Results for exercise

"Green Exercise" Boosts Workout Results

"Green Exercise" Boosts Workout Results

Exercising in the great outdoors causes an increase in self-esteem, a better mood, and reduction of blood pressure and anxiety. However, you can still get the benefits of an open air workout when you're stuck inside

You already know that getting to the gym or doing some physical activity can bring a long list of health benefits. It's linked to better moods, less stress and anxiety, improved self-esteem, better sleep, and just feeling better overall. 

16 Healthy Reasons to Unroll Your Yoga Mat

16 Healthy Reasons To Unroll Your Yoga Mat

Long revered for its spiritual and mental benefits, yoga is fast becoming equally valued for its benefits in reversing the effects of modern chronic diseases

For more than 5,000 years humans have practiced the ancient Indian art of yoga. Long revered for its spiritual and mental benefits, yoga is fast becoming equally valued for its benefits in reversing the effects of modern chronic diseases.

A study from Harvard University finds that yoga has particular benefits for your heart

4 Reasons to Break a Sweat

4 Reasons to Break a Sweat

Your body has a natural, powerful, built-in system for detoxification that doesn't require trendy juice cleanses or expensive protocols. All you have to do is sweat!

Doctors, health experts, and fitness gurus tell us that we should break a sweat every day - and for good reason. While sweating has a host of benefits simply because it's a result of health-boosting exercise, the act of sweating itself heals the body as well. Whether you're sitting in a sauna, walking on a warm day, or working out, sweating is a necessary bodily function with powerful healing effects.

Aging Is Officially A Disease

Aging Is Officially A Disease

The search for eternal life isn’t new, but how far we’ve come from the Holy Grail, the Fountain of Youth and the hidden valley of Shangri-La, is truly a sign of the times. Today, the crossroads meet between the natural tendency to find an easy way out, and the seductive promise of profits. The quest is on for how to put longevity in a pill. 

Algae Supplement "Energizes" Sprint Workouts for Enhanced Effects

What if an easy add-on could turbo-charge your workouts for faster results?

Researchers tested whether combining an algae supplement with sprint interval workouts could enhance fat burning and exercise benefits beyond either treatment alone.

At-Home Pelvic Floor Therapy: How to Do Pelvic Floor Exercises

If you have symptoms of pelvic floor disorders such as urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, painful sexual intercourse or pelvic pain, learning how to do pelvic floor exercises in the comfort of your home could help you avoid surgery, relieve symptoms and regain your quality of life.

Boost Your Cycling Workout With Chocolate

Boost Your Cycling Workout with Chocolate

Yes, dark chocolate is heart healthy. But it can also improve your exercise performance.

Dark chocolate is famous for its heart health benefits.  Now British researchers find it also improves exercise performance in cyclists.[i]

The researchers recruited nine young men in their early 20s who were moderately trained in cycling.

Brain Benefits of Yoga Comparable to Aerobic Exercise

Think you need to pound the pavement in order to obtain the brain-boosting benefits of exercise? Studies show yoga may be just as good as aerobics when it comes to maintaining a healthy brain

A research article published in the journal Brain Plasticity has revealed that regular yoga practice may impart the same functional benefits to your brain as aerobic fexercise.[i]

Can You Stand on One Leg for 10 Seconds? Your Answer May Predict How Long You'll Live

A new study found that middle-aged and older adults who could successfully stand on one leg for 10 seconds had a significantly lower risk of dying over the next 7 years compared to those who failed the simple balance test. This quick assessment may capture overall body strength and control that predicts longevity.

Confirmed: Sweating Removes Deadly Chemicals From The Body

A promising study confirms that the simple act of sweating may go a long way in removing dangerous industrial chemicals from our bodies.

In a day and age where chemical and radiation exposures from industrial pollution are ubiquitous and virtually unavoidable, it behooves us all to find ways to minimize exposure to them as well as to reduce their complex toxicities.

Could Your New Year's Exercise Goals Make You Gain Weight?

Could Your New Year's Exercise Goals Make You Gain Weight?

Did you make a New Year's resolution to get to the gym more often in the hopes of slimming down? What are the chances you'll succeed? 

Many fitness professionals lament the fact that they watch gym clients faithfully working out several times a week without ever changing their bodies. Some of us are those very gym rats who might console ourselves by thinking that our bodies would be far worse off but for the burn. We tell ourselves that we would be obese if not for our dedication to a daily walking, running, swimming, spinning and lifting program. But is the very exercise that everyone knows you have to do, keeping some people fat?

CrossFit Settles Lawsuit with HHS After Agency Releases Email Showing Continued Efforts to Conceal Donations

Originally published on

Drug Free Approach Cuts Alzheimer's Risk In Half

Drug Free Approach Cuts Alzheimer's Risk In Half

Originally published on

Easily one of the most dreaded conditions to suffer through as we age is Alzheimer's disease. Currently, conventional medicine has no truly significant means by which to reverse or even stop this blight. However we can have a dramatic impact on how likely we are to develop Alzheimer's, and all it may take is getting up and getting your blood pumping. 

Elevate Your Detox: Why Exercise Sweating Surpasses Sauna Sessions

Breaking a sweat isn't just about fitness; it could be a crucial factor in detoxifying your body from harmful metals. Discover how exercise trumps sauna in the latest health study

Exercise 'Fundamental' for Healing of Mental Illness

Thinking about skipping your workout because of a flat mood? If you're upset, depressed or anxious, a recent study indicates that's when you need exercise the most. It's so effective for mental health, it may even speed healing for psychiatric patients

Exercise and Whey Protein Slow Age-Related Bone and Muscle Loss

Do you worry about loss of bone and muscle as you age? Science shows that basic lifestyle interventions can reverse this trend and may even help stop it before it starts 

Fish Oil, CoQ10, and Tai Chi Could Help Heart Failure Patients Says Leading Cardiology Group

Heart disease has remained the #1 cause of death in the U.S. for over 100 years, revealing the failure of the current medical model to move the needle on this epidemic.1

Forest Bathing for Immune Support

Forest bathing, an ancient Japanese medicinal treatment used to reduce stress and anxiety, has recently been studied for its therapeutic effects on the immune system. Researchers have determined that spending time in nature effectively improves immune response by increasing natural killer cell production

Ginger Relieves Muscle Pain from Your Workout

Ginger Relieves Muscle Pain from Your Workout

Many a mother has given her child ginger ale for an upset stomach. It makes sense because for thousands of years, ginger has been used as a medicine in the treatment of nausea. But ginger has many more medicinal properties. One study recently published in The Journal of Pain, finds that daily doses of ginger are effective for relieving muscle pain following strenuous exercise.

High-Intensity Training: A New Hope for 'Speed' Addiction Recovery

New research reveals that high-intensity interval training could be a powerful tool in addiction recovery, fundamentally changing how the brain responds to emotional triggers.

Transforming Addiction Treatment Through Exercise

Hot Flash News Flash: What's New in Menopause Research

Hot Flash News Flash: What’s New in Menopause Research

The list of botanicals that have great value for menopause, including some like black cohosh, which have been demonstrated to be superior to hormone replacement therapy, is impressive. But there are quite a few which are less well known, such as pine bark extract and ginseng...

The past few years have seen an important proliferation of choices for women looking for natural menopause solutions.

How to Eliminate Postpartum Hemorrhage

How To Eliminate Postpartum Hemorrhage

It's hard to compete with 20 billion years of evolutionary selection, but the current medical management of the birth of the fetus and the placenta attempts to do just that, albeit rather unsuccessfully. For eons, all animals including humans passed on genes and habits that ensured delivering a live healthy newborn without bleeding excessively or dying of postpartum hemorrhage at birth. Among mammals, bleeding to death would not result in successful reproduction, until recently, because a live mother was required to nurse the newborn. 

How to Radically Transform Your Life with Natural Medicine

As women, we're often taught that we're not enough.

From a very young age, society has shown us that we should be waiting for someone to come and save us. Sure, we continue to make strides -- but only 46 years ago single women couldn't get a credit card without a male cosigner!

These kinds of inequalities have had their subtle and not-so-subtle effects on how women see themselves.

For the most part, we don't realize it.

It's just how things "are."

But after treating thousands of women in my clinic and many more in my online programs, I notice it more than most.

I see women when they are in a very vulnerable state...and I often have to remind them of the power they hold within to heal.

Modern Science Confirms Yoga's Many Health Benefits

Modern Science Confirms Yoga's Many Health Benefits

Modern science now confirms why humans have been practicing yoga since the beginning of recorded history: it is good both for the body and mind

There is evidence in the archeological record that yoga has been practiced by humans for at least 5,000 years. Whereas this would constitute sufficient evidence for most folks to consider it a practice with real health benefits, as its millions of practitioners widely claim, skeptics say otherwise. They require any activity deemed to be of therapeutic value run the gauntlet of randomized, controlled clinical trials before it is fully accepted within the conventional medical system.

Most Cheese Products Tainted with Dangerous Plastic Chemicals, Study Reveals

A University of Washington study involving cheese products found endocrine-disrupting phthalates present in 29 of 30 samples tested

Namasteak: The Food/Yoga Connection

Namasteak: The Food/Yoga Connection

Most view food as the most important factor in getting or staying healthy. Of late, even the less nutritionally enlightened have begun to understand the importance of eating a clean, minimally processed, plant-emphatic diet. And now, the critical mass - albeit reluctantly - consider the idea of moving daily as a lifestyle process that is necessary to fend off dis-ease and promote wellness. If yoga comes up in now commonplace discussions of how to lose weight/avoid illness/defy aging/heal injury, it is surely as the latter prescription....Yoga is not food. It's exercise. Right?

Once Weekly Yoga Practice Clinically Shown to Reduce Anxiety

If current events are generating increased feelings of anxiety for you, research shows that yoga may be all you need to restore balance and calm to your life

Outrunning Depression: The Science Behind Exercise as a Potent Antidepressant

In a world where depression affects millions, a groundbreaking study has revealed a simple yet powerful solution that may be as close as your running shoes. Prepare to lace up and discover how exercise is proving to be a formidable contender in the fight against this debilitating mental health condition.

The Power of Movement: Exercise as a Depression-Buster

Physical Fitness Increases CoQ10 Levels in the Elderly

Numerous studies show that the elderly have increased oxidative stress and impaired antioxidant defense systems. As a result, the aging process in general increases with aging as a result of this double whammy. And, in addition to the aging faster, the combination of increased oxidative stress and impaired defenses also increases inflammation and the progression of many other disease processes

Pomegranate's Performance-Boosting Potential Confirmed

Pomegranate extract provides a natural way to boost athletic performance, increasing the time to exhaustion by more than 1.5 minutes among a group of amateur cyclists. Could pomegranate give you a similar athletic improvement?

Pomegranate, the "jewel of winter," is one fruit you should have on your radar if you're interested in boosting your physical performance. This applies not only to athletes but also to anyone who's an avid exerciser -- or wishes they were. By enjoying pomegranate, it's possible that you could gain more stamina for your weekend jog or morning aerobics session, leading to body-wide benefits.

Popeye Was Right: Study Confirms Spinach Builds Strong Muscles


Popeye the Sailor Man famously powered up by eating canned spinach, using its muscle-building properties to save Olive Oyl time and again. While it may have seemed far-fetched, new research shows that spinach extracts containing the plant hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone combined with strength training can in fact dramatically boost muscle strength and quality. Read on to separate spinach fact from fiction!

Preventing Cancer at the Molecular Level

Preventing Cancer at the Molecular Level

Preventing Cancer at the Molecular Level

A Presentation by Charles Bens, PhD.

The 9th Annual Evidence-based Complementary And Alternative Cancer Therapies Conference

February 25-27, 2016 West Palm Beach, Florida

Charles Bens, PhD explores causes, risks, and prevention of cancer in this presentation from the Complimentary and Alternative Cancer Therapies Conference.

Regenerative Fitness with Hamad Shirazi

What is Regenerative Fitness?

Regenerative fitness is a foundational program that will empower you with simple tools and practices that can be applied to instantly improve health and vitality. Using movement as medicine, we will cultivate an optimal environment for our bodies to harmonize and create a more youthful presence. This movement-centered program will include principles of infant development and natural movement patterns, all with the intention of total body integration.

Revolutionary Trial Favors Exercise Over NSAIDs For Knee Arthritis

Could properly performed squats, lunges and leg lifts relieve knee osteoarthritis symptoms better than celebrex or advil?

Science Short: Brain Garbage, Breath & Yoga

The glymphatic system is the lymphatic system of the brain and it has an exciting relationship to yoga.

You may have heard of the lymphatic system, which is the network of vessels that removes wastes and toxins from the other organs of the body. Glymphatic is the word lymphatic combined with the word glia, which are the cells in the brain that had an unknown function until recently.

Glia are non-neuronal cells of the brain and nervous system. They do not transmit signals via an electrical event - called action potential - but function rather like connective tissue in the brain.

Wait, huh? I mean it's true but the above knowledge is not going to inform your yoga classes.

Short Bursts of Exercise Slow Cognitive Decline

Want to keep your brain sharp as you age? Exercising for as little as 10 minutes a few times per week can help stop mental decline in its tracks

Engaging in regular exercise is one of the healthiest habits you can adopt, regardless of your age or current physical condition. Studies have shown that moderately intense aerobic exercise, like taking a brisk walk, is safe for most people and can strengthen bones and muscles, reduce your risks for disease and even improve brain health,[i] forestalling the cognitive decline associated with aging.

Stress Hormones Found to Make Cancer Resistant to Treatment

Stress Hormones Found To Make Cancer Resistant To Treatment

There are many things that drive cancer. Poor diet, chemical and radiation exposures, and certain infections, figure prominently in the process. Stress, however, is a major contributing factor that is often completely overlooked

Research, however, sheds light on just how critically important the physiological consequences of stress are on cancer cell progression. 

Adrenaline Increases Cancer Malignancy

This website is for information purposes only. By providing the information contained herein we are not diagnosing, treating, curing, mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition. Before beginning any type of natural, integrative or conventional treatment regimen, it is advisable to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.

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