Your Best Strategy in the Face of Ebola

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Your Best Strategy in the Face of Ebola

With Ebola hysteria in full force, the reality is that avoiding contact with someone with symptoms of the virus is the best strategy for prevention. And considering that the U.S. has yet to experience an outbreak, what are we really worrying about?  What we can do is to continue best practices in regard to sanitation, and also continue to learn from our past as far as how to stay healthy under the threat of microbes. 

Our species has faced microbial threats before, from the 'Black Death' of the mid 14th century to the 1918 Flu Pandemic, which both are believed responsible for the death of millions of people worldwide. In the 20th century, as a species, we made massive strides against combating communicable disease through nutrition, sanitation and medical interventions like antibiotics, but even those are now helpless against some of the most salient threats against health. As the Deputy Director of the CDC said, "We have reached the end of antibiotics. Period."

The most interesting question to ask in all of this is often not asked. In those mass pandemics, why didn't everyone die? What was it about some people that helped them to survive?

Let's imagine a scenario. Ebola gets loose in America. No vaccines can be made in time. No antibiotics or antiviral drugs work. Who survives and inherits the earth?

  1. Those with an impeccable "terrain" – It is becoming more and more clear that our individual biological terrain is affecting our health potential through epigenetics (control above genes). If you are a "wellness junkie," you are likely developing a healthy terrain through eating whole foods, reducing exposure to avoidable toxic influences, and controlling your stress.
  2. Those with a robust microbiome - new science is emerging to show that it is possible to gain immunity to microbes you have never encountered via a strong and robust microbiome. Supporting the good bacteria in the gut will go a long way to providing a 'shield' against pathogenic bacteria. 
  3. Those with natural immune boosting tools – If you are a regular reader of, you already know there are countless herbs, spices, foods, broths, nutrients and other substances and techniques to improve your immune system and support your body in fighting off the microbes.
  4. Those with a finely honed placebo response – Personally, I have had great success with homeopathy my whole life. There are those that would say "it is just placebo," but that confuses the value of it. The placebo effect is awesome, nature's most powerful pharmacy. The more of it we can produce the better and those of us who have consistently engaged that placebo response have an 18-80% chance of getting better with no medicine.

So, if Ebola gets loose, relax, be prepared and be empowered; you have done the hard work through cultivating health through diet, mind-body practices and avoiding chemical exposures. If you have done this work, the odds are ever in your favor.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of GreenMedInfo or its staff.

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