Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo Founder, Appointed to the National Health Federation Board of Governors

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Scott Tips and Sayer Ji

Scott Tips, JD, President of NHF and Sayer Ji, founder of Greenmedinfo

It is with great humility and a sense of incredible honor I wish to share with each of my GreenMedInfo family my appointment and acceptance to the National Health Federation's Board of Governors. I join many highly esteemed past and present NHF Board members such as Dr. Jeffrey Bland, Linus Pauling, Dr. Jonathan V. Wright, and many others who affect massive change on our Planet. These great freedom warriors have defended health and health freedom, and fought to preserve our right of free choice—so important now with the vaccine exemption being threatened, and to create health at the highest levels without interference all through the exceptional and unique vehicle of NHF.

For the past 60 years, NHF has been the premier "food activist" before the term was even coined. They have fought all the main battles of every decade and now I fight on the front lines with them and you can too. Protecting alternative practitioners' right to practice, saving our supplements in both their levels of therapeutic value and right of use, and all the battles in between from fluoride on, the NHF has been watching over you and your family for six decades.

The highest food-governing body is called Codex Alimentarius. A 50-year "marriage" of the Food and Agriculture Organization coupled with the World Health Organization in the 60s birthed Codex Alimentarius, which means "food code" in Latin. Later, the World Trade Organization entered creating a ménage a trois of global power. Today, nearly everything you consume: food, beverages, and nutritional supplements is controlled by Codex whose stated goal is food safety and facilitating World trade. While noble in its inception, it has fallen far in its implementation. "Food safety" couldn't be further from the truth. In the last Codex Food Additives meeting, for example, held in Beijing, China, the Codex chairman kept insisting that, "We are not here to determine the safety of aspartame. Aspartame's safety has already been confirmed." We know this is a travesty of "food safety" and undermines health. Facilitating World trade is often the focus as is padding the bottom line of Codex country delegates and industries, some of which include Monsanto front groups. We might be vulnerable to this misdirected power were NHF not there fighting to protect us all.

In this global mix, which seeks to "harmonize" guidelines and standards causing a definite loss of sovereignty to countries, there are only 5 consumer groups accredited by Codex and certainly not at every international Codex Committee meeting of which there are many throughout the year. Not all consumer groups represent your interests and none represent health and health freedom: none but the National Health Federation consistently and without bias, the only health-freedom organization at Codex.

When the current President and General Counsel Scott C. Tips was able, with his 30+ years of legal experience as a Food and Drug Specialist Lawyer, to breach the walls of Codex and the NHF was allowed a seat at the highest food-governing body in the World, he brought hope that industry, power, and greed might not continue to destroy your health and health freedom. Now we can all tap into this bold move. We have entrance where entrance had been denied before. As an "independent non-governmental organization," the NHF has gained a reputation for aggressive insistence on health and health freedom. With a trained lawyer presenting arguments, NHF sets the bar high. At Codex, every country and INGO can be heard. There is typically no voting, but decisions are reached by consensus. So, NHF has tremendous global power to protect. I'll tell you how.

Codex meeting

National Health Federation is the ONLY health-freedom organization able to submit scientific research, speak at Codex meetings, and impact global policy. The ONLY one. That humbles me. Does it humble you to know you have had a protector all these years and may not have even been aware? Coupled with the fact that NHF began the health-freedom movement in 1955 with Fred Hart initiating the Federation when the FDA turned against his use of a frequency device to help his wife's cancer, the NHF is the most experienced dealing with local, State, and National issues and the ONLY health-freedom organization currently handling the entire Planet.

NHF collaborates annually at the Health Freedom Congress with other domestic health-freedom organizations. But NHF remains unique in its international approach and its ability to shape global policy protecting food and nutritional supplements.

So you can see why I have confidence in NHF to take the work of GreenMedInfo to the World. We have the research to back every argument and debate NHF will face at Codex. My entrance to the Board of Governors will bring the wisdom of years of hard research and invaluable contacts to further health and health freedom for the 7 billion people living on this Planet. NHF needs me and we need them or all of our nutritional access may very well be removed as it has been in much of the World. You may not be aware but simple melatonin use in Denmark is a crime without a prescription. We cannot continue to trust in DSHEA to keep our supplements safe. We all need to join in and fight to preserve what we have access to now. We all need to keep fighting effectively for GMO labeling – something that NHF actively fought for on the Codex Committee for Food Labeling – and we need to keep contaminants and additives out of our food supply. NHF is on multiple committees and will be on many more with proper funding. You see NHF doesn't believe in debt and it doesn't take a dime from the government or the government's corporate enablers. NHF runs solely on member support.

When we find hope, we share it. And in this spirit I invite you to join me creating a huge force to bear down on Codex through the National Health Federation addressing domestic concerns as well. I have found the pinnacle of power and it is not the often louder "voices" out there with big displays of championing you. As Kat Carroll of the NHF once told me, "The other health freedom organizations who shout the loudest at home aren't even in the (Codex) parking lot holding up a sign." When it comes to hand-to-hand combat, NHF is the only health freedom organization fighting for you.

Join today here and while on the NHF website I would like you to make a donation here:


I intend to attend Codex meetings and fight for you as well through my position at NHF. Make sure that the NHF has every ability to defend your health and health freedom by joining and donating today at Then I want you to share your commitment to joining NHF on your social media and help your friends and family to have access to true power to change the World. There are too many fires to be tended right now; too many assaults on your health and health freedom. This is no time for being sidelined or assuming the spectator's role. I need you behind me as I continue to invest in your health, the health of your family, and to get this World back into balance. I trust you will join me and it's been with great pleasure I share this next evolution of my own life and taking GreenMedInfo into the World in the greatest possible way. You are going to reap the benefit. I thank you in advance for your support of GreenMedInfo and NHF. We would never be able to make any impact without you!

Brief National Health Federation Timeline:

  • In the 1950s we fought and won the battle for mandatory inspection of poultry.
  • In the 1960s we coordinated a major drive to help chiropractors become legally licensed in over 40 states.
  • In the 1970s we waged very successful campaigns against fluoridation.
  • In the 1980s we pushed through legislative recognition of acupuncture.
  • In the 1990s we lobbied to pass the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act S-784, fought malathion spraying, promoted public education on the dangers of vaccinations, and continued fighting the fluoridation battle.
  • In the 2000s we were working to prevent the Codex attempts to restrict your freedom to take vitamins and minerals and we are currently taking action to defeat the Senator Durbin Bill (S.722) that seeks to restrict DSHEA with his move to require dietary supplement manufacturers to submit Adverse Event Reports, to institute a pre-approval process with the FDA for all dietary supplements that are stimulants, and to re-classify anabolic-steroid dietary supplements as Controlled Substances. The other NHF battles include opposing S.1780, S.1538, H.R. 207 and H.R. 3377 (considered the Son of Durbin bill). We were also supporting health-promoting legislation such as the Access To Medical Treatment Act and a repeal of the Kefauver Amendment of 1962 that gave the FDA expanded authority over drug "efficacy" and thus the ability to play favorites with drug companies. We are fighting alongside other countries against a major health freedom threat, one whose goal is to harmonize vitamin and supplement laws that strictly regulate natural health foods worldwide.
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