Results for flaxseed

12 Drug-Free Ways to Cool Hot Flashes

11 Drug-Free Hot Flash Alternatives

From acupuncture to peppermint oil, there are a wide range of natural, evidence-based alternatives to drugs for alleviating hot flashes

Hot flashes are most often associated with menopause.  But breast cancer survivors can have particularly severe and frequent flashes when chemotherapy or surgery sends them into premature menopause. 

Many women find relief with hormone replacement therapy (HRT).  But breast cancer survivors aren't candidates for HRT because of concerns that estrogen promotes breast cancer.

Avoid Drugs & Surgery for Prostate Issues with Flaxseed

Avoid Drugs & Surgery for Prostate Issues with Flaxseed

Millions of men face prostate issues, with treatment with drugs and surgery often making their problems worse. One study reveals that simply eating flaxseed may be the best way to improve your symptoms, and take back control of your health

Eating Flaxseed May Reduce Breast Cancer Mortality By Up To 70%

Flaxseeds Reduce Breast Cancer Mortality By Up To 70%

Flaxseed May Be a Potent Ovarian Cancer KILLER

Flaxseed: Ovarian Cancer KILLER?

Effective and safe treatments for ovarian cancer simply do not exist today within conventional medical practice. However, promising research indicates that flaxseed and at least 30 other natural substances do have potent anti-ovarian cancer properties

Flaxseed Versus Fish Oil Supplementation for People With Diabetes

A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study finds flaxseed oil equally beneficial to fish oil supplementation in reducing myocardial disease risk in patients with Type 2 diabetes. This research is beneficial for those looking for plant-based supplements with benefits similar to the well-studied benefits of fish oil

Herbal Research Update for Women's Health

What's New in Women's Health?
Originally published in The Natural Path Newsletter

What does nature have to offer that’s new for women? Quite a lot! 


Hot Flash News Flash: What's New in Menopause Research

Hot Flash News Flash: What’s New in Menopause Research

The list of botanicals that have great value for menopause, including some like black cohosh, which have been demonstrated to be superior to hormone replacement therapy, is impressive. But there are quite a few which are less well known, such as pine bark extract and ginseng...

The past few years have seen an important proliferation of choices for women looking for natural menopause solutions.

Phyto-Precision Medicine: Soy & Flax for Genetic Hormone Control

A new study found men with a common gene variant saw estrogen levels stabilize from eating phytoestrogen-rich soy and flax. This hints at a personalized nutrition approach for keeping hormones in check.

Reduce Belly Fat With This Seed

Excess belly fat is not only uncomfortable -- it's associated with heart disease, inflammation, insulin resistance and other chronic diseases. Adding this seed to your daily meals is a simple way to target abdominal obesity

Need to eliminate stubborn belly fat? You may be thinking in terms of what to cut from your diet, but it may be time to switch gears. Adding flaxseed -- an annual herb rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), fiber, and lignans -- may be key to reducing belly fat and maintaining a flat stomach.

Why You Need To Supplement Essential Fatty Acids

Why You Need To Supplement Essential Fatty Acids

Today, healthy fatty acid deficiency is epidemic. This deficiency leads to cardiovascular and immune issues and other disorders. What do you do if you're HFA deficient? 

[Note: Melanie Christner is leading an upcoming 12-week GAPS™ Protocol course which is still open for enrollment. Learn more here.]

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