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If you think all health news sounds the same, GreenMedInfo is turning that notion on its head in 2024 with an avalanche of pioneering natural medicine research
If you've been following GreenMedInfo this year, you may have noticed an explosion of groundbreaking natural health research we've covered - from reversing disease to mitigating side effects of drugs to preventing illness through nutrition. This supernova of novel study analysis reflects our steadfast mission to disseminate leading edge natural medicine evidence free to the world.
In just the first weeks of 2024, we've shared breakthrough studies on the power of fasting to abolish autoimmune disease, beat diabetes, and repair the brain. We've revealed research documenting superior mental health outcomes from psilocybin over conventional antidepressants. We've covered novel trials favoring red light exposure, exercise and magnesium for depression while warning on underreported pharmaceutical risks. The list goes on.
Last year we published about 3 new articles a week. This year we are publishing at a 5x higher rate, with at least 3 new articles A DAY. Check out the latest stream of articles here!
The depth and breadth of groundbreaking research now proving safety and efficacy of natural interventions we exclusively highlight every day aligns with our founding goal - to spread instantly accessible knowledge that educates, empowers and enables the public to reclaim health autonomy free from the grips of the pharmaceutical-driven medical industry.
We launched in 2008 as an open access resource allowing readers unlimited free glimpses into a new universe of peer-reviewed science affirming complementary and alternative healing modalities. The database has flourished into the world's most extensive, open and reliable accumulation of evidence directly challenging the medical paradigm. Is it any wonder why there have been international attempts to censor and deplatform us, and most of the natural health advocates on the internet, given how important this information is to your health freedom?
And our reach is expanding daily. GreenMedInfo now receives hundreds of thousands of unique visitors monthly exploring 20,000+ articles and 87,000+ scientific abstracts. Our free newsletter is delivered weekly to over 500,000 inboxes. Our top natural health solutions are shared across hundreds of affiliate sites. Clearly, our mission resonates.
Yet, sadly still over half of the public settles for conventional care oblivious to the burgeoning high quality data supporting safer, cheaper and often more effective natural medicine alternatives you can find on's database with over 10,000 different health topic areas.
That's why sharing the latest high-impact published studies daily that validate lifestyle medicine remains imperative to expedite the awakening. We're proud so far in 2024 the trove of game-changing research we've covered is seeding this transformation. And we've only just begun this year's research harvest.
This supernova is our vehicle to freely spread an evidence-based path to enable righteous, nonviolent health reclamation untethered from toxic pharmaceutical chains. We invite all to join us on this noble journey into a new era of healing possibilities informed by science while honouring what Hippocrates described as the vis medicatrix naturae - the healing power of nature within.
Want to join us on this exciting mission not just passively but as an active member? Please consider subscribing as a sponsoring member here today, or making a one-time donation to keep our 100% user supported, ad-free platform not just functional, but overflowing with value for the entire world!
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