The Great Reset Abolishes the US Constitution & English Bill of Rights

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The World Economic Forum's (WEF's) self proclaimed "Great Reset" is shaping the way governments around the world have responded to Covid-19. It sets the precedent for a "New Normal" where our Human Rights can be arbitrarily suspended for temporary or permanent states of emergency that are either real or engineered for that purpose.

The "Great" Reset is being organised on behalf of the United Nations, led by WEF Founder, Klaus Schwab. He has written the book on how Covid-19 can be taken advantage of to implement the "Great" Reset. This is why any debate about alternative approaches to solving the pandemic fall on deaf ears, whilst it continues to serve the implementation of their unpopular and unlawful agenda. This is why they are dragging out the pandemic far beyond any reasonable sell by date and World Bank documents indicate that the Covid-19 project may be planned to continue until March 2025. Their slogan is "Build Back Better", but for whom?

This article sets out the Great Reset's origins and legal framework. It also explains why ending lockdown and restoring liberty is not inconsistent with saving lives, because we believe that nutrient deficiencies are the primary factor in pandemics and seasonal colds. The article then concludes by explaining how the Great Reset knowingly pretends to overthrow Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, the US Constitution and the fundamental principles of Common Law.

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