Why Should I Care About GMOs?

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Why Should I Care About GMOs?

What if you found out that your child was being slipped a dangerous drug in his school lunches, without your consent? What if you discovered that this drug never underwent the usual safety testing, as the government turned a bind eye? Would you be shocked? Outraged? Or perhaps in a state of profound denial that something so egregious could happen in this country?

This may seem like a nightmare scenario that could never happen in the United States of America, in a democracy valuing freedom and consent. But the shocking truth is that it happens every day. I'm not talking about a drug, per se, but your family is being exposed to something potentially even MORE destructive: GMOs, or genetically modified organisms.

Like the hypothetical drug scenario, in the early 1990s, GMO technology was rushed to market, allowed to skip the normal safety checks. No rigorous scientific vetting, no peer reviewed safety studies. Just a quiet, green light with a wink and a nod from our government to the biotech industry. Scientists opposing GMOs were ignored and hushed—even those within the FDA. The fact that GMOs are dangerous and unpredictable has been known, but suppressed, for decades. In the late 1980s, the L-tryptophan epidemic that killed 37 people and crippled thousands more was traced to genetically engineered ingredients.[1] [2]

For the past 20 years, GMOs have been allowed to permeate our food supply, with government regulators and industry spreading the myth of their safety, despite all evidence to the contrary. Why should you care? Because your children are the real guinea pigs.

Dozens of Studies Point to Horrific GMO Dangers to Human Health

Studies have painted some disturbing pictures of what GMOs can do. Animal feeding studies have linked GMOs with immune dysfunction, smaller brains, liver damage, gastrointestinal problems, abnormal sex organs and sterility, precancerous cell growth, accelerated aging and higher death rates. In a long-term Italian feeding study, rats fed Monsanto's GMO maize developed horrifying tumors, widespread organ damage, and premature death.[3] [4] Dozens of other studies have added to concerns about the frightening potentials of genetically tampering with our food supply.[5] [6]

For example, how do you feel about turning your child's gut into a pesticide factory? Big Biotech may have already accomplished this. Science has established the ability of GE genes to "jump" from the foods we eat to our gut bacteria (transgene transfer). In fact, "designer crops" are specially engineered so that they will transfer between species.

When your child enjoys that yummy ear of corn at the school picnic, the corn's altered DNA can be picked up by his gut bacteria. Those gut bacteria are now genetically altered to resist antibiotics or produce pesticides. There is no known way to treat such a condition. It's irreversible ... Pandora's Gut.3

It is unconscionable that GE foods were ushered into the world's food supply in the first place, but the fact that they are still getting a free pass is nothing short of careless contamination of the gene pool.[7]

Isn't it interesting that every time Monsanto conducts scientific research on its own products, the conclusions are that they are safe, but when independent scientists study GMOs, all sorts of horrific effects are uncovered? This is the industry that brought us Agent Orange, bovine growth hormone, saccharine, PCBs and dioxin. Do you really want them controlling the food you feed your children?

Monsanto is Hijacking Ever-Broader Segments of Society

Monsanto is progressively, insidiously worming its way into your own backyard. This corporation has been acquiring increasing shares of the home vegetable seed market, including 40 percent in one swoop when it purchased Seminis in 2005.[8] However, home gardens are not its highest prize.

Monsanto and other biotech multinationals are hijacking ever-broader segments of society. They have a revolving door with government and exert increasing control over the research performed at colleges and universities by controlling their funding.[9] They also control the media through organizations, such as Science Media Center, which has nothing to do with real science ... its only purpose is to dispense scientific propaganda that furthers the industry agenda.[10]

But no strategies are as shameless as Monsanto's attempts to brainwash our young and impressionable. For example, they published a 16-page children's activity book called "Biotechnology Basics," touting the "benefits" of GMOs, and then circulated it widely around schools.[11]

Is your child in 4-H? Monsanto has been increasingly involved in 4-H, which has been falling deeper into the clutches of the organizations that fund it. 2012 donors include Monsanto, Cargill, and DuPont. Monsanto now trains tens of thousands of 4-H volunteers each year across all 50 states. Children look up to their mentors—so what better way to influence them than by controlling the agenda for the largest youth organization in the world?[12] Monsanto is not going to stop at poisoning your children's bodies—they aim to poison their minds as well.

If you care about the health and future of your children and your children's children, then you must take a stand against GMOs. One of the most powerful ways to do this is by facilitating the passage of GMO labeling laws. Most of us don't know what we're eating. As a parent, how can you protect your children if you can't even protect yourself? Without labeling, there is no way to track GMO-related health data because there is no way of knowing who ate what. Industry's plan is to kill GMO labeling in every state, but you can help prevent this.[13] By demanding that companies disclose their GE ingredients, and by purchasing only non-GMO foods, you can protect your family from victimization by these corporations that value profit much more than your child's health.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of GreenMedInfo or its staff.

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