Results for cholesterol

Atherosclerotic Plaque as Infected Biofilm

This article is copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2016 
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The main failing in most of Western Medicine is misdiagnosis. You cannot successfully fight what you do not successfully understand

Beyond Toxic Statins: Sugar Cane Extract Policosanol Offers New Hope for Heart Health

A natural sugar cane extract called policosanol is emerging as a promising alternative or adjunct to statins for lowering cardiovascular disease risk factors like high cholesterol and blood pressure. 

Study Type : Meta Analysis, Review
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Pharmacological Actions : Hypolipidemic : CK(8915) : AC(2013)

How LOW Cholesterol Can Harm Your Health

Can LOW Cholesterol Lead To Violence, Premature Death?

You've heard for decades about the dangers of high cholesterol, but did you know that LOW cholesterol can lead to violence towards self and other, and has been linked to premature aging, death and other adverse health effects?

In a world gone mad with anti-cholesterol anxiety, and where gobbling down pharmaceuticals designed to poison the body into no longer synthesizing it is somehow considered sane behavior, it is refreshing to look at some of the research on the health benefits of cholesterol, or conversely, the dangers of low cholesterol.

Is Cholesterol Really the Villain We Make it Out to Be?

We have been indoctrinated for years to avoid cholesterol, but what if we have been taught wrong? Cholesterol is, in fact, an essential building block for the body and is key to good health. What it all boils down to is what we include, or leave out, of our diets

Is Cholesterol a FRIEND or FOE? 

Japanese Research Exposes Statin Scam: People with High Cholesterol Live Longer

Originally published on

Nattokinase for Nasal Polyps and as a Mucolytic

Originally published on

Chronic nasal and sinus inflammation or chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is is one of the most common chronic diseases in adults. It is characterized by persistent symptomatic inflammation of the nasal mucosa and sinuses. A new study indicates that nattokinase, an enzyme from Nattō, a traditional fermented food from Japan can produce incredibly powerful effects in improving this condition. The breakthrough is that CRS does not tend to respond to conventional drugs

The Fat Wars: What's a Health-Conscious Consumer to Do?

The Fat Wars: What's A Health-Conscious Consumer To Do?

The release of the American Heart Association (AHA) advisory on dietary fats and cardiovascular disease is a call to action, but exactly what that action should be is debatable

Twice as Deadly? Statin Drug Crestor Associated with Over Double the Mortality Rate in ARDS Trial

When it comes to cholesterol levels and statin medications, less is not always more. Drastically low cholesterol may deprive patients of crucial biological functions during acute critical illness, while some statins like rosuvastatin appear to further endanger these already vulnerable individuals

Will Red Meat Really Kill You?

Will Red Meat Really Kill You?

When Harvard School of Public Health declared eating red meat is associated with higher death rates, a chill went through the Paleo community.

Their study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, was reported with headlines like "Scientists Warn Red Meat Can Be Lethal."

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