A high fiber diet improves functional constipation among hospitalized patients. - GreenMedInfo Summary
[Effect of partially hidrolized guar-gum in the treatment of functional constipation among hospitalized patients].
Arq Gastroenterol. 2008 Jan-Mar;45(1):93-5. PMID: 18425236
The effect of hydrolyzed partially guar-gum was evaluated in the treatment of functional constipation among hospitalized patients. Following a randomized blind controlled-trial 64 adults were allocated to two groups: one received daily high-fiber diet (approximately 30 g) and the other similar diet plus 10 g of hydrolyzed partially guar-gum, during 15 days. Dietary fiber reduced functional constipation by 78.0%. Hydrolyzed partially guar-gum did not show any additional effect in defecation frequency, fecal consistence, need of laxative drug use, although a reduction in bowel complaints. Dietary fiber may be used in the treatment of functional constipation. However the therapeutic role of hydrolyzed partially guar-gum should be further investigated.