A chlorophyll containing preparation has significant antibacterial activity in the treatment of acute lung abscesses. - GreenMedInfo Summary
[The efficacy of the natural antibacterial preparation chlorophyllypt in the combined treatment of acute lung abscesses].
Ter Arkh.1989;61(8):113-6. PMID: 2588154
The complexity of the treatment of acute suppurative pulmonary diseases has been aggravated recently by the growth of microbial resistance to antibiotics and enhancement of the allergy incidence among the population. This circumstance restricts the use of antibiotic on a broad scale in clinical practice and makes the researchers go in studies of adequate substitutes. In the given case, use was made of chlorophyllipt. It was given to patients by intravenous drip in the form of a 0.25% solution based on saline twice a day. To increase local deposition of the administered antimicrobial drug in the affected area, interstitial electrophoresis was employed. In the patients' group on chlorophyllipt, the clinico-laboratory and x-ray parameters returned to normal earlier. Chlorophyllipt was noted to produce an immunocorrective action characterized by the normalization of the absolute count and percentage of E-RFC and theophylline-resistant-RFC. This action could not be observed in the patients' group receiving only antibiotics.