Abstract Title:

Effects of polysaccharide derived from black currant on relieving clinical symptoms of Japanese cedar pollinosis: a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.

Abstract Source:

Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2007 Dec;71(12):3019-25. Epub 2007 Dec 7 PMID: 18071252

Abstract Author(s):

Kenji Dejima, Akihiro Ohshima, Takaaki Yanai, Reiko Yamamoto, Ryoji Takata, Toshikazu Yoshikawa


We investigated the efficacy of the polysaccharide derived from black currant, named cassis polysaccharide (CAPS), for inhibiting Japanese cedar pollinosis symptoms and improving quality of life by a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in 2006. A total of 28 subjects were enrolled in the study, and 10 subjects in each group completed the trial. Although there was no significant difference between the CAPS and placebo group in the weekly mean value of any symptom in the daily symptom diary at any time, a smaller degree of final symptom aggravation was found in the CAPS group. Significant aggravation of the score was finally observed in the placebo group with inferior conch swelling and with sneezing, itchy nose, itchy eye and watery eye in the Japan rhino-conjunctivitis quality of life questionnaire assessment, while the changes observed in the CAPS group were not significant. In conclusion, our findings clearly indicate that CAPS would be useful as a food supplement in assisting the treatment of Japanese cedar pollinosis.


Study Type : Human Study

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