Abstract Title:

Long term Tai Chi exercise reduced DNA damage and increased lymphocyte apoptosis and proliferation in older adults.

Abstract Source:

Med J Malaysia. 2008 Oct;63(4):319-24. PMID: 19385493

Abstract Author(s):

J A Goon, A H Noor Aini, M Musalmah, M Y Yasmin Anum, W Z Wan Ngah


Effect of Tai Chi exercise on the level of DNA damage using the comet assay, lymphocyte viability and frequency of sister chromatid exchange (SCE) were determined in adults aged above 45. Tai Chi participants of 7 years (n=35), showed higher level of normal DNA and lower level of mild and severely damaged DNA as compared to the sedentary subjects (n=35). The former are suggested to have effective DNA repair mechanism as their frequency of SCE was markedly lower. Higher lymphocyte apoptosis and proliferation found in the Tai Chi participants also indicated that the exercise promotes renewal and regeneration of lymphocytes.

Study Type : Human Study
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Therapeutic Actions : Tai Chi : CK(2304) : AC(198)

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