Results for influenza

10 Reasons to Add Andrographis to Your Medicine Cabinet

Andrographis has the potential to replace a whole host of pharmaceutical drugs, and to improve autoimmune disorders, cancer, metabolic disease, and infection

5 Sure-Fire Ways to Beat the Flu

5 Sure-Fire Ways to Beat the Flu

With flu season rapidly approaching, recommendations for preventatives are everywhere but many are not backed up by science. Can you guess the top five? (Hint: vaccination is not one of them!)

With flu season rapidly approaching, many are looking to vaccination as a "preventive" approach. Those who abstain are often accused of being uneducated or even socially irresponsible, but nothing could be further from the truth. Vaccination cannot replace natural immunity. Vaccines derail your natural immunological processes, along with exposing you to wide-ranging adverse effects.

A Message to Ethical MDs: The Problem with the 2017-8 Flu Vaccine is the 2016-7 Flu Vaccine

Avoiding Complications and Death from Influenza

Description: Flu shot

As soon as flu vaccinations start next month, some people getting them will drop dead of heart attacks or strokes, some children will have seizures and some pregnant women will miscarry. ~ New York Times 2009

Caveat Emptor: Science vs. CDC on Scary Flu Shot Promotions

Clone of Measles and Measles Vaccines: 14 Things To Consider

There are facts regarding the history of measles that almost never reach the light of day. Here are 14 things you may not have been told by public health officials, your doctor, or the media.

Article Originally Published Here

Colostrum 3x More Effective Than Flu Vaccines, Challenging Medical Orthodoxy

As the FDA approves a new self-administered nasal flu vaccine, it's crucial to examine its efficacy, natural alternatives, and emerging research on surprising contenders like colostrum. With over 200 circulating strains of influenza, supporting natural immunity may provide broader protection than strain-specific vaccines. This article explores the limitations of current flu vaccines, presents evidence-based natural approaches to bolster our defense against influenza, and highlights groundbreaking research on colostrum as a potential game-changer in flu prevention.

Colostrum Three Times More Effective than Flu Vaccine

This article is copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2016 
Originally published on

Curcumin Found to Outperform Pneumococcal Vaccines in Protecting Infants

Curcumin Found To Outperform Pneumococcal Vaccines In Protecting Infants
Originally published on

Daily Cup of Cocoa Helps Prevent Flu

Daily Cup of Cocoa Helps Prevent Flu

When the wintry flu season strikes do you crave a comforting cup of hot cocoa? It could be your body's innate wisdom at work. 

Nature works in mysterious ways.  Just when cold, dry weather chills us to the bone and flu season is in full bloom, we crave a comforting cup of hot cocoa.  As it turns out, that chocolate craving may be our body's innate wisdom at work. 

Employee Vaccine Mandates: Observations of a Vaccine Rights Attorney

Employee Vaccine Mandates: Observations of a Vaccine Rights Attorney

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' "Healthy People 2020" initiative states a goal of vaccinating 90% of the nation's healthcare workers with the influenza vaccine annually by 2020,[1] a goal well underway to being achieved. A separate DHHS goal aims to vaccinate 80% of all U.S. employees annually with the influenza vaccine by 2020.[2]

There's no light at the end of this tunnel. With literally hundreds of new vaccines in the works,[3] there will always be another person to get a vaccine, and another vaccine to give a person. Taxpayers, through state and federal governments, pay:

Examining RFK Jr.'s claim that the CDC “Owns over 20 vaccine patents.”

Examining RFK Jr.'s claim that the CDC “Owns over 20 vaccine patents.”

Examining RFK Jr.'s claim that the CDC “Owns over 20 vaccine patents.”

Mr. Kennedy is in very safe territory by reporting that the CDC has over 20 patents that create vast, undisclosed conflicts of interests in vaccine safety.

Four People Who Shouldn’t Get the Flu Vaccine this Flu Season

The media keeps hammering you with the message to get the flu shot. But maybe it’s time to start listening to the science and not to the media

There are four groups of people that science says should not be getting the flu shot.

Giving Up the Belief in Flu Shots

Originally published on by Sherri Tenpenny

Truth tellers sound like raving lunatics

Healthy People 2020 and the Decade of Vaccines

Healthy People 2020 and the Decade of Vaccines

Originally published on

Healthy People 2020's latest recommendations are vast in scope and include government intrusion into nearly ever conceivable area of personal life and health, including a National Vaccine Plan.

Licorice Shown to Kill SARS and Other Lethal Viruses

Licorice Shown To Kill SARS And Other Lethal Viruses

Licorice has a rich and ancient history of use as a medicine, being rooted in Indian, Chinese, Greek and Egyptian traditions, alike. Technically a legume, related to beans and peas, its sweetness results from the presence of glycyrrhizin, a compound 30-50 times sweeter than sugar. This compound is what gave licorice its name, which derives from the Greek word γλυκύρριζα (glukurrhiza), meaning "sweet" (gluku) "root" (rrhiza). But glycyrrhizin's properties don't end with its sweetness; it is also one of the most powerful antiviral compounds ever studied.

Measles and Measles Vaccines: 14 Things To Consider

Measles and Measles Vaccines: 14 Things To Consider
Originally published on

There are facts regarding the history of measles that almost never reach the light of day. Here are 14 things you may not have been told by public health officials, your doctor, or the media

Medical Testimony by Dr. Wodarg on the "Corona Panic"

Originally published by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg. Visit his site at


I would like to tell you something about the coronavirus epidemic that we allegedly are having right now. First, I thought this hype is going to end again, but it has increased so much, and we finally have to start taking a closer look.

Nature's Remedy Validated: Saline Nasal Sprays in Cold & Flu Study

A groundbreaking study suggests that over-the-counter nasal sprays may offer a simple way to support the body during seasonal health challenges, potentially reducing the need for conventional treatments.

Introduction to Seasonal Health Challenges

Scamdemic Bird Flu: Vaccines for 33 Billion Chickens? Digital Food Rationing? The End of Animal Agriculture?

Originally published on by Alexis Baden-Mayer

The overhyped threat of a human bird flu pandemic is a hoax to "reset" our food system.

If the bird flu were to suddenly be transmissible from person-to-person, there would be every reason to suspect gain-of-function bioweapons research.

Should I Get the Flu Shot? CDC Data Raise Concerns

Should I Get the Flu Shot? CDC Data Raise Concerns

Originally published on

Should I Get the Flu Shot? 

Not only are there serious questions about the efficacy of the flu vaccine, there is evidence to suggest that getting the vaccine every year may cause damage to the immune system.

Studies Question Transmission of 1918 Spanish Flu

The 1918 Spanish flu is said to have been one of the most highly virulent, contagious diseases of all time, but when researchers attempted to spread it from person to person -- by directly spraying "infectious" secretions into people's noses, eyes and throats -- no one got sick

The CDC's Fictional Flu Death Stats and Tamiflu's Lethal Side Effects

"You don't sell the drug, you sell the disease."

~ George Merck, founder of Merck

Flu season, or at least reporting on it, has reached a fever pitch … but the flu propaganda telling you it may be dangerous NOT to take Tamiflu and/or the flu vaccine may be a far greater risk to your health than the flu itself.

The Curious Case of Antarctic Chickens: A Deep Dive into Australia's Bird Flu Outbreak

In a shocking turn of events, over 500,000 chickens were culled in Victoria, Australia, due to an alleged outbreak of bird flu. However, a closer look at the evidence reveals a tangled web of vested interests, military funding, and questionable scientific practices that raise more questions than answers.

The Curious Case of the Geelong Chicken Cull: Unraveling the Tangled Web of Bird Flu, Military Funding, and Pandemic Preparedness

The History of a Fundamental Childhood Vaccine: Influenza

Originally published on

"Sometimes you get the feeling that there is a whole industry almost waiting for a pandemic to occur." -Dr. Tom Jefferson, Cochrane Review epidemiologist and influenza expert, in a 2009 interview about swine flu.

The Toxic Science of Flu Vaccines

The Toxic Science of Flu Vaccines

The flu shot does not discriminate: children, the elderly, and everyone in between can suffer detrimental effects from this dangerous vaccine

Progressive Radio Network, October 31, 2016

Tips from a Megavitamin Mom: Getting Kids to Take Vitamins and Lots of Them

Tips from a Megavitamin Mom: Getting Kids to Take Vitamins and Lots of Them

Getting Kids to Take Vitamins and Lots of Them

Keep your children free of pharmaceuticals with a high-dose nutrient and vitamin protocol.

by Helen Saul Case

Vitamin C and COVID-19 Coronavirus

Originally published on

by Damien Downing, MBBS, MRSB and Gert Schuitemaker, PhD

(OMNS February 28, 2020) There is only one existing treatment for the new coronavirus: vitamin C.

Vitamin C supports your immune system.
Vitamin C helps to kill the virus and reduces the symptoms of infection.
It's not a COVID "cure," but nothing is.
It might just save your life, though, and will definitely reduce the severity of the infection.

If someone tells you it's not proven, consider two things:

What Works for the Common Cold?

During cold and flu season, coughing, sneezing, congestion and fatigue can couch-lock you for days at a time. We've compiled five top natural cold therapies that work to keep you breathing easy through the coldest time of year

You Call Yourself a Feminist?

You Call Yourself a Feminist?

Article Originally Published Here

A friend of mine sent me a note in her 6th month of pregnancy the other day, telling me that a conversation about declining the Tdap vaccine ended with her obstetrician saying, "I'm going to fight you on that one." A female doctor said this to a female patient in total disregard for her rights as a patient and as a woman, and it suddenly hit me why this vaccine fight is such a fight:

If you don't support a woman's right to make healthcare decisions for her child, don't call yourself a feminist.

This website is for information purposes only. By providing the information contained herein we are not diagnosing, treating, curing, mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition. Before beginning any type of natural, integrative or conventional treatment regimen, it is advisable to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.

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