Results for meditation

11 Proven Health Benefits of Meditation

11 Proven Health Benefits of Meditation

The ancient practice of meditation is enjoying a resurgence. Its proven health benefits have been discovered by such unlikely advocates as military programs and corporations

Meditation used to be confined to the mysterious and ascetic world of Buddhist monks. But now meditation is going mainstream

Military programs incorporate meditation to treat soldiers with post-traumatic stress disorder and substance abuse. Corporations offer meditation as part of their wellness programs.

How To Heal Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Naturally

A Kundalini Yoga Meditation Protocol Specific for Treating  Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Kundalini yoga meditation shows promising effects for those suffering with PTSD.

Hypnosis Plus Meditation May Boost Relaxation Benefits

Too stressed to meditate? A new treatment combining hypnosis with mindfulness has delivered promising results and may be a faster, easier way to chill out than traditional meditation

Researchers from Baylor University in Waco, Texas, explored the feasibility of an intervention called "mindful hypnotherapy" as a calming technique for highly stressed people.

If You Do Nothing Else to Get Healthy, Do These Three Things

If You Do Nothing Else to Get Healthy, Do These Three Things

Everyone needs a foundation, no matter what they are struggling with, and there are three steps to creating a healthier life recommended for everyone.

I often get asked this question: If I had to give a few pieces of advice to people to live a more healthy life, what would they be?

This is actually a hard question, because as a functional medicine doctor I believe in personalized medicine. What you need depends on where you are starting out, and there are no cookie-cutter solutions.

Kundalini Yoga Channels Energy to Where Your Body Needs Healing the Most

Kundalini Yoga Channels Energy to Where Your Body Needs Healing the Most

Modern brain imaging shows that Kundalini Yoga causes a shift in cerebral blood flow to the part of your brain responsible for feelings of joy, happiness and compassion

"You are very powerful. Provided you know how powerful you are." - Yogi Bhajan

Preventing Cancer at the Molecular Level

Preventing Cancer at the Molecular Level

Preventing Cancer at the Molecular Level

A Presentation by Charles Bens, PhD.

The 9th Annual Evidence-based Complementary And Alternative Cancer Therapies Conference

February 25-27, 2016 West Palm Beach, Florida

Charles Bens, PhD explores causes, risks, and prevention of cancer in this presentation from the Complimentary and Alternative Cancer Therapies Conference.

Skip the Rx, Just Breathe: How Meditation Beats Medication

Meditate Before You Have To Medicate

With side effect warnings so long they require magnifying glasses to read, could drugs be replaced by something much simpler and safer? Science shows just minutes of meditation may be all you need to skip the pharmacy and feel better fast.

Seldom will you find a pharmacy dispensing recommendations on meditation, although it is regular part of my counseling practice. I firmly believe that if we as a society become more mindful, we will not only reduce stress and chaos in our lives, we will make a tremendous impact on our health, reducing the need for medications.

Top 5 Secret Weapons for Managing Stress

Top 5 Secret Weapons for Managing Stress

Originally published on

Gone are the days where we don't look at the mind body connection. The more research that rolls out the more we see it as the ABSOLUTE connection needed to bridge the gap not only for treatment of, but also in prevention of the many diseases including chronic stress.

I want to share a personal story with you. This past year has been one filled with many incredible blessings, memories, beautiful and hilarious moments. It has also been the most stressful 12 months of my life.

Turmeric (Curcumin) Shown to Possess a Powerful Anti-Aging Effect

Turmeric (Curcumin) Shown to Possess a Powerful Anti-Aging Effect

The latest, and most likely, program theory of aging is the telomere shortening theory. Telomeres are the end-cap segments of DNA (our genetic material). Each time a cell replicates, a small piece of DNA is taken off the end of each chromosome. The shorter the telomere gets, the more it affects gene expression. The result is cellular aging and an increased risk for immune dysfunction, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and other degenerative diseases.

Why Social Isolation Leads to Inflammation

Why Social Isolation Leads to Inflammation

Why Social Isolation Leads to Inflammation

We are wired for community. If we disconnect, our bodies will call us back to the sense of human connection that we are wired for using the unexpected language of inflammation.

This website is for information purposes only. By providing the information contained herein we are not diagnosing, treating, curing, mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition. Before beginning any type of natural, integrative or conventional treatment regimen, it is advisable to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.

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