Routine circumcision of the newborn infant is associated with a number of illogical reasons. - GreenMedInfo Summary
Routine circumcision of the newborn infant: a reappraisal.
Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1978 Jan 15;130(2):125-9. PMID: 413435
Prompted by the continuing controversy over routine circumcision of the newborn infant, this review of the limited available literature suggests that the operation may facilitate hygiene of the penis and perhaps decrease the risk of carcinoma of the penis. On the the other hand, the operation frequently features illogical bases for patient selection, neglect of the requirement to obtain informed consent, an inappropriate operator, a needlessly radical technique, disregard for pain, dubious objectives, and unknown cost-effectiveness. Long-term prospective studies are needed to evaluate routine circumcision of the newborn infant. However, until the benefits of the procedure can be proved worth the risk and cost, medical resources should probably be allocated to health measures of demonstrated value.