Results for Alzheimer's disease

7 Proven Ways to Keep Your Brain Young

Over 5 million Americans have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Another 10,000,000 suffer with severe dementia and Parkinson's. Even more struggle with age-related mild cognitive impairment. Here are 7 natural ways to defend your brain.

8 Healing Properties of Strawberries

8 Juicy Reasons to Eat More Strawberries

Who doesn't love strawberries? And you don't need any reason other than the pleasure of their sweetness to eat them every day. But according to researchers from Oklahoma State University, there's lots more to strawberries than the flavor.[i]

AutismOne Joins With Focus Autism For AutismOne/Focus Autism 2015 Conference

AutismOne Joins With Focus Autism For AutismOne/Focus Autism 2015 Conference

Article Originally Published Here

Curcumin Found to Outperform Pneumococcal Vaccines in Protecting Infants

Curcumin Found To Outperform Pneumococcal Vaccines In Protecting Infants
Originally published on

Drug Free Approach Cuts Alzheimer's Risk In Half

Drug Free Approach Cuts Alzheimer's Risk In Half

Originally published on

Easily one of the most dreaded conditions to suffer through as we age is Alzheimer's disease. Currently, conventional medicine has no truly significant means by which to reverse or even stop this blight. However we can have a dramatic impact on how likely we are to develop Alzheimer's, and all it may take is getting up and getting your blood pumping. 

How to Cook with Turmeric - Plus FREE Recipe E-Book!

How to Cook with Turmeric

Published with permission from

Everyone now seems to know how good turmeric is for your body and mind, but how do you use it in cooking?

When it comes to eating healthy, spices are many times overlooked. So if you want to supercharge the health benefits of the foods you're already eating while adding more interest to your meals, head to the spice rack.

In Defense of Coconut Oil: Rebuttal to USA Today

In Defense of Coconut Oil: Rebuttal to USA Today

By now, I'm sure you've seen the USA Today article entitled, "Coconut oil isn't healthy. It's never been healthy". Fear-mongering, attention-grabbing headlines certainly sell copy, but do not make for evidence-informed, high quality science reporting.

As I expressed in my recent post on social media,

Rediscovering the Art and Science of Sound Therapy

Rediscovering the Art and Science of Sound Therapy

John Stuart Reid and Annaliese Reid illustrate how sound is fast regaining its place as a powerful healing modality. Having first been used by the ancients, sound therapy has undergone a period of re-discovery and is now poised to reveal the intricacies of healing both at the cellular and psychological levels

"Sound will be the medicine of the future." ~ Edgar Cayce

Scientists Prove Link Between Aluminum and Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease

Scientists Prove Link Between Aluminum and Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease

Scientists Prove Link Between Aluminum and Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease

In today's world, aluminum is omnipresent, building up within our system from everyday products.  Now, we are learning that aluminum toxicity can manifest itself in alarming ways.

The 50 Latest Coconut Oil Benefits Backed by Science

The 50 Latest Coconut Oil Benefits Backed by Science

Article originally published on Root and Sprout here

Coconut oil has made the journey from villain to victor in the health food world.

The Incredible Health Benefits of Berries


The Incredible Health Benefits of Berries

The Incredible Health Benefits of Berries

How can one food group offer so many incredible health benefits, from preventing heart attack, stroke and dementia to protecting you from the flu? The answer is phytonutrients, and berries are simply loaded. Reading this "berry primer" will have you snatching them by the handfuls.

The Proof is in the Panic: We Need a New Strategy against Viral Infections

The Proof is in the Panic: We Need a New Strategy against Viral Infections

The Ultimate Paleo Diet Plan to Transform Your Health

The Ultimate Paleo Diet Plan to Transform Your Health

Article Originally Published Here

You've probably heard about the paleo diet, the lifestyle switch that's taken America by storm. Paleo has fast begun the most popular diet to have ever held sway over our love handles. People all over the world are having massive success following a fairly simple switch in diet and many consider paleo to be more than just a diet, it's become a lifestyle choice.

The paleo lifestyle is aligned with how our hunter-gatherer ancestors ate and lived for thousands of years. It is the only nutritional system which works with our genetics to enable us to stay lean and energized.

Top 10 Reasons to Eat Your Cruciferous Veggies

10 Reasons to Eat Your Cruciferous Vegetables

Everyone knows that eating vegetables has profound health benefits. But, like all foods, not all vegetables are created the same. A few vegetables appear to be downright "miracle" foods!

One such group of veggies are those of the Brassica family; commonly known as cruciferous. These include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, radish, rutabaga, turnip and even arugula. 

What makes this group of veggies so special? Sulforaphane

Turmeric (Curcumin) Shown to Possess a Powerful Anti-Aging Effect

Turmeric (Curcumin) Shown to Possess a Powerful Anti-Aging Effect

The latest, and most likely, program theory of aging is the telomere shortening theory. Telomeres are the end-cap segments of DNA (our genetic material). Each time a cell replicates, a small piece of DNA is taken off the end of each chromosome. The shorter the telomere gets, the more it affects gene expression. The result is cellular aging and an increased risk for immune dysfunction, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and other degenerative diseases.

Vaccines' Dark Inferno: What Is Not on Insert Labels?

Vaccines' Dark Inferno: What Is Not on Insert Labels?

Originally published on

Why I Kicked My Keurig to the Curb

Originally published on

What busy person doesn't love the idea of having a personal cup of coffee instantly with the push of a button. Many people are delighted when the Keurig machines show up in the workplace or doctor's waiting room. I loved the idea. I bought one from Costco along with the handy unit to store those awkward K Cups. I, of course, insisted on the Newman's Organic K Cups for my coffee choice.

We stocked our hot beverage center with a variety of flavored K Cups.

Why You Need To Supplement Essential Fatty Acids

Why You Need To Supplement Essential Fatty Acids

Today, healthy fatty acid deficiency is epidemic. This deficiency leads to cardiovascular and immune issues and other disorders. What do you do if you're HFA deficient? 

[Note: Melanie Christner is leading an upcoming 12-week GAPS™ Protocol course which is still open for enrollment. Learn more here.]

This website is for information purposes only. By providing the information contained herein we are not diagnosing, treating, curing, mitigating, or preventing any type of disease or medical condition. Before beginning any type of natural, integrative or conventional treatment regimen, it is advisable to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.

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