Results for cardiovascular health

"Green Exercise" Boosts Workout Results

"Green Exercise" Boosts Workout Results

Exercising in the great outdoors causes an increase in self-esteem, a better mood, and reduction of blood pressure and anxiety. However, you can still get the benefits of an open air workout when you're stuck inside

You already know that getting to the gym or doing some physical activity can bring a long list of health benefits. It's linked to better moods, less stress and anxiety, improved self-esteem, better sleep, and just feeling better overall. 

20% of Deaths Reported After COVID Vaccines Related to Cardiac Disorders, CDC Data Show

Originally published on by Megan Redshaw

VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show 1,341,608 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 29,460 deaths and 243,466 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and July 8, 2022

5 Natural Substances Your Heart Will Love

Heart disease is a leading killer in the U.S., but you don't have to live in fear of an attack. Eating these five foods can help you defend your heart

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S., responsible for around 1 in 4 deaths each year.[i] But fear not -- you can greatly reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease through diet and lifestyle modifications like getting regular exercise and eating heart-healthy foods.

A Sobering Truth: The Link Between Alcohol and Heart Disease in Women

Think one glass of wine a day keeps the doctor away? New research may make you reconsider that drink, especially if you're a woman.

A recent study found that consuming more than one alcoholic drink daily significantly increases the risk of coronary heart disease, especially in young to middle-aged women. The risk escalates with heavy or binge drinking, revealing a strong link between alcohol intake and heart disease in women.

Alarming Discovery: Microplastics in Arteries Associated with 4.5x Higher Rates of Heart Attack, Stroke, and Death

In a highly concerning new discovery, researchers have found that the tiny plastic particles polluting our environment are not just all around us - they're inside us too. And when these microplastics accumulate in our arteries, they may dramatically increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and early death.

American Heart Association's Irresponsible News Release of the Intermittent Fasting Study

Originally published on by Richard Z. Cheng, M.D., Ph.D.

At Risk of Stroke or a Stroke Survivor? Try Coconut Oil

Coconut oil offers neuroprotective properties, which researchers found delayed the incidence of stroke, reduced stroke-induced brain damage and increased survival afterward

Boost Your Cardiometabolic Health With 5 Delicious Treats

Choosing foods that are good for you doesn't have to be a chore. These five foods are as tasty as they are beneficial for improving your cardiometabolic health

Only 6.8% of U.S. adults have optimal cardiometabolic health, which means the remaining 93.2% do not, instead belonging to the majority whose cardiometabolic health has been "poor and worsening" since 2000.[i]

Bubbly Champagne Boosts Heart Health

Bubbly Champagne Boosts Heart Health

Good news for the holiday season! Champagne does more than tickle your nose. It may also protect your heart

Calcium Channel Blockers Increase Heart Risks, But B Vitamins Could Change That

A new study offers hope that the risk of a common heart medication could be reduced simply by taking B vitamins as well.

Calcium Supplements Pose Serious Risks for Diabetics: New Study Reveals

A groundbreaking study reveals that habitual calcium supplementation significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality in individuals with diabetes. This vital information sheds new light on the potential dangers of these commonly recommended supplements, especially for those managing diabetes.

The Danger Lurking in Your Calcium Supplements: Elevated Cardiovascular Risks for Diabetics

Eating Chocolate Could Slash High Blood Pressure Risk

There's a growing list of research touting chocolate's antioxidant content, favorable action against disease-inducing oxidative stress and overall health benefits. One study highlights chocolate's potential to reduce the risk for high blood pressure, which can be good news amid near-epidemic levels of this condition worldwide

Fish Oil, CoQ10, and Tai Chi Could Help Heart Failure Patients Says Leading Cardiology Group

Heart disease has remained the #1 cause of death in the U.S. for over 100 years, revealing the failure of the current medical model to move the needle on this epidemic.1

Garlic Effective at Lowering Blood Pressure

If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure and are concerned about the harms associated with blood-pressure drugs -- and you should be -- you may want to toss a few extra garlic bulbs into your grocery cart. The wondrous Allium sativum plant can ward off more than vampires -- it may prevent heart attack and stroke

Garlic: A New Breakthrough in the Fight Against Atherosclerosis

Why garlic's cardioprotective properties are even more powerful than we thought

Grape Seed Extract May Reduce Blood Pressure Naturally

High blood pressure is considered by the conventional medical community as a "silent killer" that needs consistent treatment with drugs that carry serious side effects, and don't address the underlying causes. A new study reveals that grape seed extract may be an effective natural therapy in lowering the blood pressure of men with prehypertension; grape seed has a wide range of beneficial effects that directly improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. 

Guardians of the Arteries: How Magnesium Fights Vascular Calcification

Imagine if the secret to a healthier heart and cleaner arteries could be found in your morning smoothie or your favorite salad. What if this potent defender against heart disease was as simple as a mineral found in everyday foods? Enter magnesium, the unsung hero in the fight against vascular calcification.

Magnesium: The Unsung Hero in Heart Health and Arterial Wellness

Heart Failure or Therapy Failure?

Originally published on by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, Contributing Editor

Toxins Cause Cardiomyopathy

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) as an Advanced Biomarker is Affected by EMFs

Originally published on

If you're familiar with the biohacking movement that's rapidly growing in popularity, you know that modern technology is becoming very impressive.  Moving beyond just using technology to improve worldwide communication and automate many tasks to save us time and energy, forward-thinking innovators are discovering and inventing ways to utilize technology to become more informed about our state of health, and to improve it in many ways.

Hot Yoga Study Shows Benefits for Lowering Blood Pressure

Hot yoga is more than a sweaty fitness trend: it can help people with high blood pressure shift in a calm, soothing direction -- away from high blood pressure and heart disease

Japanese Research Exposes Statin Scam: People with High Cholesterol Live Longer

Originally published on

Media Silent as UK Data Show Sharp Increase in Excess Deaths

Originally published on by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

John Campbell, Ph.D., a retired accident and emergency nurse, nurse teacher and author of two nursing textbooks, analyzed the latest U.K. data showing a sharp increase in excess deaths. Campbell said if this was a terrorist attack "it would be a state of war."

Myocarditis: Once Rare, Now Common

Orginally published on by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD

Nanoplastics in Our Bloodstream: A Silent Contributor to Heart Disease

They're smaller than a grain of sand, but they might be causing a storm in your arteries. Dive into the world of nanoplastics, the invisible threat that might be contributing to heart disease

Nature's Heart Healers: New Research on Cardiac Regeneration Offers Hope Amid Rising Heart Concerns

As unprecedented rates of heart inflammation and damage emerge in the post-pandemic era, groundbreaking research reveals the heart's remarkable ability to heal itself, supported by specific natural compounds.

The rising incidence of cardiac issues following widespread mRNA interventions has created an urgent need to understand and support the heart's natural healing capabilities. While the full extent of injection-related heart damage continues to emerge, research showing the heart's innate regenerative abilities - and natural compounds that enhance these processes - provides hope for those affected.

Niacin Was, Is, and Always will be Essential to Life and the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease, Just for Starters

Originally published on by By W. Todd Penberthy, Stephen McConnell, Robert G. Smith, Thomas Levy, Michael Passwater, and Richard Cheng

Approximately 100 years ago, the niacin deficiency disease pellagra, was at its peak in the southern United States of America. Over 120,000 people would die between 1900 to 1920 due to a deficiency of the yet to be discovered niacin molecule. [1]

No Time For The Gym? Eat An Orange!

No Time For The Gym?  Eat An Orange!

New research suggests that vitamin C may give you some of the same heart benefits as regular exercise. 

A study from the University of Colorado, Boulder examined the effects of vitamin C supplements on overweight and obese adults.  This group of people is often advised to exercise to improve their heart health but more than 50% ignore the advice. 

Pfizer Settles Zantac Lawsuits: A 40-Year Cover-Up of Cancer Risks Revealed

When popping a pill for heartburn, you might be trading short-term relief for long-term risks - risks that drug companies knew about but failed to warn you of.

Pine Bark Highly Effective at Improving Varicose Veins and Chronic Venous Insufficiency

Do you wish you could eliminate unsightly varicose and spider veins, but don't want the risks of surgery or invasive treatments? It may be time to hug a tree and thank pine bark for saving your veins

Varicose veins are a common condition caused when weak veins become swollen and twisted just below the skin's surface. Varicose veins typically occur in the legs and feet but can present in the rectum as hemorrhoids, in testicles as varicoceles and in the esophagus, stomach and liver.[i]

Psychotherapy Matches Medication in Treating Depression in Heart Failure

For the over 6 million Americans suffering from heart failure, depression is an all too common burden - one doctors usually treat with medication notorious for their serious side effects. But what if there was an equally effective treatment that didn't involve more pills? A groundbreaking new study provides the most compelling evidence yet for a drug-free alternative.

Reiki Improves Heart Attack Outcomes, Yale Study Confirms

Think energy healing is "woo-woo"? A study out of Yale University shows that Reiki may provide benefits to heart attack patients that are comparable to beta-blockers

Researchers from Yale University's School of Medicine have contributed compelling evidence supporting Reiki, a Japanese technique for relaxation, as a safe adjunct therapy in the days following a heart attack.

Research: Garlic Supplement Slows Cardiovascular Disease Progression, Decalcifies Arteries

Garlic is widely used as a spice, but few realize how powerful a healing agent it is for cardiovascular disease, the #1 cause of death in industrialized societies

Given that cardiovascular disease is the primary cause of death within industrialized societies, anything that can slow the underlying pathological process in its decades-long, mostly subclinical march towards heart attack, embolism or stroke, is worth considering as a prophylactic -- especially if it is as safe, accessible and affordable drug alternative.

Research: Watermelon Lowers Blood Pressure

Watermelon Lowers Blood Pressure

Just looking at a juicy watermelon seems to relax us perhaps because the image conjures memories of lazy summer days and informal meals. But a new study reveals that it's not just in our heads. Eating watermelon lowers blood pressure - it's true

Reversing Clogged Arteries Naturally: The Untapped Potential of 370 Substances

Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in developed countries, yet the most promising solutions may lie in nature's abundant pharmacy - a fact often overlooked due to the influence of the pharmaceutical industry. Remarkably, a growing body of research suggests that natural substances can not only prevent but also reverse the buildup of arterial plaque, offering hope for those struggling with cardiovascular disease.

Revolutionary Trial Favors Exercise Over NSAIDs For Knee Arthritis

Could properly performed squats, lunges and leg lifts relieve knee osteoarthritis symptoms better than celebrex or advil?

Sauna Bathing: A Natural Boost for Growth Hormone and Holistic Health

Discover how a simple sauna session can naturally boost growth hormone by 140%, enhance cardiovascular health, and reduce inflammation for a longer, healthier life.

Quick Summary:

Scientists From UCSF Discovered That the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Binds Fibrinogen (and Fibrin) Enhancing Clot Formation

Originally published as a series of posts on by Brain Inflammation Collaborative

Blood clots are not supposed to form inside blood vessels.

Yet, this type of clotting occurs during and after an active SARS-CoV-2 infection in the [brain], contributing to Long COVID symptoms like brain fog and neuroinflammation.

This paper (likely) discovered why...

Seven Herbs and Supplements for Heart Failure

Heart failure is a disorder affecting millions of people in the U.S., and it may be preventable by making heart-healthy dietary and lifestyle choices. Read on to learn about seven powerful herbs and supplements to strengthen a failing heart

Congestive heart failure is a disease with a misleading name; it doesn't mean that your heart has "failed" or stopped beating. Rather, heart failure is a chronic condition that occurs when the heart muscle fails to pump an adequate supply of blood to the body, causing an increasing amount of damage as organs and tissues are deprived of oxygen and nutrients carried by the blood.

Single Serving of Beans Found to Boost Vascular Function

Adding just a 3/4 cup serving of certain beans to your next meal could provide a secret heart health boost, reveals new research

Study Suggests 40% Fewer Americans Need Statins

In a groundbreaking study that could reshape cardiovascular disease prevention, researchers have found that millions of Americans currently taking statins may not actually need them. This revelation challenges long-held beliefs about heart disease risk assessment and opens the door for more personalized, holistic approaches to heart health.

Introduction to the condition

The Artery Unclogging Duo: How Pomegranate and Garlic Could Save Millions of Lives

In a world where cardiovascular disease claims more lives than any other ailment, a groundbreaking solution may be found not in the latest pharmaceutical wonder drug, but in two humble foods that have been cherished for millennia: pomegranate and garlic. Mounting scientific evidence suggests that these natural wonders possess an extraordinary ability to combat atherosclerosis--the buildup of deadly plaque in the arteries--yet their potential remains largely untapped and underreported.

The Butter Renaissance: New Studies Challenge Decades of Dietary Advice

For years, butter has been vilified as a dietary demon, blamed for clogging arteries and expanding waistlines. But what if everything we thought we knew about this creamy spread was wrong?

Recent research, along with traditional wisdom championed by organizations like the Weston A. Price Foundation, is forcing nutrition experts to reconsider butter's place in a healthy diet, with surprising findings that may just spread joy to food lovers everywhere.

Current Understanding of Cardiovascular Disease

The Hidden Dangers of Statins: How Cholesterol Drugs May Damage Heart Health

Statins rank among the most prescribed drugs globally, taken by 1 in 4 adults over 45 in the U.S. alone[1]. For decades, patients have relied on these cholesterol-lowering medications to prevent heart disease. But emerging research indicates statins may inadvertently accelerate coronary artery calcification and impair heart muscle function[2],[3].

Statins: The Cholesterol Myth and A Billion Dollar Industry

The Latest Tragedy: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome

Originally published on


The Shocking Truth About White Rice (And How to Make It Healthy Again)

Discover the shocking truth about this pantry staple and the simple hacks that can transform it into a nutritional powerhouse. From resistant starch to coconut oil, we've got the science-backed tips you need to redeem your rice and reclaim your health.

These Two Doctors Cured Thousands with Vitamin E

Originally published on byAndrew W. Saul

And it all began over 70 years ago

This Type of Exercise Counteracts Heart Disease

Looking for a quick but effective way to protect your heart health? Get up and get moving -- this time-efficient exercise is both protective and healing for your heart

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