8 More Reasons I Haven’t Vaccinated My Daughter

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8 More Reasons I Haven't Vaccinated My Daughter

Last week, my first blog on this very sensitive topic called "8 Reasons I Haven't Vaccinated my Daughter" went viral on MindBodyGreen, being shared almost 50,000 times in the first week. There has been such an outpouring of support from all over the world that has been very humbling. Given the imminent direction vaccination policy in going, it seems like a good time to speak up.

The original article I wrote had 15 reasons, but after editing it was turned into eight. Here are eight more that didn't make the cut, that I thought GreenMedInfo readers might like.

1.  I can't trust vaccine studies to be true.

We all love studies, right? Let's start off with one that I believe may be the most important study of all. This gem caught my attention because it examined the "undue industry influence that distorts healthcare research, strategy, expenditure and practice." The conclusion reads, "to serve its interests, the industry masterfully influences evidence-base production, evidence synthesis, understanding of harms issues, cost-effectiveness evaluations, clinical practice guidelines and healthcare professional education and also exerts direct influences on professional decisions and health consumers."

The key word there is masterfully, because it wouldn't be masterful if everyone knew it was going on. The fact that marketing is spun to be made to look like pure science is the true "mastery".

Any one of these factors in isolation might be enough to make anyone doubt whose interests are being served by pro-vaccine research, but all together and working synergistically? Given the scope of this conclusion, it seems unlikely that a doctor or hospital will provide the most objective opinion, given their exposure to the 'direct influences' from pharmaceutical companies that have paid over $11bn in fines in the last three years for criminal wrongdoing.

2.  I believe the benefits of vaccines have been exaggerated.

I already hear you saying, "But James, how can you say that about vaccines? We all know that vaccines have saved millions of lives." Well, when you talk about saving lives, you are talking about reducing mortality. And when we look at the mortality presumably impacted by vaccines, we see a different picture than we have been told is true.  There is no doubt that sanitation, nutrition and socioeconomic factors played a much greater role in reducing mortality from communicable diseases than vaccines.

Graph Courtesy of HealthSentinel.com

Prime example: measles. Mortality reduced 99.5% before the vaccine was introduced in 1963. Notice also, scarlet fever follows the same pattern of decline without the use of a vaccine ever. Even polio deaths were reduced 47% in the USA and 55% in the UK before the first vaccine was introduced, and were falling. How far could we have gone without vaccines? We will never know.

Since my article has come out, Dr. Suzanne Humpries has written a very well thought out piece on this exact topic, you can find it here. I challenge anyone to read that and still be 100% pro-vaccine.

3.  There is evidence of vaccines causing chronic and autoimmune disease

In my previous article, I detailed at least six chronic conditions proven to have come from vaccines. Given the ridiculously short observation periods and underreporting of the numbers, there is likely be a lot more.

This study from Japan spells it out clearly regarding vaccines and autoimmunity. "Systemic autoimmunity appears to be the inevitable consequence of over-stimulating the host's immune 'system' by repeated immunization with antigen, to the levels that surpass system's self-organized criticality."

Please know, I am not saying that vaccines cause all chronic diseases, but we are getting precious few answers as to what is causing them, and the answers that are starting to come are pointing at excessive toxicity or medical interventions, of which vaccines are both (see point #9).  If you really want to be 'one less', in my view, it is better to be one less iatrogenic death (caused by doctors or medicine, the #3 killer in America).

4.  The history of polio has been distorted.

The first thing anyone says when you discuss not giving vaccines is 'do you want her to get polio?' Obviously not, although 'getting' polio and being paralyzed are two completely different things, given that 95% of polio cases are asymptomatic. Furthermore, polio has been consistently reclassified over the last 50 years so that many diseases we called polio at one time are no longer called that. This reclassification is not just an American trait, though.

In India in 2012, they celebrated a whole year going by without a polio death. Great news, hey! But have you heard of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis? A new study revealed that rates of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) have increased 1200% since the oral polio vaccine was introduced a decade ago. Bear in mind NPAFP is "clinically indistinguishable" from wild polio.  Clinically. Indistinguishable. We may have eliminated a virus, but we have not eliminated paralysis, which, after all, should have been the goal of the program.

So, has polio been "eradicated" or reclassified?

Also, you most likely source of getting polio in America in the last 60 years was actually from a polio vaccine. In 1955, in what is now referred to as the 'Cutter Incident', 120,000 people were mistakenly vaccinated with live polio. Whoops!

5. Eradication of the Disease is NOT the same as Eradication of the Microbe

Another common misconception is that vaccines kill off the actual microbes themselves. All of the microbes we vaccinate for still exist in our environment (and in some cases in our guts!), the vaccine program (along with other synergistic medical and social improvements) has got the human race to a point where the majority of them do not cause symptomatic infection. It is easy to make that mistake, granted, because the topic is often confused in the media.

6. Is the germ theory dead?

The germ theory underpins all of our current medical paradigm, including vaccines. I'm not sure the exact date that the germ theory died, but when the most effective treatment for an infection that is incurable with antibiotics is taking pills filled with human feces, you can be sure it is on it's last legs.

Perhaps the recent admission from the director of the CDC that we have "reached the end of the antibiotic era. Period" might make us think twice about building health strategies based on a flawed model.

Antoine Bechamp must be rolling in his grave, because it is looking more and more like he was right when he said "Le terrain est tout, le microbe n'est rien" or "the terrain is everything, the microbe is nothing".

7. I have researched the ingredients in vaccines. They are toxic, even carcinogenic; I do not want them injected into my daughter.

Before I discuss the ingredients themselves, there are four things to appreciate about toxicity and how it affects the body.

First, my baby's blood brain barrier (BBB) is still developing. The BBB protects the brain part of the brain known as the cerebellum, which is largely responsible for balance and gait.

Second, chemicals injected into the arm/leg are then absorbed directly into the blood stream. This has a potentially higher rate of toxicity than if those chemicals were inhaled or deposited into the alimentary canal. Our bodies team up with our microbial friends to create an amazing system for dealing with environmental toxicity, but that counts for nothing if the toxin is injected.

Third, toxicity can be transgenerational. Did you see the abnormalities of the grandkids of Vietnamese sprayed with Agent Orange? If I vaccinate my daughter today, and she seems to be relatively unscathed by the events, could I be giving my great-granddaughter autism or diabetes or autoimmune disease? No one can answer this question assuredly.

Fourth, toxicity between chemicals and metals have a synergistic effect. This means that if more than one toxin is present there is multiplier effect.

So what are the ingredients in vaccines? Unfortunately they are way too many to go over in detail in this post. Here are a few of the worst offenders (and remember the synergy!)

  1. Aluminum adjuvants – Here is a list of 10 studies that show that aluminum is not only a neurotoxin, but also shows links to all manner of chronic diseases.
  2. Mercury preservatives – Here are a group of studies that are troublesome. A few weeks ago the UN signed in international treaty on mercury in the environment.  Why do they still allow mercury to be in vaccines?
  3. Polysorbate 80 – This chemical, in my opinion, is one of the worst because it actually increases the permeability of the BBB, allowing in other vaccine and environmental chemicals. This is what that solvent actually does does exactly that.

8.  I have done my homework and I know that history will eventually repeat itself. I don't want my daughter to be a statistic.

While our parents lived through the issues with tobacco science, most of us who are new parents today are too young to remember all the commotion. As the well worn, but not particularly well heeded, saying goes 'those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.'

tobacco science and vaccine science

The conclusion of the first study I quoted in this piece went on to state, "there is an urgent need for regulation and other action towards redefining the mission of medicine towards a more objective and patient-. population- and society-benefit direction that is free from conflict of interests."

Whatever your views on vaccines, you can surely agree with this last sentence. Regulation is obviously not going to get us there soon enough and so "other action" is required.

Over the last 8 years, I have been developing an understanding of what it would take to develop this new model. My new venture is called Revive Primary Care, we sold out our initial membership and are now looking to scale it across America, the world. If this article speaks to you, I ask you to take action and join us.

[Note: For additional vaccine research use the GreenMedInfo.com Health Guide: Vaccine Research.]

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