Abstract Title:

[Circumcision--criticism of the routine].

Abstract Source:

Klin Padiatr. 2001 Mar-Apr;213(2):50-5. PMID: 11305192

Abstract Author(s):

M Stehr, T Schuster, H G Dietz, I Joppich

Article Affiliation:

Kinderchirurgische Klinik im Dr. v. Haunerschen Kinderspital, München. [email protected]


Circumcision is one of the most frequent operative procedures done in males. About 120 circumcisions are performed every 5 minutes over the world [14]. Three different reasons lead to circumcision: 1) Medical reasons in present of a pathologic phimosis. 2) Circumcisions done due to religious, social or cultural rea-reasons. 3) Finally in many countries circumcision is performed as "routine-circumcision" in the newborn period. While in the United States the number of routine-circumcisions decreases (about 60% of all male newborns) South-Korea has a rate near to 100%. Even with no religious or cultural background in Germany circumcision often is performed without scrutinizing medical indication. Circumcision is regarded as an procedure with no complications and no disadvantage for the patient. In general circumcision has no medical benefit neither in decreasing the incidence of urinary tract infections nor of sexual transmitted diseases nor of neoplasias. Medical indication for circumcision is given in present of pathologic phimosis in 4% of all males. Postoperative complications range up to 2% and "circumcision is the amputation of the prepuce from the rest of the penis, resulting in permanent alteration of the anatomy, histology and function of the penis...". There are many reports about having discomfort and disadvantages after circumcision as well to the males as to the sexual partners. This challenge the legality of neonatal involuntary circumcision because legality is based on saving the children's best interests.

Study Type : Human Study
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Anti Therapeutic Actions : Circumcision : CK(73) : AC(10)

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