Abstract Title:

Garlic (Allium sativum) as an anti-Candida agent: a comparison of the efficacy of fresh garlic and freeze-dried extracts.

Abstract Source:

J Appl Microbiol. 2002;93(3):398-405. PMID: 12174037

Abstract Author(s):

K M Lemar, M P Turner, D Lloyd


AIMS: To determine the effects of fresh and freeze-dried extracts of Allium sativum on the physiology and morphology of Candida albicans. METHODS AND RESULTS: Inhibition of growth in glucose-yeast extract-peptone was measured using a multiwell plate reader. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy investigations indicated loss of structural integrity. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of extracts was employed to separate and quantify putative inhibitory sulphur-containing components. CONCLUSIONS: Fresh garlic extract has a greater efficacy than garlic powder extract as indicated both by its effects on morphology and inhibition of growth. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The ubiquitous opportunistic pathogen C. albicans is sensitive to garlic; resistance to the broad spectrum of active principles present is unlikely so that its anticandidal effects may provide an important alternative route to chemotherapy.

Study Type : In Vitro Study

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