Results for Fenugreek

5 Common Kitchen Herbs and Spices for Weight Loss

5 Common Kitchen Herbs and Spices for Weight Loss

Nature's bounty has played an integral role in modern drug development so is it any wonder some common kitchen herbs and spices have the potential to play a role in weight loss and the fight against obesity?

FAIL: Diabetes Medication isn't Working. So What Does?

Green Diabetes

9.3% of Americans and 6.5% of Canadians suffer from diabetes. There is a lot of agreement about the medical treatment. But does the treatment work? At least 5 crucial studies have found that it doesn't

Hot Flash News Flash: What's New in Menopause Research

Hot Flash News Flash: What’s New in Menopause Research

The list of botanicals that have great value for menopause, including some like black cohosh, which have been demonstrated to be superior to hormone replacement therapy, is impressive. But there are quite a few which are less well known, such as pine bark extract and ginseng...

The past few years have seen an important proliferation of choices for women looking for natural menopause solutions.

Surprise Natural Treatment Shows Multi-Pronged Promise for Alzheimer's

A new gold-standard study shows a daily fenugreek seed extract supplement improved memory, inflammation, mood, blood pressure, and quality of life in Alzheimer's patients over 4 months - unlike costly experimental drugs that continue to fail trials

No current FDA-approved Alzheimer's drugs effectively slow progression of cognitive and functional decline. The recent gold standard clinical trial provides intriguing early evidence that a fenugreek seed extract may help fill this glaring unmet need.1

Your Medicine is in Your Pantry

Your Medicine is in Your Pantry

Food has been the medicine of humanity since the dawn of time. Many herbs that we associate only with seasoning our food are, in fact, potent herbal medicines.

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