Results for allergies

3 Evidence-Based Natural Allergy Remedies

Allergies can be extremely difficult to deal with, especially when sufferers deal with year-round symptoms. Luckily, there are safe, natural alternatives to the harsh pharmaceutical options

A Dozen Uses of Probiotics That Will Surprise You

A Dozen Uses Of Probiotics That Will Surprise You

Everybody now knows that probiotics are good for you. But here are twelve recently discovered benefits of probiotics that might really surprise you!

1. Happiness

Black Seed Oil for Hay Fever?

Black Seed Oil for Hay Fever?

The hay fever season is upon us and as pollen counts and tissue sales soar we review the evidence of the use black seed oil for hay fever treatment.

Hay fever or seasonal allergic rhinitis is the most common manifestation of atopic reactions to pollen allergens leading to uncomfortable symptoms such as itchy and watery red eyes, a stuffy nose, itchy throat and lots of sneezing. Unfortunately, these symptoms can become so extreme that it blights the summer for many of us.

Consumer Alert: Air Fresheners

An astounding 19 pages of chemicals go into making one commonly used brand of air freshener, representing just how poorly regulated and toxic this increasingly popular class of consumer products is.

You've probably seen pictures of people navigating urban cityscapes, their noses and mouths covered by medical masks to safeguard against toxic air quality. You might be surprised to learn that it's actually indoor air quality, permeated by chemical "air fresheners," that is a top concern for public health officials.

Fecal Transplants for Allergies, Autism, and Autoimmune Disease

At first glance, fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) appears to be a far-fetched procedure devised as a slapstick plot for a sit-com series. However, this innovative technique may revolutionize the future of medical treatments for a host of maladies including autoimmune and allergic diseases as well as autism spectrum disorder

The Demise of the Microbe-Fearing Paradigm

Patients with an Allergy to Eggs Are at Risk of Anaphylaxis from MMR Vaccine

Patients with an Allergy to Eggs Are at Risk of Anaphylaxis if Vaccinated with the MMR

According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Patients with an allergy to eggs are at risk of anaphylaxis if vaccinated with the MMR vaccine

Rob Schneider’s Uncensored Press Release On Vaccination

Rob Schneider’s Uncensored Press Release On Vaccination

“The most basic of all human rights is the ability to have control over your own body and be able to exercise informed consent when making medical decisions that can harm you or your child.” -Rob Schneider

Seasonal Allergies? These 6 Foods May Help

When seasonal allergies flare, do you reach for antihistamine drugs that can leave you edgy and dehydrated? If you'd like to explore natural options for your runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, and post-nasal drip, these six foods, all rich in nutrients called flavonoids, may help you combat hay fever

The first signs of spring are unmistakable for the allergy-prone: red, watery eyes, congestion, a pervasive tickle in your throat and, of course, fatigue; how do you sleep when you can't breathe freely?

The Latest Study on Human - Pet Bonding Says You May Be Under a Spell

The Latest Study on Human-Pet Bonding Says You May Be Under a Spell

Do you melt when you look into your dog's eyes? Does your cat have you wrapped around her little fuzzy paws? You're not alone! New science unlocks the mysteries of human-animal bonding and how our animal companions manipulate us into loving them--for our good and theirs.

People have a long history of living and bonding with domesticated animals. A recent genome study concluded that dogs may have been domesticated as far back as 34,000 years ago.[1]

The Three Pillars of Radiant Health

The Three Pillars of Radiant Health

Originally published on Fearless Parent, like us on Facebook

Top 7 Ways to Keep Baby Safe

Top 7 Ways to Keep Baby Safe

Originally published on Fearless Parent, like us on Facebook

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