NEWS RELEASE: NHF to Take On Toxic Pesticides at Codex Committee in Beijing

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Delegates at Codex Alimentarius From All Over the World, Industry, and INGOs like NHF

NHF to Take Toxic Pesticides at Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues in Beijing

NHF needs your support as we speak for consumers, manufacturers, health care professionals, and YOU.

200,000 deaths a year are correlated with pesticide exposure through a $40 billion a year pesticide industry.

Join the National Health Federation,,  to end this nonsense! NHF will attend the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues April 23-29, 2017, in Beijing, China. NHF will fight for the elimination and/or reduction of pesticide Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) in our food, water, and food production animals – even bees. And even organic produce has allowable pesticide residues!

If you are not familiar with Codex and its impact on your life and/or business, please learn more about Codex here. Codex Alimentarius (Latin for “Food Code”) sets international standards and guidelines for food, beverages, and nutritional supplements; and in a way that can even supersede national sovereignty!

NHF will fight for the elimination and/or reduction of maximum residue levels on over 45 dangerous pesticides, some of which have been withdrawn from the market, are being used as contraband, used off-label, or have been reintroduced under a new trade name.

Bayer CropScience pulled this sneaky move introducing Aldicarb back into the market with a name-change after withdrawal because of the chemical's high toxicity. Potatoes, citrus, cotton, and other crops are polluted with this product literally labeled “Poison” (as are birds, bees, and wildlife, and pesticide-contaminated drinking water).

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Aldicarb is "one of the most acutely toxic pesticides registered.” A "Restricted Use Pesticide" Aldicarb was implicated in the largest case of pesticide food poisoning documented in North America. It’s back under a new name: Temik. The Georgia cotton farmers weren’t under any misconception with the sneaky name change saying, “We are glad to have Aldicarb back!”

The EPA admitted Aldicarb didn’t meet food safety standards, noting that children and infants in particular were at risk. Children between the ages of one to five can ingest 300 percent more than the EPA’s “level of concern!” Bayer CropScience’s actions demonstrate a lack of concern for health.

In debating 45 pesticides at Codex, NHF is fighting against pure greed and a willingness to sacrifice our lives, health, and even our continued existence as these pesticides’ compounding and accumulating use are a toxic burden that we can no longer bear. Neither can our Planet.

Studies have proven Persistent Organic Pollutant (POP) and pesticide exposure in general correlates directly with:

  • diabetes and pre-diabetes development
  • birth defects
  • hormone dysfunction
  • immune, organ, and respiratory system damage
  • reproductive system damage
  • Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, and nervous system damage
  • cancer
  • shortened lactation
  • spontaneous abortion
  • developmental and carcinogenic effects
  • gut dysfunction
  • allergies
  • hypersensitivity
  • endocrine disruption
  • learning disabilities, behavior and attention problems, and increased aggression
  • poor gross and fine motor coordination
  • and more

When food-production animals are fed pesticide-tainted feed and pesticide-contaminated water, then problems are exacerbated when we consume that meat.

NHF needs your support as we speak for consumers, manufacturers, health care professionals, and YOU.  Will you consider leveraging your need and your right to safe food, beverages, protection of our nutritional supplements (handled at other NHF’s attendance at other Codex Committees) by donating today?

NHF will present scientific data in comments submitted prior to the plenary session as well as during the week-long session. We will help Codex Delegates to understand NHF’s position and commitment to health and health freedom, to people, to the Planet!

NHF’s aim at CCPR is to reduce human, animal, and plant exposures to pesticides worldwide. NHF faces Monsanto front-groups such as CropLife, DowDupont, and giants such as Bayer’s CropScience, and ChemChina who don’t care about health but seek to increase sales and distribution globally of these toxic products regardless of the destruction across all lines.

Please come alongside us in this fight for health and health freedom! We cannot do it without your help. Please join NHF today!

Currently over 50% of the toxic compounds that NHF will address at CCPR are the subject of a public-health concern. NHF states that they all are A MAJOR THREAT TO GLOBAL LIFE. Some if not many of these names are familiar to those who have led a more conventional life full of bug sprays, weed killers, and other toxic household products. Many among us have lost loved ones to cancers brought on by these toxic products. Is this our future? Is this the future for YOUR family? Not if NHF can speak for those who cannot speak at Codex, leveraging your position by carrying YOUR VOICE where it counts, and putting an end to this nightmare.

As you explore some of NHF’s past history and accomplishments please be aware that we don’t have an easy path, we have international opposition and have had to reconstruct our website (a process which is still ongoing) but we expect the recent work of NFH to be reflected soon in those web pages.

NHF is on a mission, as it has been for more than 62 years now, to protect and preserve the health and health freedom of 7 billion souls on this Planet that is currently being destroyed on all counts. Join NHF now and do not leave the website before your voice is carried to the seat of power internationally at Codex to let them know you are not going to stand for the further destruction of our health and our Planet. NHF will be speaking for you as we have faithfully for decades now. But as we’ve always said, we cannot do it without YOU!

Please support our mission by joining today or making a donation




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