High-dose vitamin C has a protective effect against oxidative stress on the heart muscle associated with knee replacement surgery. - GreenMedInfo Summary
Effect of high-dose vitamin C on oxygen free radical production and myocardial enzyme after tourniquet ischaemia-reperfusion injury during bilateral total knee replacement.
J Int Med Res. 2010 Jul-Aug;38(4):1519-29. PMID: 20926027
Department of Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
This study investigated the effects of high-dose vitamin C on oxygen free radical production and cardiac enzymes after tourniquet application and ischaemia-reperfusion injury during bilateral total knee replacement (TKR) in elderly patients. In the vitamin C (VC) group (VC group, n = 16), during surgery, patients received a priming bolus of 0.06 g/kg vitamin C with 100 ml saline followed by 0.02 g/kg vitamin C mixed with 30 ml saline, intravenously. The control group (n = 16) received no intra-operative vitamin C. In the VC group, malondialdehyde levels were lower, and arterial oxygen tension and mean blood pressure were higher, than in controls after post-operative deflation of both knee tourniquets. Troponin I levels were lower in the VC group than in controls 8 h post-operation. Administering high-dose vitamin C during bilateral TKR could prevent oxygen free radical production and a decline in arterial oxygen tension and mean blood pressure induced by ischaemia-reperfusion injury, thereby protecting the myocardium.