Abstract Title:

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) rhizome paste and honey show similar wound healing potential: a preclinical study in rabbits.

Abstract Source:

Int J Low Extrem Wounds. 2005 Dec;4(4):205-13. PMID: 16286372

Abstract Author(s):

Subarna Kundu, Tuhin Kanti Biswas, Partha Das, Saurabh Kumar, Dipak Kumar De


The potential efficacy of fresh turmeric (Curcuma longa) paste to heal wounds was tested in a preclinical study in an animal model. Turmeric paste was compared with honey as a topical medicament against a control on experimentally created full-thickness circular wounds in 18 rabbits (Oryctolagous cuniculus). Wound healing was assessed on the basis of physical, histomorphological, and histochemical parameters on treatment days 0, 3, 7, and 14. Only tensile strength was measured on day 14 of treatment. It was observed that the wound healing was statistically significantly faster (P < .01) in both treatment groups compared to the control group.

Study Type : Animal Study

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