CENSORED: National Vaccine Information Center

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Originally published on www.thevaccinereaction.org by NVIC

A highly-rated nonprofit vaccine safety charity has been censored by Facebook on behalf of pharmaceutical industry interests in a purge of vaccine safety information.

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) had maintained a Facebook page since 2008.

The organization was started 39-years ago. Co-founder and president is Barbara Loe Fisher. Fisher became a vaccine safety advocate after her two-and-a-half-year-old son suffered a severe neurological reaction to DPT vaccine in 1980. He was left with multiple learning disabilities that required him to remain in a special education classroom throughout his public school education.

Far from a fringe group, as propagandists try to convince the public, Fisher has provided consumers with crucial vaccine safety information for decades and served as an appointed member of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on the National Vaccine Advisory Committee as part of the Vaccine Safety Writing Group, on the agency's Vaccine Policy Analysis Collaborative, on the Blue Ribbon Panel on Vaccine Safety, and Chair of the Subcommittee on Vaccine Adverse Events.

Additionally, Fisher has served as a member of the FDA's Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee. And she has been a member of the National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine Vaccine Safety Forum.

We are not surprised that Mark Zuckerberg views the truthful information that NVIC publishes about vaccine science, policy and law as a threat to perpetuating false narratives about vaccine safety created by the pharmaceutical industry and its business partners. The U.S Congress has encouraged the creation of public-private business partnerships between vaccine manufacturers and federal agencies for the past three decades. In order to be part of those lucrative partnerships, Silicon Valley companies like Facebook are clearly happy to engage in censorship. If NVIC had not done such a good job educating the public about vaccination and health for four decades, our Facebook page would still be up.

Barbara Loe Fisher, NVIC Co-founder

The NVIC issued the following full statement to SharylAttkisson.com:

National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC)

Statement on Facebook's De-Platforming of NVIC

Mar. 8, 2021

A highly rated small charity among U.S. non-profit organizations, the National Vaccine Information Center was founded in 1982 by parents of DPT vaccine injured children to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through public education. After maintaining a Facebook page since 2008, on Mar. 2, 2021, the 39-year old National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) was de-platformed by Facebook, a social media and networking service established in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and other Harvard graduates. After sponsoring the Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination: Protecting Health and Autonomy in the 21st Century online in the fall of 2020NVIC began receiving multiple warnings from Facebook that NVIC's page "violated community standards."

Commenting on the removal of NVIC's page from Facebook, NVIC co-founder and president Barbara Loe Fisher said, "We are not surprised that Mark Zuckerberg views the truthful information that NVIC publishes about vaccine science, policy and law as a threat to perpetuating false narratives about vaccine safety created by the pharmaceutical industry and its business partners. The U.S Congress has encouraged the creation of public-private business partnerships between vaccine manufacturers and federal agencies for the past three decades. In order to be part of those lucrative partnerships, Silicon Valley companies like Facebook are clearly happy to engage in censorship. If NVIC had not done such a good job educating the public about vaccination and health for four decades, our Facebook page would still be up."

She added, "NVIC encourages everyone to leave social media networks eroding civil liberties, which include freedom of thought, speech and conscience, and join those that protect freedom of speech. To stay connected with NVIC, become a registered user of the free online NVIC Advocacy Portal and defend vaccine choices in your state; become a subscriber of our free NVIC Newsletter and free weekly journal digital newspaper, The Vaccine Reactionand interact with our followers on MeWeTelegramGab and Parler.  

NVIC co-founders worked with Congress to secure vaccine safety informing, recording, reporting and research provisions in the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. NVIC is a consumer advocacy organization that defends the ethical principle of informed consent to medical risk taking, including vaccine risk taking, and does not make vaccine use recommendations. NVIC publishes fully referenced information on three websites: NVIC.orgNVICAdvocacy.org  and TheVaccineReaction.org.

In October 2020, NVIC sponsored the pay-for-view Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination: Protecting Health and Autonomy in the 21st Century held online with more than 50 speakers presenting information on vaccine science, policy, law and civil liberties, and now conference presentations are available for free viewing. Following the conference, NVIC was targeted by political operatives and global non-governmental organizations and corporations that are working with governments to silence criticism of vaccine safety and one-size-fits-all mandatory vaccination policies and laws.

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