Do you go to a chiropractor? National Health Federation made that possible back in the 50s.
Is an acupuncturist part of your healthcare team? NHF fought for your right to use alternative practitioners ...
Do you drink water free of poisonous fluoridation? You have the NHF to thank for that.
Do you use supplements? We made that possible too ...
Do you have the insurance that only NHF can provide that this will continue?
If not you are exposed and vulnerable!
"We're trying to get our supplements distributed in Germany; they are illegal there! If we don't get behind the National Health Federation on this, we are not going to have supplements to use, to sell or a store to run even in the States."
This angst-marked conversation with a supplement vendor is becoming more common. The rest of the world has lost so much ground where supplement levels, usage, and sales are concerned. Why in the world do you think it's not going to happen where you live? Besides the US, right now, the last international bastion of health freedom, South Africa, has requested the help of NHF to protect their supplements against the EU Directive which will severely limit their access and use of nutritional supplements and herbal medicine. Harmonization, homogenization ... It's all the same and you are going to be the loser if you don't act now.
NHF Is Your Only Insurance Protecting Your Supplements Globally
It's a well-known fact that whether life, health, or property insurance, insurance is one of our greatest monthly expenses. What if you had a fire and called the fire department and no one came? What if your subsequent fire-damage claim went unpaid? Are you gambling that NHF will always protect you when you haven't even paid in? NHF is your only insurance when it comes to protecting your supplements globally. Even the International Association of Dietary Supplements Association (IADSA) turned tail and ran as shown in comments submitted to Codex supporting the dumbing down of your vitamins and minerals! Deserters. Sell-outs to Big Corporations ... Fear seems rampant at Codex as well as being "politically correct," but also sheer apathy. NHF isn't afraid and NHF cannot be bought. But we admit to a weak link: Your support to ensure your voice is heard at the highest food, beverage, and supplement governing body on the Planet: Codex Alimentarius. NHF doesn't incur debt. Either your insurance is paid up or NHF doesn't speak for you. It is really that simple.
What if your spouse or child had Ebola? You don't want to gamble on a vaccine when medicine has no cure or be scrambling to treat naturally with allicillin, K1, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D3 in high doses — or even to get it at all! But that's exactly what could happen if you don't take your need for insurance in the realm of health and health freedom seriously by supporting NHF's efforts to ensure your health freedom to use the methods of your choice in therapeutic values; not watered down like Codex and the FDA intend. Like Germany and much of the rest of the World, you might go the store and find body care products on the shelves and a few overpriced, therapeutically impotent supplements to try to save the life of your loved one. Regret won't do a bit of good at that point.
The era of complacency is over. If you are still sitting on the sidelines sipping an ice-cold lemonade in the shade while the rest of us take the heat on the front lines, then don't come complaining to the NHF when your store's inventory or ability to purchase and distribute your nutritional supplement inventory is diminished or even demolished. Hard words indeed, but these are hard times as state, national, and international regulations are heaped upon us in a move designed to strangle the life out of our freedom to use relevant supplements or run your business the way you see fit and ultimately to crush our health and finances. We won't even talk about the fact that the next Codex meeting wants to set an RDA for fluoride!
Have You Been To Europe And The Netherlands Lately?
If you travel, you've undoubtedly noticed that you cannot buy common supplements overseas that you're accustomed to getting in the U.S., like melatonin. You'll be considered a criminal and put into jail or fined severely, all for trying to get a good night's sleep without using drugs. Buying Vitamin D3 in Germany? Well, it is expensive when the maximum dosage is currently 400 IU and most of us take many times that amount daily. Now the FDA and Codex intend to cap D3 at a measly 200-IU limit. Are you going to sit back and let it happen? What will this do to your health and a health-food store's bottom line? As Codex squeezes nutritional supplements, herbs, and spices with ever tighter and tougher standards, all of course "to protect the consumer" and harmonize world standards, it is only going to get worse.
The Most Powerful Health-Freedom Leverage on the Planet: NHF
Understanding the powerful leverage of NHF will be your first step to greater understanding as you join us in the fight for your health and livelihood. NHF is unique not only in our ability to speak, submit research at Codex, and correct the final report entries but we are led by a food-and-drug specialist international lawyer. Scott C. Tips. We couldn't be in a better position with a more powerful "Legal-General" heading up the current multi-pronged attack against you, your supplements, and your local and international businesses retailing vitamins and minerals. If you don't have the NHF health-freedom insurance, your health and health freedom is exposed and vulnerable. Try dropping homeowner's insurance and see how you react if you are a victim of theft or fire. You wouldn't dream of it. Why in the World do you gamble with your ability to heal and protect your health? Insurance costs money. Are you paid up or has this aspect of your stewardship just simply lapsed thinking someone else would cover it for you?
Senator "Tricky Dick" Durbin tries year after year to attack our supplements on a national level. NHF has successfully fought each of his scurrilous attempts to destroy our health by taking away our supplements: He's been known to sneak bills in at the start of a Summer break when vigilance often slips. NHF never sleeps. This is just one of three prongs being pushed into you right now with the full intent of getting your back up against a wall.
Scott Tips knows all of the enemy's dirty tricks. He knows the ins and outs. He's been around the block a few times, having practiced food-and-drug label law for 32 years, plus he's been to more Codex meetings than all other health-freedom activists combined! That's some leverage behind powerful insurance; how do you access it?
By aligning with the National Health Federation ( At 60-years old this coming January, we are the senior health-freedom organization. Because of NHF's unique position of being the SOLE voice for health and health freedom on the international stage of politics, we are hands-down the most powerful. To be without the protection of the NHF is to stand alone, exposed and vulnerable, with no voice and no power internationally. While others specialize in local, state, and national politics, the NHF does all of that and more by participating on the international scene where food law is set and the verdicts reached will impact billions of people, i.e., the entire Planet.
Global Harmonizatin's Impact on Private Supplement Use and On Business?
When the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) joined with the World Health Organization in a United Nations-sanctioned marriage in 1963, Codex Alimentarius was born and it became the highest food-governing body in the World. What was announced to the World as a noble attempt to secure safe food for the consumer and free trade soon became contaminated. Further degradation occurred in 1994 when the World Trade Organization (WTO) was born with its trade-sanction enforcement powers and the real, unspoken aim and goal of certain Codex elements emerged: greed-based, unfettered World trade, demolishing all barriers by creating "harmonization" between countries with the health of the consumer trampled upon.
A loss of international sovereignty is the result. Homogenization. But along the way, the casualty is your health and your health freedom. If you ever needed a War Lord provoking the battle and providing insurance, that time is now! NHF just needs the marching orders you provide with your support. Remember, we refuse to exceed our resources. We will not incur debt attending Codex meetings on your behalf if you don't want to pay your premiums. It is that simple. Donate here today.
We are witnessing it at Codex with every battle we engage in there all around the World. When it comes to dumbing down our supplements or making them illegal, you better believe NHF is going to fight and fight hard but we need your help and the insurance NHF provides you.
The Latest FDA Treachery
Disguised as revamping outdated labels, the FDA launched its first review in 20 years of labels on nutritional products. Interesting isn't it that this move coincides with the Nutrient Reference Value debate coming to a head at the Codex Committee on Nutrition this November? In the last prong of this intensifying battle, Scott Tips alone discovered and wrote in a recent March 2014 news release that the FDA was actually sneakily using the proposed label changes to dumb down nutritional supplement labels to match the pathetic, impotent levels that Codex is pushing for in a move toward further harmonization. If you think DSHEA protects us in the U.S. against this, you are wrong. In another article, called "The Maginot Mentality Persist," this false assumption is refuted. Where those of us in the U.S. often hide in false security behind the DSHEA-presumed line of defense, that line can be and most likely will be quickly breached and health food stores will most certainly suffer as well as your health. A segment from that same article is below.
"There is a definite connection between these proposed daily values and maximum upper permitted levels, with harmonized global standards paving the way for overall reduced vitamin-and-mineral levels whether in pill form or food form. This is my 15th year of actively following and arguing about dietary-supplement and general-food standards and guidelines at Codex meetings and I have seen the trend. Believe me, the trend is not your friend, not here."
What The National Health Federation Has Done For You Lately
NHF isn't like those other charitable organizations where massive salaries are plundered from donations and waste is hidden from the donor's eyes. The recent Ice-Bucket ALS campaign heads admit only 27% will go to research out of 80 million gained ... NHF runs lean to the bone and is the "poster child" for frugality. You can trust NHF to defend and protect you as well as to allocate your hard-earned cash toward worthy projects that will benefit you and the World. If that isn't the ultimate in insurance, I don't know what is.
There are only a handful of consumer groups accredited by Codex to participate in the meetings, five in fact, and the NHF is the only pro-supplement, health-freedom International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) of those. The other delegates either represent a country or else are members of industry trade groups like the artificial-sweetener group or artificial dyes. These include front groups for corporations such as Monsanto and DuPont at Codex, with others sometimes parading as consumer groups or acting openly as industry INGOs.
In this global mix, you quickly see how you need an advocate speaking for your best interests: health and health-freedom preservation. So, while businesses' bottom lines and World trade can easily aim to dominate the Codex setting, NHF diligently, persistently, aggressively, and determinedly uses our focused power on the global stage of politics to make sure you have clean, safe food when you shop at the market, effective levels of nutrients in supplements, and continued access to supplements, and the ability to use the alternative health care practitioner you want to. However, we cannot and will not do it without your help!
Sign Me Up - I'm Here To Help!
By now, NHF is sure you understand that your health and your livelihood, if you are a supplement vendor, are close to being pinned to the wall in a multi-pronged attempt to destroy your right to health, health freedom, and to own and operate a nutritional supplement business the way you have in the past. What can you do to stop each of these attacks on your and your business?
Join the National Health Federation HERE if you are not already a member. NHF gets no government support – we wouldn't accept it if it were granted anyway.
Consider joining NHF at the corporate level of just $200 a year HERE, which gives you 5 quarterly magazines to share health and health freedom.
Sign up for the Million Dollar Club with a $1000 pledge in addition to your regular membership, payable at once or monthly at $85.
Underwrite the NHF's expenses to defend you at Codex by giving a gift HERE.
NHF desires to go on protecting you as it has for the last nearly 60 years but you MUST enable us to do our job. When you truly begin to grasp the power of NHF at the Global seat of power, not just understand this power to work for you but grasp it, leverage it, and shelter under the umbrella of protection NHF offers, then you will really be working to secure your own future, your health, your business, and the health of thousands who depend upon your success. Go HERE now, please, and move up into the most active role in health and health freedom you've experienced to date. Waiting to act is, unfortunately, harmful to your health.