with Turmeric - Plus FREE Recipe E-Book!

How to Cook with Turmeric

Published with permission from

Everyone now seems to know how good turmeric is for your body and mind, but how do you use it in cooking?

When it comes to eating healthy, spices are many times overlooked. So if you want to supercharge the health benefits of the foods you're already eating while adding more interest to your meals, head to the spice rack.

Is Genetically Modified Baker’s Yeast Spreading Obesity and Diabetes?

Is Genetically Modified Baker's Yeast Spreading Obesity and Diabetes?

Originally published on Fearless Parent, like us on Facebook

The current contentious GMO debate focuses on the health impacts of foods that have been genetically engineered on purpose for taste/texture, resistance to pests/disease, and other qualities.

Is This Tart Flower the Secret to Staying Slim?

With a sour, cranberry-like flavor and powerful bioactive compounds known to help people shed pounds and feel less hungry, hibiscus -- also known as Roselle -- is a natural anti-obesity compound that should be on everyone's radar

Overweight Before Age 40 Increases Cancer Risk by 70%

Being overweight is an established risk factor for multiple diseases, and is now known to dramatically increase the risk of several cancers. Research from the University of Bergen found that being overweight before the age of 40 increased specific cancer risks, and researchers now suggest that preventing weight gain early in life may help reduce the risk of a cancer diagnosis

Ozempic and Mounjaro: The Dangerous Delusion of Injecting Away Our Weight Crisis

In a world where quick fixes reign supreme, the latest craze in weight loss has taken an alarming turn.

A recent study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, as reported by USA TODAY, has pitted two injectable diabetes drugs, Ozempic (semaglutide) and Mounjaro (tirzepatide), against each other in the battle for weight loss supremacy.1 While Mounjaro emerged as the apparent victor, this pharmaceutical arms race masks a deeper, more troubling reality about our approach to health and wellness.

The Study's Findings

Rosehips Melt Belly Fat Naturally

Rosehips Melt Belly Fat Naturally

Rosehips are the fruit of the rose plant. They've been used medicinally for thousands of years. New research shows they may help in the battle against obesity

Rosehips have been used medicinally for thousands of years, and have been studied to have value in a range of health conditions. Human research now suggests this fruit from wild rose blossoms may be an effective treatment for the modern epidemic of obesity.[i]

Six Natural Substances to Fight a Big Belly

If a big belly is weighing you down, nature may offer some sensible solutions. From coconut oil and green tea to dark chocolate and vitamin D, these six natural substances are worth looking into

Carrying excess weight around your midsection puts you at increased risk of heart attack, raising the risk by 10% to 20% compared to carrying excess weight that's more evenly distributed throughout your body.[i],[ii]

The 5 Strangest Reasons You're not Losing Weight and What to do

The 5 Strangest Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight and What to Do

An interview with "First Lady of Nutrition" Ann Louise Gittleman reveals five hidden causes of weight gain that might shock you

I sat down with New York Times bestselling author and creator of the Fat Flush diet, Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS to learn more about her latest book, The New Fat Flush Plan. Here's what I learned.

The Absurd Economics of Nutrition and Exercise

The Absurd Economics of Nutrition and Exercise

It's fair to say that, to a large extent, America has long fostered a culture and environment conducive to physical inactivity and nutritional-based disease.

With today's prevailing science clearly showing that teaching and practicing lifestyle medicine significantly decreases the top chronic health conditions plaguing society — i.e. diabetes, obesity, heart disease and certain cancers — moving more firmly in this healthier, logical direction would subsequently trigger a vast increase in human productivity and output, thus creating a major boon to both population health and our national treasury.

The Diet Soft Drink Deception

In pursuit of better health, many people have been led by marketing and media to make the switch from sugar to artificial sweeteners. But, though eliminating sugar is undoubtedly a good health move, it is not so clear that replacing it with artificial sweeteners is. A large new Canadian study has uncovered the genuinely sour side to artificial sweeteners.

The Health Benefits of Whole-Body Vibration (WBV): A Scientific Review

Imagine a health and fitness solution that began in the cosmos, aiding astronauts, and has now landed right in our living rooms. Whole-Body Vibration (WBV) isn't just a modern wellness trend; it's a scientifically-backed approach that's shaking up the way we think about our health. Let's dive into the vibrations that promise more than just a buzz!

The Ultimate Paleo Diet Plan to Transform Your Health

The Ultimate Paleo Diet Plan to Transform Your Health

Article Originally Published Here

You've probably heard about the paleo diet, the lifestyle switch that's taken America by storm. Paleo has fast begun the most popular diet to have ever held sway over our love handles. People all over the world are having massive success following a fairly simple switch in diet and many consider paleo to be more than just a diet, it's become a lifestyle choice.

The paleo lifestyle is aligned with how our hunter-gatherer ancestors ate and lived for thousands of years. It is the only nutritional system which works with our genetics to enable us to stay lean and energized.

Top 5 Reasons Never to Use Splenda

Top 5 Reasons Never To Use Splenda

Splenda is marketed as a no-calorie, no-guilt sugar substitute. Blood sugar stable, it "passes right through" the body, so it's safe for diabetics AND you won't gain weight! Are these claims masking the ugly truth about this chemical imposter? As mounting research shows, when it comes to our diet, there is no free lunch

Splenda's Spurious Claims

TV Time Cuts Toddler Development

TV Time Cuts Toddler Development

My mother always told us that watching too many episodes of The Three Stooges would rot our brains.  As it turns out, she may have been on to something.

TV Time Cuts Toddler Development

When I was growing up my mother always told us that watching too many episodes of "The Three Stooges" would rot our brains.  Of course she had no solid proof of this.  But as it turns out, she may have been on to something.

Weight Loss Via Baking Soda and Reduced Breathing


Why Eating Late is Harming Your Health


why eating late is harming your health


Could those late night snacks be adding to your waistline and causing harm to your heart? A new study suggests that its better to eat during the daylight hours.

Yogurt's Health Damaging Ingredients

Yogurt's Health Damaging Ingredients

Yoplait Cherry Cheesecake Mousse Yogurt

Yoplait Thick & Creamy Cinnamon Roll Yogurt 

Yoplait Red Velvet Cupcake Yogurt

Great Value Low Fat Vanilla Yogurt

Dannon Toasted Coconut Vanilla Yogurt 

Don't kid yourself.

This is NOT healthy yogurt. This is artificially flavored dessert.

Many brands of yogurt in the grocery store are using highly processed ingredients:

This website is for information purposes only. By providing the information contained herein we are not diagnosing, treating, curing, mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition. Before beginning any type of natural, integrative or conventional treatment regimen, it is advisable to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.

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