Abstract Title:

Flaxseed dietary fibers suppress postprandial lipemia and appetite sensation in young men.

Abstract Source:

Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2013 Feb ;23(2):136-43. Epub 2011 Jul 29. PMID: 21802266

Abstract Author(s):

M Kristensen, F Savorani, S Christensen, S B Engelsen, S Bügel, S Toubro, I Tetens, A Astrup

Article Affiliation:

M Kristensen


BACKGROUND AND AIM: Dietary fibers (DF) are linked to a reduced risk of life-style diseases, which relate to their physiological effects in the gastrointestinal tract. The aim was to examine whether flaxseed DF-enriched meals suppress postprandial lipemia and reduce appetite.

METHODS AND RESULTS: Four different iso-caloric meals were tested in 18 young men in a double-blind randomized crossover design. Test meals were served after an overnight fast. DF content and source were: control (C): 1.4 g/MJ; whole flaxseed (WF): 2.4 g/MJ from whole flaxseeds; low-mucilage dose (LM): 2.4 g/MJ from flaxseed DF; high-mucilage dose (HM): 3.4 g/MJ from flaxseed DF. During the 7 h test day, subjective appetite sensation was assessed using visual analogue scales and appetite-regulating hormones, and lipemia and glycemia were measured, after which ad libitum energy intake was recorded. There was a significant time × meal effect on triacylglycerols (TG) (p = 0.02) and an 18% smaller area under the curve (AUC) for TG after meal HM compared to meal C was observed (p < 0.01). AUC for insulin was smaller after both LM and HM meals compared to C and WF meals. Higher mean ratings of satiety (p < 0.01) and fullness (p = 0.03) was seen following the HM meal compared to meal C. AUC for ghrelin, CCK and GLP-1 and ad libitum energy intake did not differ between meals, but ghrelin response exhibited a different response pattern after the mucilage-containing meals.

CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that flaxseed DF may suppress postprandial lipemia and appetite although subsequent energy intake was not affected.

Study Type : Human Study

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