The Israeli People's Committee Report of Adverse Events Related to the Corona Vaccine

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This is a brief summary of the full report released due to the urgency of its contents.

The full report will be published and distributed soon.

We hereby clarify that The Israeli People's Committee is an independent organization relying on publicly available information from official publications and social networks. The information has been checked by members of the committee to avoid false, refuted, and erroneous data. However, the report should not be relied upon for medical or other purposes, and it certainly does not contain any medical recommendation. Anyone who considers it as such, does so of his own accord.

While the Prime Minister of Israel and senior officials of the Ministry of Health brag that Israel serves as a global model for nationwide vaccination, and while they boast that Pfizer has chosen us to be the experimental country thanks to the advanced technological systems of our HMOs [Health Maintenance Organizations], the state has systematically shut down all monitoring and tracking systems, which are designed to identify and alert of adverse events that occur in proximity of receiving the vaccine. This irresponsible conduct by the Ministry of Health during this mass operation providing an experimental treatment to millions of people, regardless of whether such conduct is negligent or intentional, has led to an unprecedented flood of thousands of serious adverse event reports after the vaccine on social media, which seems to be the only forum that still allows people to share their experiences. Surprisingly, such widespread phenomena have not received any media coverage or attention from public officials.

The silencing mechanisms of the health system regarding the vaccine's adverse events, and the denial of their severity and worrisome scope, combined with the fact that the mainstream media have ignored adverse events and avoided reporting them, have created a situation whereby the Israeli public is almost completely unaware of the existence, nature and prevalence of the vaccine's adverse events. This smoke screen which exists between the Israeli public and this vaccine's adverse events prevents citizens from receiving all the information they need to make a balanced and responsible decision about the vaccination; and moreover, raises the concern that the lack of contraindications for susceptible populations to the vaccine has unnecessarily harmed the citizens to the point of needless mortality.

The healthcare system's failure to monitor the vaccine's adverse events and issue alerts, coupled with the media's transgression of its roles as an important mechanism for monitoring and criticizing the establishment's conduct and as a pivotal platform for exposing the hard truth, have led to the abandonment of the health of the citizens of the country. In the vacuum that has ensued we, as an independent investigation committee comprising of concerned citizens, have been left with no choice other than using all means, albeit limited, at our disposal to research and expose the truth regarding the corona vaccine's adverse events. From our inquiry a disturbing image has emerged of the high rate of serious adverse events, observed in proximity to receiving the vaccine, even among young people. Many adverse events are life-threatening, and regretfully, more than a few ended in death.

The inconceivable gap between the existing reality and the information published by the Israeli Ministry of Health and by the Israeli media raises concern of a dangerous deception not only of Israeli citizens but of citizens of the entire world who view Israel as the research laboratory of Pfizer's corona vaccine. Such a deception, whether negligent or premeditated, could create additional cycles of harm to humans around the globe.

In this report we wish to say to the Israeli Government and governments throughout the world: a lack of transparency kills people. Deception and concealment lead people to disability and loss of life. Remove all confidentiality, create transparent and controlled reporting mechanisms; only then can lives be saved and further damage avoided from the very tool that is supposed to preserve health. Is this a case where the drug is more deadly than the disease? Or is it equally or less deadly? We can only come to a true conclusion if comprehensive data is revealed in real time and if the press, which is supposed to be free and a watchdog of democracy, will remain on guard and raise the alarm when necessary. And it is indeed very necessary.

Here are our main findings:

  • We received 288 reports of deaths occurring in proximity to the vaccination (90% up to 10 days after the vaccination). 64% are men. According to the Ministry of Health's figures: only 45 deaths occurred in proximity to the vaccination.
  • According to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), during January-February 2021, in the midst of the vaccination operation, there was a 22% increase in overall mortality in Israel compared to the bi-monthly average mortality in the previous year. In fact, the period of January-February 2021 is the deadliest one in the last decade, with the highest overall mortality rates, when compared to the corresponding months over the last 10 years.
  • Among the age group of 20-29, the increase in overall mortality rate is even more dramatic. In this group, during the same vaccination period, January-February 2021, there has been a 32% increase in overall mortality compared to the bi-monthly average mortality in 2020.
  • A statistical analysis of data from the CBS combined with information from the Ministry of Health leads to the conclusion that the mortality rate amongst the vaccinated is estimated at 1:5,000 (1:13,000 for ages 20-49, 1:6,000 for ages 50-69, 1:1600 for ages 70+). According to this assessment, it is possible to estimate that the number of deaths in Israel that have occurred in proximity to the vaccination, currently stands at about 1,000-1,100 people.
  • There is a high correlation between the number of people vaccinated per day and the number of deaths per day, in the range of up to 10 days post vaccination in all age groups. For ages 20-49 - a range of 9 days from the date of vaccination to death; for ages 50-69 - 5 days from the date of vaccination to death; for ages 70 and up - 3 days from the date of vaccination to death.
  • The risk of death after the second vaccination is higher than the risk of death after the first vaccination.
  • Up until the publication date of this report, a total of 2,066 reports of adverse events have been recorded by The Israeli People's Committee and the figures continue to flow in. These reports indicate damage to almost every system in the human body. These figures also highlight the inconceivable gap between official Israeli media reports and what is actually happening, enabling a "two worlds" situation due to journalistic failure to sense, identify and report on what is actually happening in citizens' real-life.
  • There are close similarities in the reports of adverse events from countries with relatively high vaccination rates, with hundreds of death reports, as well as reports of damage to many human body systems.
  • In our analysis, we have found a relatively high rate of cardiac-related injuries. 26% of all cardiac events occurred in young people below the age of 40, the most common diagnosis in these cases being myocarditis or pericarditis.
  • Additionally, a high prevalence of massive vaginal bleeding, neurological, skeletal and skin damages have been observed.
  • It should be noted that a significant number of adverse events reported are related, directly or indirectly, to coagulopathy (myocardial infarction, stroke, miscarriages, disruption of blood flow to the limbs, pulmonary embolism).
  • The reporting of adverse events from hospitals and HMO clinics has been very low, and there is a tendency for a diagnostic bias that excludes the possibility of a link between the adverse events and the vaccination. There are probably many thousands of unreported cases.
  • In light of the extent and severity of adverse events we are witnessing, we would like to express the committee's position that vaccinating children may also lead to adverse events, as observed in adults, which could result in the death of completely healthy children. Since the coronavirus does not endanger children at all, the committee believes that the Israeli government's intention to vaccinate children endangers their lives, their health, and their future development.
  • Two days prior to the publication of this report (in Hebrew), we sadly learned of the death of a two-year-old girl in proximity to receiving the Corona vaccine, according to a report in the US VAERS system. We hope that the radical idea of vaccinating children against the coronavirus will soon be taken off the table; and if not, that it will be completely rejected by most of the parents in Israel.
  • Never has a vaccine injured so many! The American VAERS system reveals 2,204 reports of mortality amongst vaccinated people in the United States in the first quarter of 2021, a figure that reflects a rise of thousands of percent from the annual average, which stood at 108 reports per year.

See the table below:

The Israeli People's Committee is an independent and apolitical group of Israeli citizens, who vary in their worldviews and areas of expertise. Among us there are physicians, lawyers, scientists and researchers from a wide range of academic disciplines. The glue that binds us together is our deep concern with respect to the safety of the Israeli people and the fate of our country in view of the chaotic vortex, which was orchestrated by the Israeli leadership during the last year in the shadow of the corona crisis, and which the Israeli public finds itself trapped in. In the vacuum that was created due to the disintegration of all the systems of our country, we arrive at the understanding that the cure for all the (health, moral, social, economic) ills, which were brought by the spin of the irresponsible government's management of the corona crisis, must come from the people. We therefore banded together a few weeks ago and established The Israeli People's Committee in an attempt to initiate a process of investigation, exposure, change, correction and recovery, and with the hope to encourage many other Israeli citizens to follow us and join our self-healing journey.


Dr. Pinki Feinstein, psychiatrist

Adv. Irit Yankovich, lawyer

Dr. Galit Zapler Naor, physician

Dr. Yaffa Shir Raz, health and risk communication researcher

Prof. Eti Einhorn, economics researcher

MPA Limor Frira public management

MPH Ella Nave epidemiologist


The link to our website:

Please note that the available information on our website is currently presented in Hebrew only.

In the near future, the information will be given in English as well.

For contact, please email us at [email protected]

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